Follow Your Heart: Overwhelmed

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Love lots -AV

It had been a bit of a challenge getting through security with a three year old. She was fussy and tired and hungry and did not want to cooperate. Then Avi got pulled for a random search, leaving Scott to deal with the carry-ons and the kid for nearly an hour. Mae continuously screaming and whining. Other passengers looked on at the blonde man as he tried to calm his daughter. It was enough to work the man into a tizzy himself. As soon as Avi was cleared he scooped Maelynn up and took her to the nearest McDonald's for pancakes. Scott  took a deep breath wiping the tears that had collected on his eyes before reaching for his phone that had began ringing. He chucked when he saw the screen: FaceTime from Mitchy💜.

"Hey," he said as he put his earphones in and held the phone up so Mitch could see his face.

"Hey princess. Are you crying? What's wrong?" The brunette immediately switched into his overprotective boyfriend mode that Scott adored.

"It's just been a long morning. Mae's being awful today, she's fussy and everyone was staring because I couldn't get her to calm down and Avi got pulled at security. It's just been a mess."

"Baby boy, I'm so sorry. Where is Maelynn now?"

"Avi took her to get food and give me a break. Kind of makes me feel like crap because I couldn't take care of our kid." Scott glanced down away from the screen.

"Good, babe look at me, you're a great father, you've raised Mae by yourself for years. But it's okay to need help. And traveling is stressful anyway I can only imagine it with a toddler. And I'm so sorry I'm not there to help you."

Scott sniffled, "it's okay. At least I get to see you soon."

"That is very true. Tonight, it'll be me and you and Mae and a great dinner. Then we'll tuck her in and you and I can have some alone time." Mitch wiggled his eyebrows and made Scott giggle.

"I can't wait." At that moment the announcement came for first class to begin loading. Scott saw his friend and his daughter to coming back, the little girl seemed much happier. "Mitchy, I have to go. It's time to board."
"Okay princess. I'll see you in a few hours. Love you."

"See you soon. Love you too."

"Thanks for coming with me Av. I have no clue how I would have managed this without your help."

"No problem Scooter. You know I don't mind."
"But you had to take off work and everything."

"Scott, I really don't care, Mitch paid for the tickets. I needed a vacation anyway. Working with so many women, I need some testatorne."

Scott raised his eyebrows, "you're sure to get plenty seeing as how I'm sure Kevin is waiting to see you." Avi rolled his eyes and ignored his best friends comment. "What?! Mitchy and I walked in on you too sucking face, my eyes are still burning and I'm sure she's scarred for life." He said indicating to the sleeping child between them.

"Whatever." Avi grinned but laid back in his seat, hoping to catch a nap before the plane landed in LA.

Scott, however, couldn't even think about sleep. He had barely slept the past few nights, too excited and worried about this trip. When Mitch had first mentioned the trip Scott had been a bit skeptical but he was assured by his boyfriend and his best friends that everything would be fine. Still it was Mae's first time on a plane and he was terrified of traveling with a toddler. Thankfully, Mitch had sent them first class tickets even if Avi and Scott both insisted that economy would be fine. The extra room and quietness in the cabin had helped when Mae got cranky and needed a nap.

Scott smiled and looked down at his daughter, fixing her small blanket and picking up her teddy bear from the floor and placing it back in her arms. The adorable little girl had her thumb stick in her mouth and her small eyelids flicked as she dreamed, hopefully about something pleasant. He turned his eyes back to the window and watched the clouds as they floated by. Soon he pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of both Mae and Avi as they napped. Then he looked at the last message on his phone.

Mitchy💜: Text me when you land, Kevin will have someone pick you guys up and take you to mine. I'll be at the studio but I can't wait to see you both tonight. Kiss Mae for me. Love you princess.

A grin involuntarily made its way to Scott's mouth as he thought about the fact that Mitch had returned to his life. The past few months with the love of his life had been amazing. Mitch had traveled to New York several times and with FaceTime and Skype they video chatted everyday, and there was rarely a moment when they weren't texting each other.

Scott had read several headlines in the tabloid magazines, all to the effect that Mitch Grassi, pop music's newest golden voice, in a relationship with secret, mystery boy. Mitch had insisted that they keep their relationship on the down low for now. Not because he was embarrassed or ashamed but because he didn't want the paparazzi hounding Scott or worse Maelynn. For now it was okay that Scott was the secret that world wanted to know about, as long as Mitch loved him, he could deal with it.

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