Dancing with Danger: a Jay McGuiness+ TW Fanfiction

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I pace around the room in, weaving in between the 13 girls who are going through a complicated bit of a ballet routine, counting out as I go to keep them in time. I pause by Alys in the back to straighten her back. She flushes and stumbles afterwards, knocking into Sarah next to her.

I call for everyone to stop and one of the girls in the front runs over to stop the music. Alys helps Sarah up and I shake my head at her. "Alys, what happened?"

She mumbled, "I don't know."

I sigh and shake my head, crossing my arms across my chest in disappointment. "You lost focus because you got embarrassed I corrected your posture. Didn't you see me do the same to Luca not 2 minutes before? What happens if you stumble out on stage? You'll mess up the performance because you'll let your embarrassment get to you."

She clenches her teeth and nods reluctantly, "I'm sorry. I'll try harder, Shaun."

I sigh, knowing that that was a lie. I turn back to the rest of my class, which is still weird for me to call them that, as they were only 3 or 4 years younger than my 19. "I think we're out of time anyway. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

I wait until all of them are out of the room, either headed home or off to their next class. Then I rush over to my class where I'm actually the student. The dance conservatory where I was studying had a work-study program that I was very lucky to have gotten into. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to go to school at all. I had to teach classes at their attached after school program and I got to take my classes almost free.

Most girls came here to polish up their skills until they got hired to be on a tour with someone or cast in some play or show. They all came to us for their new dancers. Speaking of which, someone was supposed to be coming to the class I was currently late for to cast for a music video. I could really use the money, so thank god I was already in my rehearsal clothes. (Link!)

My teacher, Gretchen, is just about to start my class of 5 on our routine. She raises her brow and nods toward the couple of guys in the corner. She knows I need the money. I slip into my spot next in the front, glad that Gretchen chose a hip-hop/ jazz routine that I know almost by heart.

As I dance, I steal glances at the men, one is short, a little pudgy, and what hair he has is grey. He is in a pair of nice slacks and polo, and I would guess that he was 50 or so. The other guy is much taller, and has a beanie pulled over his hair, which is light brown and curly based on the bits curling out under. He's really tall and kinda cute in his jeans and buttoned up green shirt. I figure he is part of the band that this video will be for, honestly I never have time to learn much about the music I hear in the car.

We finish the dance and both the men lean into each other and start whispering to each other. I go over to the girls in my class, all of us part of the work study program.

I like these girls better than the other people in the school, as we all have a similar background and realize just how lucky we are to be where we are.

First, there's Carmen. She's short, we'll we're all above 5'7", but she's shorter than the rest of us. She's half Portuguese, and you can tell it in her tan skin and black hair that she keeps in a pixie cut. She's loud, but the absolute sweetest girl unless it's a competition, then she's cut throat.

Then, there's Hanna, who was in the child care system for 12 years, and still bears the scars. Literally. Her pale skin is mottled by scars and her baby blue eyes hide horrors. She's quiet, but strong, and fiercely protective of her friends. She once punched some guy in the jaw for not leaving Marissa alone.

Speaking of Marissa, she's my closest friend, and I lovingly call her the baby, because she is like a child. She's sweet and innocent. And with her soft blond curls and wide green eyes, she always looks sweet and innocent. Until you first hear her making a dirty joke.

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