Follow Your Heart: Minnie Mouse Pancakes

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Love lots -AV

Scott woke up bright and early the next morning and went immediately into Mae's room. She shook the tiny girl awake and told her he had a big surprise today. Of course she was out of bed in an instant.

"Brush your teeth. I'm leaving you an outfit on the bed. When you finish getting dressed ask Uncle Avi to do your hair okay?"
"Yes, daddy."
"Okay baby doll. I'm going to cook breakfast. Any special requests?"
"Minnie Mouse pancakes?"
Scott kissed the little girl's head. "Minnie Mouse pancakes coming right up."

As Scott made his way downstairs he spotted Avi in the restroom brushing out his mane. "I hope it's okay that I told Maelynn you would do her hair."
"That's fine. I know all you can manage is a pony tail and I think she might want something a bit more... extra since she's meeting her other dad."
"She doesn't know it's him yet so keep that on the down low."
"I will. So what are y'all doing today?"
"Breakfast here. Then maybe the park or something with Mae."
"Oooo sounds fun."
"I hope it will be. Now I'm going to cook. Make sure she has her clothes on the right way please?"
"I will Scottie. I got this."
"Thank you. I loooooove you."
"Love you too dork."

Scott giggled the rest of the way down the stairs. He looked at his phone and saw that there was a message. There was no contact name but he knew the number by heart.

Unknown: Hey it's Mitch. Let me know what time to come over. And I need the address.

Scott replied that whenever was good for him and sent along a pin drop of the address. Then he got busy making his little girl her favorite breakfast treat. It wasn't even ten minutes later that Mae and Avi made their way down the stairs, the girl's long hair expertly braided into a crown on her head.

"You look just like a princess Maelynn. Did you tell Uncle Avi thank you?"
"Yes daddy."
"You know she did Scottie, she's the most polite kid at daycare."
"Still, anyway, baby, daddy has a surprise for you today."
The little girl began bouncing on her toes, "what, what, what?" She chanted repeatedly.
"Calm down. You'll find out a little later. But for now, do you remember daddy's friend Mitch?"
"The man you made cry?"
Scott sighed heavily, "yea baby, him."
"Yup, I 'member."
"He's coming over for breakfast. So daddy needs you to be on your best behavior. Got it?"
"Got it daddy!"

Scott raised his hand for a high five which the little girl returned immediately while giggling uncontrollably, her laughter infectious, causing her uncle and father to join in. Minutes later the doorbell rang causing Scott to momentarily forget to breath and resulting in him dropping the spatula he was using to flip the pancakes. He uttered a curse word which thankfully only Avi heard before asking his best friend to get the door while he washed his utensil and finished breakfast.

Avi looked through the peephole and was surprised to see not only his former friend but a rather large dark skinned man as well. He opened the door slowly and smiles down at the other brunette.

"Hey Mitchy."
"Avriel! Oh my gosh!" The man rushes forward and hugged the bearded man. "It's so good to see you again."
"It's good to see you as well."
The other man made a show of clearing his throat and raised his eyebrows when Mitch looked back toward him. "Av, this is my manager Kevin. He wanted to meet Scott and insisted on coming along. I hope that's okay."
"Of course, the more the merrier. Plus Scott cooks for an army so there will be plenty for your very handsome friend." He not so subtly eyes the taller man before stepping aside and letting both into the house.

"Scottie, Mitch is here and he brought a friend."
"We're in the kitchen!"

Mitch followed the sound of Scott's voice, Kevin lagging behind. Avi was at the end of the line about to die from the view of Kevin's rear. As soon as they entered the kitchen they found Mae sitting at the breakfast bar with a smile on her face and a plate in front of her.

"Good morning Maelynn, it's good to see you again."
"Good to see you too Mr. Mitt."
"You are just the cutest! This is my friend Kevin."
"Hello Mr. Kebin."
"Hello Maelynn."
"And Kevin this is Scott, Mae's dad."
Scott stuck his hand out and shook Kevin's, "pleasure to meet you."
"You as well. When you get a chance I'd like to speak with you alone please."
"Kevin," Mitch warned.
"It's fine Mitchy. And we can step into the living room now if you'd like. Avi can you finish plating breakfast?"
"I got it."

Avi made his way around the counter and began plating the array of colorful pancakes on several plates, along with bacon, scrambled eggs, and a fruit salad. The man unsurprised that his best friend had went this far out of his way to impress his former lover.

"Those pancakes look amazing!" Mitch exclaimed, looking at the detail.
"Yea, believe it or not this is actually common for him. The pancakes at least, the rest is him trying to make an impression."
"How does he do that?"
"Colored batter and a few years of practice with a piping bag."
"They're amazing. He's amazing."
Avi made eye contact with the other man, "yea, he is. And Mitch, I know what he did possibly wasn't the best decision but he did it for you. He didn't mean anything malicious, he thought he was giving you the best chance at a good life. Please don't break him. Do you know how many nights I've listened to him cry himself to sleep because he wanted you, because he regretted what he did. Just please give him a chance?"
"Of course I'm giving him a chance Avi. I love him, even after everything, I still love him."

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