1. "Just shut up and kiss me again"

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Six months, it's been six months since I broke Riley's heart. Six months since Riley started acting like everything was fine and she didn't get her heart broken by the boy she loved for six years, the guy she was in a relationship with for six years. Six months since Riley closed herself off from everyone. Everyone but Farkle. She ran to Farkle to put her together again because she knew she could depend on him to do it. Six months and Maya and I got closer. Maya now filled the hole that Riley left in my heart, even though I broke up with her I only did it because I could tell I wasn't making her happy anymore like I used to. And because I had slight feelings for someone else, of course I would never admit that to anyone, except maybe Zay because I go to him with my "women troubles".

Since Maya and I have gotten closer we've begin to hang out outside of school and this afternoon after school we're going to her house to hang out and finish the homework we decided to start in study hall as we had that class together towards the end of the day.

I walked out of my math class as the bell rang and walked to the doors of the school and waited for Maya to show as all of the other kids ran out the doors, eager to get out of the school and start their plans for the rest of the day before having to retreat back to school in the morning, giving up their freedom for 8 mer hours. After the rush of fellow students passed there were still a few roaming the halls going to their after school clubs and such I saw Maya heading towards me with a skip in her step and a smile on her face.

"What's got you smilin' so big, Penelope?" I questioned her as I cocked my eyebrow with a smirk on my face. Maya had become a lot happier over the years and less rebellious but it was rare to see her this happy.

"Oh nothing, just happy about the fact that my mom is working today so we can get free smoothies and muffins before we head to my place and my mom won't be home so it'll be quieter for us to finish our homework and then hang out." she said continuing to skip over to me. Sometimes we would hang out with Farkle, Zay and Isadora but today it was just us as Farkle and Isadora had some science club thing and and then Isadora and Zay were going on a date, Zay had finally asked Isadora out since liking her since eighth grade. Zay said he would hang out with us before his date but he didn't want to be "third wheeling" with Maya and I. Farkle and Isadora had broken up sophomore year due to the spark just not being there anymore.

"Alright come on, Shortstack, lets go." I said reaching to grab her hand to lead her to my old beat up army green truck that used to belong to my father back in texas, but he had shipped it out to New York for me to have after he got a new one since I was nineteen and still using my mom's car to get around. Once I pulled into a parking space Maya was already out of the truck and inside. Over time Topanga has upgraded the place and moved it to a bigger lot and added a parking lot. When I got inside Maya was sitting on the couch waiting for me to order for both of us, something I almost always do.

"You want your usual?" I looked at her turning my head over my shoulder to hear her better waiting for her answer as I was already in line knowing what I wanted.

"Please" she replied with a sweet smile as she leaned back on the couch and smiled at me

"Oh hi, Lucas. Do you guys want your usuals to go?" Katy greeted me as I walked up to the register

"Yeah that'd be great Mrs. Hunter." I replied and walked over to Maya and sat down next to her.

"So Huckleberry, what homework do you have left to do?" she asked as she turned to me, clearly trying to make conversation while her mom got our to go orders ready

"Well I have some math problems left on the sheet Mrs. Adams gave us and I have to finish the other have of my English essay and turn it in after third period tomorrow." I replied filling her in on my homework schedule, as I looked up I noticed she was already looking at me. Have her eyes always been this ocean blue? Wow, you could swim through her eyes. What? That's weird, stop it.

"Huckleberry, you okay?" she softly asked breaking up my thoughts as she waved her hand in front of my face "What? Oh yeah I'm fine. I just got lost in a thought about something someone said in math class earlier, sorry."

"Oh, well come on our order is ready so let's get it and head to my apartment." her voice trailed off as she walked to the counter to grab the bag with our muffins in it and left the smoothies for me to grab.

"Hey babygirl," her mom stopped us as we walked to the exit "I'll be working a little later tonight and closing up so I'll be home about 10:00 o'clock, okay?"

"Alright mom, love you" Maya said walking out the door

"Love you too" Katy yelled after her

We walked to my truck as I took a sip of my strawberry smoothie and handed Maya her strawberry banana one. We climbed in and I started the engine and buckled up as she set the bag in the middle seat between us. The drive from Topanga's and her apartment was silent other than the humming of the engine and the 90's music playing softly from the radio. We soon pulled up to Maya's apartment building and I killed the engine as she climbed out of the truck and grabbed her house key as I follow behind her. We took the stairs the the second floor and stood in front of her door as she unlocked it, walked in and immediately took off her coat and shoes and set her smoothie and our muffins on the coffee table. "Hey, I'm gonna go use the bathroom really quick but you can take the muffins and go ahead to my room and I'll be there in a minute." she told me as she walked down the hall to the bathroom by her room. I took my backpack, my smoothie and the bag of muffins and scurried to her room and sat on the floor and leaned against her bed, as I usually do, and sprawled my textbooks out in front of me. Just as I was zipping up my bag I heard Maya's bedroom door open and felt a presense sit next to me. "You got my muffin, Luc?" she questioned me when I turned to face her. "Right here Mrs. Apple Crumble Queen." I said as I reached in the bag and pulled out her muffin and handed it to her.

"Why do you even like apple crumble?" I said with disgust on my face. "How could you not?" she remarked at me but added "plus it was the kind of muffin my mom would get me in the mornings before school, if she had the money, after my dad left so it was always more of a comfort sorce too. Ya know, when my mom was at work and couldn't be there to comfort me" with a slight frown looking down and picking at the muffin. I scooted over and put my arm around her shoulder and laid my head ontop of her's when she laid it on my shoulder. "Hey, look at it this way M, if that bastard hadn't left, you wouldn't be as indenpendant as you are, you wouldn't have Shawn and neither would your mom and she wouldn't be happy. You always want your mom to be happy don't you?" I talked to her in a soothing tone. "Of course, I never want my mom to be anything but happy" she replied looking up at me with a confused face, "Then stop thinking about it, because guess what? She's happy, she has you and she has Shawn and she has a good job and she has a great life. So stop thinking about it because now you guys are okay and happy and you have a nice apartment and you have money and you have me."

I looked at her and realized she was already looking at me, "How about we do this homework later, okay?" I asked still staring at her. She gulped and nodded as she slowly started to lean in. Once I realized what was happening I started leaning in too, I could now feel her breathe on my face I saw he eyes flutter close as she leaned in even closer so I let my eyes close too as we continued to get closer. I soon felt her soft lips touch mine and they started moving in sycn with mine. After a few more seconds we pulled away and rested our foreheads together and gazed into each other's eyes, both of us with small smiles playing on our lips. Eventually we fully pulled away and sat back in a soothing silence.

"So......" I started trying to break the comfortable scilence.

"Just shut up and kiss me again" She laughed and leaned closer to me again. I shrugged and leaned in too until our lips met again, it felt like it had been years since they touched when in reality it had been mer minutes since they last met.

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