Maybe The World Won't Fall Apart

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Leo's POV

Its only been a day, and I already feel like the world is gone. I stayed in cabin one with Jason last night, he wanted to make sure I didn't "do anything stupid." He forced me to go to breakfast, which really sucks because I can see Nico looking at me right now, his expression is so pained, it's slowly killing me.

Jason told me to sit at his table so that I didn't have to deal with people, so I sat down and he went and got me some food. I looked over at Nico, and he looked at me. He looked so tired and sad. I caused this. I thought to myself as I continued looking at him. Percy walked over to Nico and started saying something, Nico looked at Percy and said something in response, he looked angry. Percy shook his head and started to say something, but Nico cut him off. After Nico stopped talking Percy started to say something else, and then Nico started yelling.

"Would you leave me alone!" Nico stood up and shoved Percy.

"Nico calm-"

"No I am not going to calm down Jackson!" Nico yelled. Percy was about to say something, but Nico punched him in the face. He then continued to punch him, and people gasped and screamed. "It's your fault that the only happy thing in my life is gone! It's your fault that any of this shit happened! He left me and it's all because you are an idiot! Who do you think you are telling me you love me now! I loved you for four years, you had your chance and you know that! So stop ruining my life! I don't want you I want Leo! I just want Leo." Nico stopped punching Percy and sat down on the ground and hugged his knees to his chest. He kept mumbling things and then he started to cry. Everyone sat and stared at Nico.

I stood up and walked over to him. I kneeled down in front of him.

"Just say that you want me back." I whispered, putting my hand on his knee. He looked up at me.

"Leo, I am so sorry. Everything I said to you yesterday was just-just terrible, and I-I didn't mean it. You aren't fucked up and you aren't too broken. And I don't love Percy, I love you. I don't want a 'perfect boyfriend' I want you. We can be broken fuck ups together. Please Leo, I really want you back." He whispered the last part, and I smiled. I hugged him tightly and heard a few "awwes" from some people.

"That's all you needed to say Ghost King." I whispered in his ear.

Maybe the world won't fall apart, at least not today. 


A/N Do you think I would be cruel enough to do what I did and not fix it? I'm going to play with my kitten and have some food, bye peanuts!

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