Follow Your Heart: Mermaid Bandaids

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A/n: I love this part! Also, are y'all tired of this story? Or do y'all want more resolution?

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Love lots -AV
Mitch and Scott spent the weekend with Mae, visiting the park, the aquarium, the mall. Mitch buying the little girl whatever she asked for and Scott insisting he stop spoiling her so much. However, the laughter in his voice told Mitch he wasn't entirely serious. Currently they were at Chuck E. Cheese, Mae playing nearby their table, well within their sightline. Mitch reached over and grasped the blonde's hand squeezing it to gain his attention. Scott grinned.

"You know this weekend has been incredible Scottie." The blonde blushed and nodded shyly. "But I have to go back to LA. I've put it off as long as I can and Kevin is right. I can only push the label so far before they drop me."
Scott's smile dropped, "so you're leaving."
"I have to. At least for a little while. But I want to be in Maelynn's life... and," he took a deep breath and smiled a true Mitch Grassi, teeth-showing smile. "And I want us again. If that's something you want."
"You mean..."
"Scott Richard Hoying, my princess, will you be my boyfriend and make me the happiest man in the world?"

Scott nodded as his eyes filled with tears. Mitch got up from his sit across from the blonde and slid into the booth beside him. He took the man's face in his hands and crashed their lips together. Before things could get heated a small scream pulled them apart. Scott's eyes widened but Mitch patted his thigh and said he would get their little girl. He returned with the little girl in his arms, he head on his shoulder as she continued to sniffle.

"She fell and scraped her knee on the carpet. It's bleeding a little bit." Mitch told Scott as he sat the small toddler on the table in front of her father.

"Ohh, it's okay sweet girl." Scott wiped the tears of her cheeks, Mitch watching on in awe. "Daddy has a bandaid in his bag just give me one second baby. Daddy will make it all better." He then directed his attention to Mitch, "would you mind grabbing me a damp tissue from the restroom?"
"Of course." Mitch scuttled off to complete his task as Scott pulled his purse out. He riffled through it until he found the small first aid kit he always carried nowadays.

Mitch was back in less than two minutes handing the napkin off to his new boyfriend as he slide into the seat again. Scott dabbed the wound that was still trickling blood. Once the the small red trail was gone he ripped open the alcohol wipe so he could disinfect the cuts.

"Okay baby girl this is going sting. Daddy's sorry but it's going to make all the ickies go away."
"Okay daddy. Mr. Mitt will you hold my hand please?"
Mitch's eyes widened and he nodded, offering his hands to the little girl. "Of course sweet pea, squeeze as hard as you need okay?" Maelynn nodded and screwed her eyes shut against the pain of her her daddy wiping the scrap.
"Good job baby. Now daddy has a pretty bandaid, do you want Paw Patrol or mermaids?"
"Can I has the mermaid please? They're glittery."
"Good choice. A girl after my own heart." Scott gently placed the bandaid over the cut, kissing it afterward. Maelynn smiled before turning and raising her injured knee to Mitch. The brunette looked over at Scott who chuckled before responding. "You have to kiss the boo boo too."
"Oh, okay!" Mitch placed a gentle kiss on the sparkly plastic before sitting back up straight. Scott watched on as the two interacted. He had been contemplating this since Mitch expressed interest in their lives and this one simple moment, his boyfriend kissing their daughter's knee, solidified his decision. He knew Mitch wouldn't leave and never return, he was here to stay. He would have been there the whole time if Scott had told him about the pregnancy. But now the blonde had a chance to make things better, maybe not right, but definitely better.

He looked at Mitch who seemed incredibly happy in this moment, Maelynn's little hand still clinging to his. The brunette smiled at Scott, thankful to experience this simple moment.

"Hey Mae," Scott said getting his girl's attention, "do you remember when daddy told you about your other father? The one who helped put you in my tummy?"
"Yup, you sayed he was out making the whole, wide world happy and that eben if he didn't knowed me, he loved me vewy, vewy much."
"That's exactly right baby girl. Now what would you say if you could meet your other dad? Would you like that?"
The little girl's smile lit up and both men were almost in tears at her reaction.
"Mr. Mitch is you other father baby girl. He put you in my stomach. Then daddy made a stupid decision but that didn't stop him from loving you."
"Mr. Mitt is my other daddy?"
"I am sweetheart. And you don't have to call me Mr. Mitch."
"What do I call you then?" She was very confused.
Mitch shared a look with Scott before the blonde replied, "he's your papa."
"This means I can tell that meanie butt Tara a school that I has a daddy and papa and that makes me better than her and not a weirdo!"
The two men laughed and she leaned forward and put a tiny arm around each of them.

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