Follow Your Heart: Love in the Time of Stardom

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Avi had woken up about halfway through the flight, Mae followed about an hour later saying she needed to potty. Scott took her to the restroom while Avi ordered some snacks for everyone. He even insisted on a glass of wine for both himself and Scott, knowing neither would be driving and one glass wouldn't hurt. Scott was appreciative of the alcohol and it helped calm his remaining nerves about soon being in LA.

Deplaning went a lot smoother than boarding had. They were quickly out of the terminal and headed toward baggage claim where Avi was quick to grab all three suitcases.

"Damn, Scott, what the hell is in here?"
Scott laughed, "I had to have options."
"So you brought your entire wardrobe."
"NO! And don't worry about it Kaplan." He said as he grabbed the handle and began rolling toward the exit where Kevin has said the driver was supposed to be. Maelynn firmly grasped his other hand while her uncle got both his own and her suitcase and followed.

At the exit the adults scanned the crowd looking for an indication that their ride was here. It was then that Scott spotted the signs, three of them, one for each: Welcome Princess, Welcome Maelynn (a gorgeous mermaid scene drawn on the bottom), and Welcome Kap. The three made their way over to the people holding the sign. As soon as Scott realized who held his he dropped his suitcase and picked Mae up to take off running. He knew that man even if he was wearing a disguise.

"I thought you were at the studio," he cried as he clung to Mitch, squishing Maelynn between them.
"I was but there was no way I was missing you for a single second longer than possible. I spent some extra time in the studio so I had the afternoon and a few days off and I plan on spending it with both my princesses." He grabs Mae from his boyfriend as they pull away, kissing her face over and over and causing her to giggle.
"Papa staaaap." She squealed excitedly.
"Never, you are mine little one. All mine." Mitch said as he continued to attack the girl with kisses and tickles. Scott watched on smiling at how the two interacted. It was in that moment he knew he could have it all. The perfect boyfriend, the perfect daughter, a perfect life with both by his side. It was amazing how easily Mitch fell into fatherhood.

Mitch pulled away after a moment to see Scott staring as he grinned. When he questioned it, the blonde just shook his head before going in for another hug. Mitch laughed and held on for a moment before setting the toddler back on her feet and grabbing Scott's suitcase. He turned to see Avi and Kevin who it seemed like had still not come up for air.

"Boys, if you could stop sucking face, we need to get going before someone recognizes us."

The two pulled away dejectedly, Kevin grabbing both suitcases in one hand so he could take Avi's in the other. However, Mae's was quickly taken by the other man that had been holding the mermaid sign. Kevin took a moment to introduce him as "Luke, my assistant" to everyone. The man also grabbed the suitcase from Mitch allowing the man to hold onto both his daughter and his boyfriend as they made their way outside to a set of large black Range Rovers. Mitch husselled Scott into one, handing Mae in to be buckled up in the seemingly brand new car seat before he climbed in himself. Avi, Kevin, and Luke took the other car.


Once they arrived at Mitch's mansion, nestled in the Hollywood hills, everyone was quick to jump out the car. Scott could hardly believe his eyes. The house was huge.

"This is your house?!?"
Mitch smiled and nodded, "it's one of them."
"You have more?"
"Well, there's one back in Texas and I just bought a little lodge up in Aspen. I was actually hoping that we could maybe take Mae there for Christmas."
"Could we go skiing?"
"Of course baby. Anything you want."
"Oooo. That means I get to go shopping. Maelynn you hear that, we get to buy new clothes pretty girl!"
"I love shopping daddy!" The little girl squealed.
Mitch couldn't help but roll his eyes, of course Scott had taught their daughter to love clothes like he did. However, he was nothing but ecstatic that he got to shower his babies with gifts. They all made their way into the house. Avi had elected to stay with Kevin which shocked no one. So it was just the small family of three and a few of Mitch's staff in the the large house.

"Okay so let me give you the grand tour. This is the foyer obviously, over here we have the front living area, continuing on, the library."
"Holy crap look at all these book?!" Scott exclaimed.
"Yea, I have my favorites on a shelf over there," Mitch pointed to a rather large case behind the heavy oak desk. Scott ran over to glance through the titles, pulling out a very worn copy of "Love in the Time of Cholera." He pulls it from the shelf and runs his hand over the faded cover before opening the aged book.

"Tell him yes. Even if you are dying of fear, even if you are sorry later, because whatever you do, you will be sorry all the rest of your life if you say no."

Scott read the word he remembers writing so long ago, "I gave you this the night of our first date."
"Yes, you did and I've read it so many times since then. I'm surprised it hasn't fallen apart. "Amputees suffer pains, cramps, itches in the leg that is no longer there. That is how she felt without him, feeling his presence where he no longer was."
Scott lost it at that point, "i'm s-oo so-sorry." He cried as the tears began to roll down his face.
Mitch was quick to send Maelynn into the kitchen to grab herself a juice from the fridge, he knew that Micha, his personal chef would be there to help the little girl. He then crossed the room and took Scott into his arms, cradling the boy as he shushed him and rocked back and forth.
"I'm so-sorry." Scott continued to wail.
"Princess, I need you to stop crying, it's okay. You're here, I'm here. If you don't stop you're going to work yourself into a panic attack baby boy. Just breathe for me okay, just breathe."

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