Chapter 2

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"Clara! Come eat!" I holler through our apartment. I swear if she is still asleep, she's gonna be in trouble. I set the plate of eggs and toast down at our battered table and call from the doorway, "Clara! You've got to be at Ms. Fran's in ten minutes!"

Fran was our neighbor who had a son the same age as Clara. She would watch her until my mum got home from the shop where she worked. Clara and Marty were best friends so it worked out well.

Little miss Sass pants struts past me, "Quit hollering, I heard you the first time!" Then, she starts eating while reading, "Is that the 6th Harry Potter?"

She "mhmm's" through a mouthful of eggs. What 7 year old reads Harry Potter? I check my watch again and then start chugging down my coffee. I'm supposed to be at the school early to start rehearsing for the music video with the choreographer. We wouldn't get to practice with the lads for a couple more days, but I was a bit of a perfectionist. I wanted to already have my part of the routine down.

Then I rush to my room to get dressed, pulling a simple grey and white over sized sweater with a green tank top underneath and a pair of black leggings. My combat boots come back out, even though I'll be switching into my feet paddies when I have to start dancing.

Then I grab my purse and Clara and head over to Ms. Fran's.


"For most of the video, you guys are mainly dancing with your individual partners, but for some of it, you guys will be hanging out with them on location. Chemistry will be key! The plan for this shoot is that you guys are at a rave in a warehouse, and the guys all see you when they first walk in, and then you all scatter to the winds. They're searching for you, and you randomly will pop out of the crowd and tease them, then disappear again. Honestly, most of it will be spur of the moment. So, just have fun."

The choreographer is absolutely useless. We have no routine, just orders to dance spur of the moment-ly? Couldn't they have hired actresses and gotten the same result? Whatever, as long as I get paid. Still though, I could have rushed a bit less this morning.

Charlotte, the choreographer, leaves the room when her phone starts ringing, and I look over to Marissa, the only other one to show up for this. "So, this was a waste of time."

She nods and runs a hand through her hair. "At least we got an idea of what we're gonna have to do."

I shrug, and try to stay casual as I say, "Henry showed up at the bar last night."

She gasps, her eyes widening comically, "Are you okay? Did he try anything?"

I shake my head, remembering how Tom and Jay came to my rescue. I don't mention that to her though because she'd want to know everything that happened and I don't feeli like going into it. "Some guys who were there helped me out. Henry wants Clara back and I won't be able to stop him from coming to the bar once he knows I work there. I called in my resignation earlier this morning."

Marissa frowns and shakes her head. "He's an ass."

Both of our phones chime with texts and I see her face eagerly light up, which means she knows whose texting her and she's excited. "Who is it?" I ask, waggling my eyebrows.

She flushes and mutters, "Nathan. He's really sweet."

I laugh and she indigently asks, "Well who's texting you then?"

I check my phone and see it's Jay, which she will find hilarious. So, instead I say "Your mum!"

Marissa raises one eyebrow and says, "That doesn't work when you're a girl!" And then she dives for my phone, "HA! It's Jay. You can't laugh at me now!"

Dancing with Danger: a Jay McGuiness+ TW FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now