Follow Your Heart: Maelynn

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Love lots -AV

"Well, we had music with Unca Avi. And all the kids was saying he wasn't my real unca but I told them yes he was because my daddy sayed so. And then at the end of music Unca Avi picked me up and told me I was the bestest singer he had ever heard. Then after that we went to art and I made a pretty flower out of mac and cheese."
"Out of mac and cheese?"
"She means macaroni noodles. I text Avi and asked because I was concerned as well." Kirstie interjected before returning to her call.
"Yea I meaned macreni noodles."
"You meant macaroni noodles but continue baby."
"Yea, but Mrs. Candice said it had to dry but I could bring it home tomorrow. I can't wait to show you daddy. It's the prettiest flower ever in the history of the world."
Scott could help but giggle at his daughter. Her bright blue eyes shining as her brown curls bounced when she got excited. "I bet it is. Do you have any homework?" She shook her head no.
"Well, do you want to come hang out with me and Auntie Nic and the puppies? We were going to take them to the dog park."
"Ooo. Ooo. Can I go daddy please?"
"Of course. But Kirst..."
Scott was cut off, "don't forget her inhaler and her epipen. I've got both. I've known this kid her whole life Scottie. I've got it."
Scott sat the small toddler on the floor and told her to go get her bag together and potty before they left. He took that moment to grab Kirstie in a nearly back breaking embrace. She hugged back before looking at him with curious eyes.
"What's that for?"
"For being there, being my best friend. Giving up so much of your time to help me raise Mae. I don't tell you or Av or Nic enough but I appreciate you all so much and I love you. And I couldn't do this without you all." Scott's eyes were red and rimmed in water by the time he was through. Kirstie had mascara and eyeliner pooling around her own. They were brought back to reality when they heard little footsteps running from the back of the shop. Scott sniffled and Kirstie turning to wipe her eyes. Mae was scooped up into her father's arms as he placed a sweet kiss on her forehead. She giggled at the way his scruff tickled her skin. He couldn't help but smile at the sound, so reminiscent of another laugh that seemed stuck  forever in his memory.
"Bye baby girl, have a good time with Auntie Kirstie and Auntie Nic. Be good, okay?"
"I will. Love you daddy."
"Love you too Maelynn. I'll see you at home."
Mae was already making her way to the front of the shop when Kirstie turned and asked how many more orders Scott had to fill that evening. He told her he had two more and it would be another three hours before he was home.
"Don't worry about dinner. I'll make sure Mae is feed and pick up extra for you."
"Thanks Kitty. I owe you."
"Love you Scooter."

Scott turned back around and picked up his piping bag, continuing the floral pattern he was working on before. He turned on his music and let himself get lost in the melody and before long he was done. He quickly moved on to the next one, a unicorn birthday cake that seemed to be the most popular right now. He had lost count of how many he had made over the past few months. For now though he could only pray that for her upcoming June birthday, that Maelynn would want something unique. He continued to roll out the fondant and affix the sheet to the round tier, his music still blaring. He ended up finishing thirty minutes ahead of schedule and quickly cleaned  and closed up shop, ready to get home to his daughter.

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