Follow Your Heart: Don't Regret It

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Scott got home surprised to find Avi on the couch, a bottle of beer in one hand and the remote in the other.
"Av, what are you doing here? I thought you and what's his name were going out again."
"So did I. In fact I waited for him at the restaurant for 45 minutes and he never showed. I tried texting him, I tried calling him, nothing."
"Did he have a good excuse?"
"Well according to his Snap and Insta stories he was on a date... with a girl. Ugh. I give up on love."
"You'll find someone soon Kap." Scott dropped his bag and made his to snuggle against his best friend.
"I doubt it Scottie-boy. Just doesn't seem like love is for me."
"Love is for everyone Avriel."
"What's your excuse then?"
"I've already had my one love. And I fucked it up."
"Hey, you didn't fuck it up. What happened wasn't just your fault you know."
"But I accepted it as my own to handle. I couldn't ruin anyone else's life."
"Mae ruined your life?"
"You know good and damn well that's not what I meant." Scott was pissed.
"But it's what you said. I know you didn't mean it because that little girl means the world to you. And to me too."
"She said Uncle Avi told her she was the bestest singer ever today." Avi grinned and snickered. "I thought you couldn't show favoritism?"
"No one has to know what I do. Mae is the best because she gets private lessons."
"Well the fact that her Uncle is her music teacher at daycare and one of her aunts is on Broadway doesn't help."
"And that he father is so incredibly talented."
"He is, isn't he. Did you hear the new song he released?"
"I was talking about you dumbass."
"I was never as good as he was."
"Why are you always short changing yourself Scott? You know you could have done exactly what he did."
"No, I couldn't. I had Mae."
"That's because you choose to carry that weight by yourself."
"I couldn't ruin his life Avi." Scott was sniffling and tears were streaming down his face. "I don't regret Mae, I never could. But I couldn't stay and be the reason his life fell apart. It took me months to get mine back together after leaving school. I just couldn't do that to him." Scott buried himself into Avi's chest openly sobbing now. The older boy wrapping his friend in his arms and rubbing his back.
"Shush. It's okay. I know why you left Scottie. I understand. It's okay."
"H-he..." Scott cleared his throat, "he messaged me on Instagram today."
"What did he say?" Scott relayed the message he had already memorized. "Did you respond?" The blonde shook his head no. "Why not? It couldn't hurt. He's clearly confused as to what happened."
"I don't want to be a burden."
"You're not a burden Scott. He loved you."
"I love him too."
"Of course still. He is the love of my life."
"Hey, we've still got about 45 minutes until Kit and Nic drop Mae off. Cuddle session and Game of Thrones?"

Avi threw the blankets back and allowed Scott to sink down even further into his embrace. Soon, the blonde's light snores brought a smile to his best friend's face. Avi laid his head back and relaxed as well, waiting for Mae to get home.


"Hey, Nicky, babe, look at this." Kirstie held her phone up so her wife could see the message.
"Are you going to answer him?"
Kirstin frowned deeply. "I don't know. I feel like shit for not responding. Just like I felt like shit when we didn't send him an invite to the wedding. He was one of my best friends and I just cut him out of my life."
"He was my friend too. But you know why we had to do it. We made a decision to help Scott with Mae. And honestly I don't regret that. Just look at her."
Both women looked over at where the little girl was running while their dogs chased her, she was giggling uncontrollably and it was the most adorable thing they had seen.
"I'm not saying I regret it. I love Maelynn like she was my own. But I can't help but wonder what would have been different if Scott would have just told Mitch the truth."
"You know what would have happened. Mitch would have left school too, went wherever Scott was, given up all his dreams. Did you hear his new song?"
"No, I avoided it."
"The video came out yesterday. It said dedicated to SH. I wonder who that could be?" Nicole stated, but her voice let it be know she knew exactly who the melancholic love song was meant for.
"Has Scottie seen it?"
"He hasn't mentioned it."
Soon after they ended their conversation the toddler came running up, jumping into her red headed aunt's arms.
"Aunt Nicky? Can we go eat? I's hungry."
"Of course we can sugar plum. What do you want to eat?"
"Egg rolls!" Maelynn screamed excitedly.
"Chinese it is." Kirstin said as she whistled for the dogs before leashing them and making their way to their favorite takeout place.

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