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It had been a full 22 hours before Cheryl gave in and finally had to confess to Toni what had happened between her and Reggie, well, what had happened between her family and Reggie.

"So TT, I'm ready to tell you" Cheryl turned to Toni whilst sliding her hands into her furry coat pockets.

The pair had decided to leave the comforts of Cheryl's house this morning after Reggie turning up at the door the day previous, it was probably for the best that they actually leave for once this weekend anyway. After considering going out they had settled on the idea of going to the park, it seemed like the only place they could go without having to deal with other people and having to pay for something to stay.

"If you're sure, then yes I am dying to know what I actually witnessed yesterday" Toni replied with a tone of happiness because she could finally be put out of her confusing misery. She quickly realised that this story may not be a happy one and followed up her reply with,

"Oh sorry, I was just so confused yesterday. I'm here if you need a hug at any point through this." and she gave Cheryl a small smile.

"Well, it all started a few years back..."

Cheryl hadn't always known Reggie, it wasn't until a few years back when Cheryl's brother Jason wanted to leave town with his girlfriend Polly. Obviously, a big part of moving away is money which the Blossom's have never struggled with but the money has always been in the hands of Penelope and Clifford, therefore telling them that you want money to run away isn't really in the question. Cheryl had sworn that she would help her brother get money in any way she could, but she was thinking more along the lines of a bake sale or getting Betty to run her a charity event, not this. Jason had come up with a plan on how he was going to run away, and Cheryl was there with him every step of the way until he brought her over the tracks to the Southside to meet a teenager named Reggie who would assist them in getting all the money they could ever need.

"JJ i don't have a good feeling about this, are you sure this is safe?" Cheryl spoke whilst looking in every direction around her, she had rarely been on this side of town and didn't trust anyone here. Jason turned to Cheryl and gave her a small nod, in all honesty, he didn't seem confident with his answer either, it's not like he visited the Southside regularly. They were at what seemed to be a bar, with a name one cannot repeat, mainly because the sign was covered in spray paint and gang symbols making it impossible to even read.

Jason left Cheryl outside whilst he entered the bar, he wanted to make sure that this situation was somewhat safe before he brought his dearest sister in there, he was always so protective over her. After what felt like hours, Jason burst through the door being held by two large looking men, it seemed as though Cheryl didn't need to go in after all.

"Jason! Hey let go of him" Cheryl jumped up from where she was sat on a nearby bench and ran over.

The two men looked at each other and laughed while letting go of him. Jason then continued to smooth out his jacket and stretch his arms a little. Cheryl just looked at him, highly confused. He looked down at her and smiled, and then informed her of what they had to do. The plan was simple yet complex, they each had a delivery to make and then after that was dealt with the money was all Jason's. Reggie had said that there would be no attachments and he didn't want them to be getting into further trouble so he wouldn't speak their names. He seemed like a good guy.

Jason didn't even consider giving Cheryl the job he had, he had definitely pulled the short straw. Jason would be delivering drugs to a place just outside of Riverdale, more near to Greendale. Once the drugs were delivered and successfully out of the hands of Jason Blossom, he had to drive to another destination to pick up a box that he would be passing on to Cheryl. This box was to contain laundered money, which is apparently more Reggie's style of crime, but they were not to open it and check. That's all Cheryl knew, because her JJ swore not to tell her the details in case something were to go wrong. Cheryl had the easier job of delivering the one and only box, of laundered money, to another building on the Southside and leaving it there for it to be picked up by an anonymous person. As soon as the keys to the vehicles they were borrowing returned to Reggie, the money was theirs and Jason would be one step further into his plan.

When the time came, both Cheryl and Jason successfully took on their parts of the plan, it all seemed to be too easy for Cheryl but nothing ever came of it. Jason had left to go and pick up his money -

"Wait wait wait, when was this? I'm a Southside serpent and I've never seen a job like that be pulled off so easily" Toni turned to Cheryl almost in awe.

"I'll explain in a minute, the story's not finished but it's too cold out here, can we go inside somewhere?" Cheryl shivered and Toni jumped to her feet immediately concerned about the other girl.

They continued on down the street to a coffee shop unaware that they were indeed being followed by another person who was also interested in hearing the next part of Cheryl's enticing story.

to be continued...


i would also like to say that i recently hit over 50k reads and honestly THANK YOU SO MUCH like literally i didn't think i would ever get this many reads like thats awesome what?!

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