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Cheryl slid herself into the seat opposite Toni in the booth with her warm hot chocolate in her hand. She took a long sip whilst looking at Toni, who she knew was waiting expectantly for the rest of the story.

Toni was sat in her seat trying to feel as calm as possible, but underneath she was everything other than calm as one of the biggest stories of her life was being unfolded before her and one thing she couldn't tell Cheryl was that she already knew about the incident, vaguely. Toni may have looked relaxed but even underneath the table her leg was bouncing with nerves, she had to know more.

The bell of the coffee shop made its familiar chime as another person walked through the door and went unnoticed by both Cheryl and Toni as they slid into the booth nearby.

Listening in, they faintly heard Cheryl's mug hit the counter as she continued on with her story...

"So when I got a call from JJ saying he was on his way to get his hard earned cash, it was bittersweet because I knew that the plan had been nothing but successful only now it was time for him to leave like planned. I remember I had gone to sit at the drop off zone that was discussed and there i would see JJ one last time before he set off, whilst on the phone we had made a story as to how he would have disappeared and why. It was unrealistic TT, I remember as a tear rolled down my face I was momentarily wishing that he wasn't going. I sometimes wish I hadn't thought of it, because I still blame myself to this day. Moments after we made the plan, all that could be heard on each end of the phone was our breathing and the faint noise of the car radio he had playing, it was a moment of bliss before the unthinkable happened."

Toni's leg calmed under the table, because she knew what came next. This is the section of the twisted torture of a plan that had played a part in her life. She didn't speak a word though, not wanting to interrupt Cheryl as this was a vital and emotional moment for her.

"I heard thousands of sounds at once, smashing and thudding and horrible screams of pain before a deafening gunshot, and only one. TT I didn't know what to do, I was frozen still on the seat where I had rested and all I could do was stare into the darkness ahead of me. From that moment on I didn't know what had happened to my JJ but I had to still come home and lie like planned, only now I knew that he hadn't gotten away, that he wasn't happy and free and that he was more likely dead."

Toni got up from her side of the booth and quickly slid next to Cheryl as she began to let the tears stream down her face. She felt as though it was not her place to make Cheryl continue with her story and she most certainly did not want to tell her what she knew, there was a time and place for that and it wasn't now. Toni instead decided to reply with,

"Oh baby I'm so sorry, but thank you for opening up and telling me. I forever trust you"

And as they sat there comforting each other at the warm booth, behind lurked another that was planning in a sketchbook. And all was yet to be revealed.

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