11. "I have some exciting news to tell you guys!"

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I thought Lucas leaving New York was the hardest thing to experience but boy was I wrong. The hardest thing was me having to leave him not knowing when I would be back or when he would be able to come see me. And what was even worse is that I had to go back to school tomorrow and I knew it was going to be hard. Even though it was only about three hours, this flight felt like it was taking forever. These past two weeks have been the best I've had in a while, well at least since he left. But at least I turn eighteen in ten days. And now I'm sad again realizing Lucas won't be here to celebrate with me. Damn I already miss him and it's only been an hour.

I want to go back to Texas and be with my baby. Wait, I want to go back to Texas... I.. want.. to.. go.. back.. to.. Texas...

Well okay then. Texas, believe it or not, is a really beautiful place and I really enjoyed my time there. Even if it was cold it was still beautiful, and watching Lucas interact and take care of all of the animals was breathtaking. There is no way to describe what watching someone you love do something that they love and something that makes them happy feels like. It's like watching a flower bloom in the peak of Spring. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I spent some more time in Texas, I mean I'm almost eighteen and Lucas is already eighteen and will be nineteen in June so it isn't like we couldn't handle living together, he told me he was getting a job soon so he could pay his own bills instead of having his parents do it.

Lucas was finishing out his senior year at a high school in Texas and I could do online school to finish out the year too. This could actually be something that I could do. Of course I'll have to talk to both my mom and Shawn and of course Lucas, although I'm sure he won't oppose to the idea. And I'll have to leave Riley, Farkle, and Zay, although Zay will come visit a lot since he still had family in Texas and Riley and Farkle can always come visit whenever they want. I shook my head slightly trying to get the thought out of my head and just enjoy the flight so I could make it home and talk to my parents about it.

When I got off of the plane I got my suit case and started looking around for my mom. I saw her sitting a little farther in the back of the seats. I walked over to her pulling her into a hug. As much as I loved Texas I missed everyone here in New York, especially my mom.

"I missed you so much, babygirl!" my mom said pulling away from the hug and walking to the car.

"So mom," I started, mentally preparing myself for the conversation that was about to happen, "I was thinking, I really enjoyed my trip to Texas, like a lot. And you know I miss Lucas so much and I'm nearly eighteen..." I trailed off hoping she was getting the hint I was throwing in her direction. Clearly not 100% getting what I was trying to say she nodded her head urging me to continue mummbling a "Mmmhhhh". I sighed but continued "I was thinking, maybe in a month or so I could move to Texas with Lucas and finish school online since it's my senior year and I only have like four months of school left and Lucas is living in a cabin not to far from the farm that Pappy Joe owned and now he's looking for a job so he can be more independant and out on his own and we're both graduating in May. And I just miss him so much and his family is wonderful and they only live about ten minutes away from the cabin and his mom comes over like two to three times a week just to check up on him!" I added dramaticly hoping to change whatever her answer is to a definite yes. I shut my eyes bracing myself for the impact of her answer. Yet it was not at all what I expected.

"Well, we'll have to talk about it more later and possily work out some details but I was actually thinking the other day that it's about time you started looking to be more independant and maybe move out on your own and what better way to send you off than to send you off with people I trust with my own life and who you love deeply. I'm on board with it, Maya. But we have to talk to Shawn about it too although he was talking about getting a smaller place after you moved out, whenever that was going to be." She said pulling into the driveway of our house, shocking the life out of me. She's on board with it?! I thought for sure she was going to go all crazy on me and tell me how stupid I was for even bringing up the idea to her!

We both sat down with Shawn later that night and although he made sure many times that I knew I was still his little girl, he was also on board with me moving to Austin as long as I came to visit and he and mom could come visit when they wanted. Of course that was a yes because I would want to see my family and friends as often as I can. But all in all I was pretty much moving to Texas. Now I just have to tell Riley, Farkle, and Zay about it and talk to Lucas. I knew Riley would be upset but supportive of the situation because she saw how depressed I got when I didn't have him around.

I woke up the next morning and texted Lucas asking if he was free to talk for a while after I threw up, I had some bad Chinese last night and Shawn was sick too, thankfully he was able to talk because Adam was on farm duty today.

"Hey, shortstack! You wanted to talk about something?" Lucas said answering the facetime.

"Yeah, I did. So, listen, I already talked to my mom and Shawn about it and they both actually thought it was a good idea and approved of it but obviously I need to talk to you about it. I had such an amazing time in Texas with you and your family and the animals and stuff and staying by ourselves at the cabin and just having that feeling of independence and just being there with you and I want to move to Texas in the cabin with you and finish my senior year with online school and get a job and just be there with you all the time because I know it's really hard on both of us being apart all the time. And I was wondering if you would be opposed to that idea?" I said with a hopeful smile looking at him through the screen. I lit up when I saw him grin so big I thought he was going to rip his lips open. I started getting giddy when he nodded his head so quickly with so much force that he had to have gotten a headache.

"Absolutely, that would be amazing to have you live here and we get to see each other everyday!" He said flopping back on his bed from excitement.

We talked for a while before I had to leave to meet the boys and Riley at Topanga's so I could tell them the news, I had told my mom about him agreeing to me moving in with him in Texas.

"Hey guys!" I said chirpily skipping into the café

"What's got you in such a good mood on this fine day Ms. Hart?" Zay questioned turning his attention from his phone to Maya

"I have some exciting news to tell you guys!" I said sitting down across from Zay, "You guys know I love you all so, so much and you can come visit any time you want," I told them pausing to get their reactions so far, "I talked to all the people I needed to about it, AKA my parents and Lucas, and we all decided that after I turn eighteen in about a week I could move in with Lucas in his cabin in Texas!" I said excitedly

At first Riley was sad that I was moving away but after convincing her she could come visit whenever she wanted and that we could facetime every night if she liked she was finally excited and happy for me. All in all the last twenty-four hours have been pretty great, I was turning eighteen in a week and I was moving in with Lucas in a month.

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