Follow Your Heart: Cancel

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So this supposed to be one shot has taken on a life of its own.

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Love lots -AV

Mitch tried to choose a restaurant that wasn't upscale but offered a fair amount of privacy. Thankfully, most any owner/manager could be bought for the right price. The pair ended up at a place in uptown seated in the back corner away from the prying eyes of the dinner crowd.

Scott could hardly believe it. He was sitting with the man he fell in love with years ago. The man he was sure would never want to see him again after he discovered the truth about his departure. But somehow here he was.

The two men sat quietly, sipping their waters, until after their menus had been taken. Finally Mitch spoke up. He had so many questions bouncing in his head, he didn't know where to start so he just said the first one that came up.

"What was it like? Being pregnant with Maelynn?"
Scott chuckled and grinned. "Honestly, as sick as I was most of the time, I loved it. Feeling her growing inside me was something incredible." He paused for a second before losing his smile. "I'm sorry I took that away from you. I'm sorry I took her away from you."
Mitch shook his head and reached across the table taking Scott's hand in his own. "It's okay Scottie. I don't like that I wasn't with you for all of that but I understand why you left."
"I used to play her the recording of you singing to me. Even when she was in my tummy it would calm her down. I remember when she was just a few months old, she was sick, like really sick. It scared me because she wouldn't sleep. All she would do was cry and then I would cry and Avi would just look at me with pity because there was nothing either of us could do.Then I played you singing and her cries turned to hiccups almost immediately and she was asleep before one song was over."
"Has she ever asked about me?"
Scott nodded, "Avi called me one day and told me I needed to come get her from day care. She was crying and he couldn't figure out why. It turns out some of the older kids were picking on her because she only had one daddy and no mommy. She asked where her mother was that day and I explained to her that I loved a man who helped put her inside me. I told her carried her in my tummy and gave birth to her. Then she asked about the man I loved and I told her that he was her other dad. She of course wanted to know where you were and I told her you were making the world a better place and that even if you didn't know her, you loved her."
"I do, love her you know."
"I'm glad."
"Tell me more about her and you. How the hell did you end up owning a bakery in Brooklyn?"
"That's actually a bit of a funny story. I came to New York because Kirst was already here, Avi came with me. I lived with Av for those first few weeks rent free but I knew I had to find a job that I could use to support me and the baby. I happened to pass by the shop one day while on my way home from a doctor's appointment. I went in and inquired about the position and this sweet old lady offered me the job on the spot."
"That was convenient ."
"It really was. She said she just saw that I needed a little help. She was the kindest, most generous woman ever. She would make sure to put a little extra on my paycheck even if I hadn't worked for it. I remember I was forced to stay home one week, the whole week because I caught some sort of bug and the doctor was worried about Mae so he put me on bedrest until I was better. The Friday, Ms. May stopped by the apartment and dropped off my check. I hadn't even worked and she paid me."
"Ms. May? Is there a connect to Maelynn's name?"
Scott giggle and nodded again. "I went into labor three weeks early while at work. I had been having cramps all day and Ms. May had tried to get me to go home but we had a wedding cake due so I just tried to ignore it. I was piping on scrolls when i felt something pop and gush. My water had broken. Of course I freaked out. But Ms. May kept her cool. She called 9-1-1 and got me laying down and settled until they got them. She rode with me in the ambulance, she called Avi and Kirstin. She stayed with me the whole time. She held my hand when the doctor told her they were going to have to do an emergency cesarean because of the way the baby was turned."
"A c-section? You didn't have her natural?"
"I wanted to but she was twisted funky and they couldn't get her to turn. Avi went in with me. He cut the cord. I hope you don't mind but he's her godfather and Kit is her godmother."
"I don't mind that at all. But back to this Ms. May lady."
"She just helped me so much. She never had kids so when she called me her son that day on the ambulance I felt the need to do something to honor her. So I named our daughter Maelynn Cornelia Grassi-Hoying."
"Your name is on the birth certificate. I only use Hoying with her now though just because I didn't want people hounding you."
"Can we change that? Can you start calling her Maelynn Grassi-Hoying?"
"I would like that."
"When can I meet Mrs. May? I want to thank the woman who took care of you both."
Scott looked down and when he glanced back up at Mitch again his eyes were clouded over with tears. "She... she passed away when Mae was just a few months old. She left everything to us, me and Mae. Her house, her insurance, her savings, that's how I ended up with the bakery. She even had Mae a college savings account started without my knowledge."
"Are you serious?"
Scott nodded, "we live in her house now. Me, Mae, and Avi."
"That's incredible."
"She was an incredible lady. I hope Maelynn grows up to be just as kind as she was."
"With you as her father, I'm sure she will."

Scott didn't have time to respond because Mitch's phone began to buzz in his pocket. He glanced at the screen, seeing it was his manager, he excused himself to answer. Scott just nodded for him to continue his business.

"Mitch, thank god. I've been texting you all afternoon. I was about to send the police out to track your phone."
The brunette laughed, "sorry Kevo. I was just catching up with Scottie."
"So you found him?"
"I did. And I'm gonna need you to cancel my flight out tomorrow."
"But you have press in LA next week."
"Reschedule it then and I'll let you know later if I'm going."
"If... Mitch this isn't an 'if' situation. This is a get your ass on the plane before the label goes crazy and drops you."
"They won't drop me. I'm the biggest pop star in the world right now. They'd be stupid to do that."
"Doesn't mean they won't. Where are you, I'm coming to get you."
"No! I'm busy Kevin. Just chill out, we'll talk about it later tonight at the hotel. I'll be there before 11 I promise."
"You better or I'm sending the cops."
"Goodbye Kevin."
"Mitchell, do y-"

Mitch hung up before the man could fuss even more. Scott eyed his nervously as he sat his phone next to him in the seat.

"Is everything okay?"
"Just my manager trying to control my life."
"You cancelled your flight?" Mitch nodded. "Why?"
"I need to be her with my two princesses right now."
"No buts Scottie." Mitch reached and grabbed the blonde's hand, kissing the palm just like he used to. "I want to be here. With you. With our daughter. Everything else can wait."
Scott nodded, tears flooding his eyes and making their way down his cheeks, dripping off his nose, and making little drops on his shirt.

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