12. "Are you serious?"

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It was now February eighteenth, I was moving to Texas today. Instead of flying I decided to drive there so I could bring all my stuff with me and not have to pay to have it shipped out there. Lucas is driving up here today to pick me up with his truck, it was a long drive, over a day long, but we decided that we would drive as long as we could and if we needed to stop for the night we would and continue the drive in the morning. So two exciting things were happing in the near future. Everyone was currently stood outside my house waiting for Lucas so they could all say goodbye to me. Everyone was here; the Matthews, Farkle, Zay, Isadora, my mom and Shawn and even Ava, we kind of got closer after her parents got divorced when she was younger so she always came to me with her troubles.

"Okay guys, Lucas just texted me saying he'll be here in a minute, he's at the stop light down the street!" I annouced to the large group of people standing in front of me. Everyone went almost silent in anticipation of the army green truck coming around the corner at any second. I was about to run inside to use the bathroon for the fiftith time in an hour but when I saw the truck turning the corner I stopped my actions and stood there, excited to see my boyfriend for the first time in a month, the first time since I turned eighteen and I was so excited to go off and start my new life with him and get away from crowded New York.

Ever since I had been back to Texas for the first time in years New York had suddenly become a lot more crowded to me. I wanted to be in Texas where it was more spaced out and you could actually see the stars in the sky at night. Lucas got out of the truck pulling me into a hug and kissing my lips before greeting everyone else and starting to put my boxes of clothes and other things in the bed of his truck, besides all of my art supplies clothes were really the only thing I was taking with me since Lucas already had furniture and kitchen supplies and such.

"I'm be right back, I have to use the bathroom and grab one more thing along with my bag" I told Lucas as he continued to put my boxes in the truck, kissing him on the cheek. I ran inside doing my business before grabbing my bookbag, making sure the thing was in the front pocket for safe keeping. When I went outside all of my boxes were packed up and everyone was casually chatting.

"Alright let's make this because there's a lot of you here" I said laughing

I hugged everyone and told them how much I was going to miss them and told that they could come visit whenever they wanted and I would try to come visit as often as I could too. The last few were my parents and Riley, they were gonna be the hardest to say bye to.

I pulled Riley into a hug, "Take care of Farkle and make sure Isadora doesn't drive Zay too insane. I'm gonna miss you so much, Riles. I love you, I'll see you later and I'll call you when I get to Texas, okay?" I said trying not to cry "I love you too, Peaches, make sure to call me every night and update me on everything you guys do. I'll miss you but I know you're gonna do amazing in Texas." she whispered in my ear throguh sniffles.

Next was Shawn. "I'll miss you, kiddo" he said wrapping his arms around my petit body lifting me off the ground. "I'll miss you too, Dad" I said giggling like a little girl.

Last; my mom.

"I'm gonna miss having you around to annoy me all the time, babygirl. Make sure to take care of yourself, okay Maya?" she said with concern in her voice.

"I will mom, I promise. I love you" I said pulling away from the hug, "I love you too!" she called after me while I was climbing into the truck. As we began to pull off I waved to everyone I was leaving behind in New York.

After lots of bathroom and snack breaks and a motel stop over night we finally made it to the cabin back in Texas. We sent inside plopping ourselves on the couch exhausted from such a long drive all the way from New York to Austin. After a two hour nap, because we accidentally fell asleep on the couch, we got all of my boxes inside. I started unpacking my clothes as Lucas sat on the bed and watched. As I was hanging a dress in the closet Lucas finally spoke up,

"Just so you know," he began, "I love you."

I played with the chain on my neck that he got me for Christmas and smiled as I thought about out relationship. "I know. I love you too." I replied putting more clothes in our shared closet. There were two other unoccupied in the cabin so we planned on making one my art room and the other would just be a spare room and a guest room if anyone stayed over at night. I finally got my clothes unpacked and put the art boxes in one of the extra rooms; it had been a long day and it was already almost nine at night. My plan was about to be in action. I purposely left the front pocket of my bag open, "Hey Luc, would you grab my bag in the living room for me please?" I asked sweetly, my heart now pounding in my chest as there was no turning back now. "Sure, I got it!"

I heard foot steps approaching the room slower than usual. Lucas appeared in the doorway with a shocked look on his face, "Maya, baby what's this?" He asked looking up with tears in his eyes holding the positive pregnancy test in his hands. Before I even had the chance to answer he was running across the room to me.

"Are you serious?" he asked for confirmation, I just nodded now unable to speak in fear I would choke on my own sobs that I could feel rising in my chest. He picked my up by my waist spinning me around laughing causing me to laugh as well. He put me down and kissed me with so much passion, it was like no other kiss we had shared before. I had found out a week before and told my mom the same day in a panic of not knowing what I was going to do. When I told her she said she was a little disapointed I hadn't waited until later to have sex with Lucas but ultimately said that she was happy for us and I was an adult now and I would figure out how to handle everything following it.

Once he was calmed down a bit more from his out burst he finally asked "How far along are you?" not exactlly knowing although you could count how many time we had "done it" on one hand. "Almost about two months, I went to the doctor's to comfirm it but didn't have an ultrasound because I didn't want to without you but I'm gonna say it was the night I came to Texas." I said still feeling high as I was going to be a mother in seven months. I didn't think I was ready at all but now that it had finally become a little more real I felt like I was ready. I knew I would be a good mom and I knew Lucas would be an astonishing dad. And that this was just the beginning of our lives together.

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