Chapter 4

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The day before the video shoot:

I brush a kiss across Clara's head, and her eyes open up halfway, "When will you be back Shaun?" I whisper softly trying to make sure she doesn't wake up too much. "It'll probably take a couple days, but I'm just a couple hours away. Kay?" She sleepily nods and is asleep again before I can leave the room.

My mum stands in the living room watching me as I grab my bags and phone. "Don't do anything stupid. She needs you." I sigh and nod, "I know Mum. I haven't done anything stupid for almost two years. Trust me a little."

She sighs and smiles. "I was always worried about you pursuing this, but maybe your lucks about to change. Have fun." I nod and wave heading downstairs to the cab that was waiting.

I knew the airport would be crowded, we were flying out on the same plane as the boys, though they got first class, and we got business. But I didn't expect the crowd to be this huge. I wandered through the crowds, trying to find my terminal. I had never flown before, so the loud talking groups weren't helping my early morning head aches.

I see Siva in one crowd, and I hear Max in another. I laugh quietly to myself. I could never do that, be so friendly to complete strangers when I was tired, groggy, and there was very little out look for sleep on the horizon.

Our agenda for the shoot started when we landed today. We girls had to get our outfits picked out, we had to meet with the choreographer one last time, and then we had to do some small scene shoots with the boys before the sun set. Then, tonight, it all began.

I swing my carry on bag higher on my shoulder, and readjust the purple beanie hiding the serious case of bed head I was rocking when I caught a glimpse of Jay's curls. We hadn't had much of a chance to see each other, apart from the last rehearsal, and we could barely talk then. I smirked to myself as I sent out a message.

To: Jaybird 

I see you. ;)

Finally I see Farrah chilling in the seats with Carmen dozing on one shoulder, Hanna on the other. Marissa was reading a book, and fully plugged into her music. She was not one for early mornings. I mosey my way over and plop down next to her, earning me a slight glare, which I ignored. "Get out of the house okay Farrah?"

She nods, "The little ones slept right through it, but Dom helped me carry my stuff out. Clara still asleep?" Of Farrah's 5 siblings, her brother Dom was the only one above 10, and he was 15. Sully was 9, Freddie was 7, Jenna was 6 and Luc was 4.

"She woke up a little but was asleep just as quick." I say in answer to her question. My phone buzzes against my hip, and I wiggle it out of my skinny jeans, making Farrah giggle slightly, and Marissa even cracked a smile. I think Carmen snored a little.

From: Jaybird

Come over here. They're actually really nice.

I shake my head and say quietly to Farrah, "He wants me to go into that mess." She makes a face and shakes her head. I reply telling him I'm happy without getting squished. His reply is just as quick.

From: Jaybird

Pleeeeeeease? I also want to see your beautiful face.

I sigh to myself, How can you say no to that? I stand and ask, "Do I look ok?" Farrah scans my outfit, a purple tank top with a funky black pattern, black skinny jeans and a black cardigan and then my purple vans, and nods. I also had on some silver jewelry and light make up. (Yes, Clara and my mum helped me pick it. They also helped me pack.)

I take a deep breathe to supplement my courage and dive into the crowds. I head towards where I saw Jay earlier and slowly approach the edge of the crowd. Some of the crowd parts and lets me join their ranks, probably thinking I was a part of the huge fandom. Jay catches a glimpse of me and says loud enough, "Shaun! Let her through you guys, she's ... part of the video shoot."

And it's like Moses parting the Red Sea. I quickly cut through the crowd, smiling when I meet peoples eyes, and Jay greets me with a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, You look great."

I scoff and nudge his chest. "I look tired. Cause I am tired." Jay laughs and then says to the group, "Guys, this is Shaun, one of our dancers for the new video."

Several people say hi and while Jay signs some things and talks with people, quite a few people ask me questions. "Where are you guys shooting the video?" "When will we get to see it?" "Are you Jay's girlfriend?"

I took in a few questions, and then answered them as best as I could. "Umm, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to tell you. But look at where the plane is going. Shhhh! And I don't even know when I'm seeing it." I repeat the last question as loud as I feel comfortable, hoping Jay would hear and rescue me, because I'm not sure how to answer it. "Am I Jay's girlfriend?"

Luckily, he does hear, and he turns to the group of people, laughing somewhat oddly. "You guys honestly think someone as beautiful as Shaun would go out with me? We actually gotta head out, cause Siva sent me a text telling me that they're already loading business class, which means both Shaun and I are running late. I love you all and we'll be back soon."

His hand stayed on the small of my back as he steered me to the gate. The flight attendant gave him a slight chastisement about getting to the flight when his class is called, but she obviously knew who he was. Right when we rounded the corner in the little hallway thing, I let out the laughter that I had been holding in. "We just dodged a bullet."

Jay lets out a breath and nods. "Yeah. I don't want to lie to the fans, but honestly, the longer we can keep this under wraps, the better for you." He leans down and sweetly kisses me, adding, "Although I would like to be able to do that anytime I wanted."

I bit the inside of my lip to control my grin. I wind my fingers around his and pull him down the hallway. "Come on Mr. First-Class. You're supposed to be seated already."

Jay laughs and then glances down at our hands. "You really do have tiny hands, you know. Oh, wait, the flip!"

We step through the doorway, as Jay starts to rustle with his pockets, before pulling out a tiny little camera. "We use this to make fan videos every week called Wanted Wednesday. I like to bug the boys during the flight, and maybe, I'll come bug you girls too!"

He holds the camera close to my face and I shove it away, "Just don't bug Marissa. She's a bit nasty when she's groggy."

We reach the boundary between first and business class, and I let go of his hand. "Go find your seat. You can't sit with me."

He over-exaggerates his pout and I wave as I walk off.


"Shaun! Shaun! Guess how long until we land?"

I yank a headphone out of my ear and look up to see Jay and the flip. "How long until we land?"

He furrowed his brow and said, "No! You have to guess!"

I laugh and say into the camera, "It's 8 in the morning and I've been up for 4 hours, and I have to put up with this. Umm. 30 minutes?"

Jay sticks his tongue out at me and turns the camera to himself, "I'm not that bad? She's just cranky." He looks back to me and says, "15. I'm gonna go bug Nathan now, I'll see you in a few minutes, love."

With a pointless glance around the cabin, he ducks down and presses a kiss to my forehead. I laugh and point to the flip, which captured it all and he shrugs. "I can edit it out later."

And then he's being ushered away by a pushy flight attendant. I glance around the cabin to see who in our group was asleep. Farrah was shaking Carmen awake right now, Marissa was next to me and already packing up her stuff. I turn around in my seat to see if Hanna was asleep. She was. I place a gentle hand on her arm, and she jumps a mile. I smile calmly at her, "Han, it's just me. We're landing soon." She nods and starts stretching.

I glance past the stranger in the seat next to me and see that it's nice an sunny outside. I think I'll like Nice.

I know its short, but hey isn't that twice in one day? but anyway, i'm about to start on the music video chapter. If you explore my polyvore, you might get a little hint/preview!

Dancing with Danger: a Jay McGuiness+ TW FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now