Chapter 3

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"Shaun! Shaun, wait up!"

Farrah and I had been headed to a changing room after the last rehearsal before the video shoot, which was going to be in Northern France, when Jay called out after me.

I pause and wait for him, Farrah rushing upwards to catch up with Carmen. A little over a week had passed since he and Nathan had come to the studio, and we had been texting constantly, though we hadn't had the chance to hang out. He had sat in on one of my lessons though. "What's up bird?"

He grins at my usage of his nickname and asks as he slows down near me. "Go out to dinner with me tonight."

Umm, what now? I wanted to ask if this was like a date, but I wasn't sure. I still hadn't found another job yet, but Clara was at a sleepover tonight, and my mum should be able to behave for one night. Plus, I was really starting to like Jay, which was weird. I had never really liked someone before, mainly because I never had the time to spend around someone. It was stupid of me to go for someone like Jay, all famous and stuff, but I couldn't resist. Jay started bouncing as I thought all this and realized that he was still waiting for an answer. "I'd love to."

He grins widely. "Excellent! What time?"

Oh um. Yeah, you have to decide that stuff. Wait, would he want to pick me up? My apartment is in a non-great neighborhood. It's 5 now, I could probably get Marissa to let me go to her apartment and borrow clothes. "How about 7?"

Jay nods and bits his lip, why is that so hot? We kinda stand in hallway awkwardly smiling at each other, god why are we so awkward? And then I say, "Well, I'll go get ready. See you soon?" 

He jumps slightly and then nods, and kisses my cheek when he pulls me in for a hug. I blush and wave goodbye before literally running down the hallway to the changing room.

"Rissa, Rissa, Rissa!" I yell when I get in, and she pops her head out from around a corner. "What what what?"

I grab her arm and hiss, slightly panicky, "I'm going to dinner with Jay and I need to borrow your place and some clothes!"

Her jaw drops and she starts jumping up and down squealing. "Oh my god oh my god!" Carmen, Hanna, and Farrah all run around the corner, "What's going on!"

Marissa looks at me and I nod, figuring they should know anyway. "Shaun's going on a date with Jay!"

They all start squealing too and I blush all over my body. Carmen suddenly says, "That's it. We're gonna make her over, my place."

I freeze and my "What!" goes ignored. Farrah cries out, "I'm doing her hair!" While Hanna says, "I wanna do make up!" Carmen and Marissa look at each other and say, "partners!"

Then I'm being dragged outside and we all pile into Hanna's car and we're down the street. I finally have a chance to make them all stop talking. "Guys! I'm not even sure it's a date, stop freaking out!"

They all turn to me, then Farrah yells at Hanna, "Eyes on the road!" We swerve slightly and for a moment I'm convinced I'm going to die. Farrah turns back and says, "What do you mean you don't know if it's a date!"

I make sure to look all of them except Hanna in the eye, and her's I get in the rear view mirror, before I say, "He asked me to dinner, he never called it a date or anything."

The stank looks I get are a nit frightening. "What!" I find myself yelling again. Carmen slaps my arm, "You dummy. It's a date!"

Marissa adds on, "Yeah, Nath has said that he likes you!"

Well when was she gonna say that! Speaking of which! "And What's going on between you two!"

She turns red and mutters "Nothing. Shut up." It gets quiet in the car and then Hanna slaps the power button on the radio and music fills the car.

Dancing with Danger: a Jay McGuiness+ TW FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now