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The problem with not talking to anyone in four and a half months is that people get irritated. Percy hasn't tried to talk to me after I punched him in the face, I kind of feel bad for doing that, but he just wouldn't shut up. Frank has called me a "lost cause" about a million times in the past three days. He's right though. Hazel, Piper, Annabeth, and Jason won't leave me alone though. Like right now, I'm trying to pretend to eat my lunch alone, but they all came over to my table and sat down across from me.

"Hey Nico." Hazel said. I didn't say anything. "Nico we really need to get you into the Christmas spirit. Christmas is only 19 days away." She sounded excited about it, but I wasn't. I just looked at my plate.

"Say something, please?' Piper begged, she was trying to use charmspeak on me, but it wouldn't work. It never does. Hazel sighed.

"What do you want for Christmas Nico?" Hazel asked. I still didn't reply. She bugged me for about ten minutes, telling me that I need to talk at one point. Eventually I got very annoyed.

"You want me to talk?! Fine I'll talk. I want you all to just shut the fuck up and leave me alone. Just let me do what I want to do, stop trying to get me to talk, and stop worrying about me so much! Has it ever crossed your minds that maybe I don't want to talk to anyone? If I wanted to talk I would have said something. There is no point in me talking because I know that none of you will listen to what I have to say. None of you will care about me going on about how much everything hurts, you just won't care. The only person that cared enough to actually listen was him, but he's gone. You want me to talk again and "get into the Christmas spirit" then get him back. Until you get him back don't expect me to talk, just let me live the rest of my life without having to say another damn word. I know none of you will be able to get him back, I've tried to already, so just stop trying to get me to say anything! Just stop. Saying this right now fucking hurts! If I don't say anything, don't feel anything, and don't do anything, the pain goes away. Please just let me live without pain for once." Everyone looked at me with wide eyes. I got up and walked away.

I didn't look at where I was walking, I just walked. When I finally stopped I realized that I walked myself to Bunker 9. No one has gone in there since he died. I didn't go in, I just stood there. Memories came rushing through my mind. I felt tears running down my cheeks.

"That was a pretty intense little speech Nico." I quickly turned around to see Jason standing behind me.

"Everything just hurts Jason. It's like when he died, all the pain inside me just multiplied by a thousand. Everything that I do reminds me of him, and even when I'm not doing anything I'm still reminded of him. I miss him. I miss having his arms around me, I miss feeling his warm skin against my cool skin. It feels like everything was taken away from me when he died. It wasn't fair. And no one knew that he was going to kill himself, not even me." I don't know why I said anything, but I did.

"A-Actually H-Hazel knew that he was having suicidal thoughts." Jason muttered.

"What! H-How?" I yelled.

"He had been talking to her a few days before he um you know, died, and he had said that you weren't going to be happy when he left. He also said that when he was gone, no one would beat him up and say bad things about him ever again. N-Nico Hazel didn't know what to do. She knew that he was thinking about killing himself, but she didn't know that he was actually going to do it." I took a few deep breaths.

"I want him back. If she would have said something then he wouldn't be dead! I want him back!" I screamed. I tried to run back to my cabin, but Jason grabbed me and picked me up. I screamed, kicked, and punched his back. I just wanted him to let me go. He carried me out of the woods.

He could still be alive if she would have said something. All she had to do was say "Nico your boyfriend is having some thoughts about killing himself. You should do something about it." She didn't though, and now he is dead.

Jason put me down, but he held my arms tightly behind my back. Everyone was still having lunch. Hazel and the others were still sitting at my table. Jason let me sit back down, but I didn't sit for any longer than a minute before I stood up and pointed a finger at Hazel.

"It is all your fault. You could have said something! If Bianca were still here she would have told me right away that my boyfriend was having suicidal thoughts, but you kept that information to yourself. You are the worst half sister ever!" I yelled, then I stormed off to my cabin with tears in my eyes.

It was an old promise, he is dead now, he isn't here to care about me anymore.


A/N Hello! I promise that things won't be so, sad, in a little while! Thank you all for the votes and comments, but most importantly thank you for reading! Happy chapters should be coming soon I promise (and by soon I mean maybe around chapters 8,9, and 10 haha.) Bye!!

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