13. Epilogue- "it's their turn now"

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*seven years later*

seven months later a little boy with sandy brown hair, eyes that were blue but had a ring of green on the outer part and a button nose was born. On July twenty-fourth Austin Joseph Friar was born. Maya and Lucas both decided that it was appropriate to name him after things that were important to them. He was named after important parts of where and how Lucas grew up, Austin because he was from Austin, Texas and Joseph in honor of Pappy Joe.

Two years after he was born their friends had moved to Texas, Riley convinced Farkle to move because she missed Maya and of course he did practically everything she told him to do, he was so whipped for her, and Zay wanted to move back home simply because he missed where he came from and Isadora followed also wanting to see where her boyfriend of almost three years came from. Around this time Lucas and Maya got married and Katy and Shawn welcomes their first and only child together Nicole Rose Hunter. Lucas had proposed to Maya while on a date night out about six months after Austin was born. The wedding was absolutely beautiful and alcohol was very apparent at the reception after party since everyone was twenty-one or older.

The girls and Farkle were all twenty-four years old while Lucas and Zay were twenty-five. Austin was now five years old, two years ago Riley had given birth to a beautiful daughter with dark brown almost black hair, a freckled face and brown eyes named Daisy May Minkus; a name I thought was very fitting for her and Farkle's relationship and personalities. However now, all of the girl were expecting; Isadora and Zay were engaged and expecting their first child, a boy they decided to name Elliot Cole Babineaux in two months, Riley and Farkle were expecting their second child, which was a boy, in four months they decided to name Daniel Lee Minkus. And well, Maya, she had a handful to deal with, her and Lucas were currently expecting twin boys in a month.

Katy, Shawn and Nicole were staying in Texas until Maya had the twins since twins usually delivered early.

As of today I am eight months and four days along in my pregnancy when I, as expected with twins, went into early labor.

"Lucas!" I called through our rather large house, "It's go time, grab Austin and the hospital bag and meet me in the car!"

I waddled out to the car climbing in grabbing my phone and shooting out a mass text to my parents, Zay, Isadora, Riley, and Farkle saying that I was going into labor and to meet me at the hospital I planned to give birth at and then texted Elizabeth also saying I was in labor but this time we were dropping Austin off at her house until the twins were born. Even though my water had broken the contractions didn't start until seven minutes into the fifteen minute drive to Charles and Elizabeth's house. Once we got there Lucas ushered Austin out of the car. I finally felt some sort of peace knowing I could focus on my breathing without having to hear Austin wanting to go to his "boyfriend" Joey's house. Of course Maya and Lucas had no problem with Austin liking a boy, it was basically just like when he had a crush on a little girl in his kindergarten class named Olivia, he very quickly got over that crush when he met Joey, the two boys had been inseperatable since they met. It was definitely more of an Auggie/Ava situation. After all these years Auggie and Ava are still together, them both freshly twenty Auggie had recently talked to Maya and Riley about popping the question soon.

Lucas got back in the car and started driving to the hospital. The road seemed to get longer as my thoughts grew in size and worry, "Luc, now that I think about it, don't you think it's too early for me to be in labor? I know twins usually deliver early but it's always like a week or two early, not a whole month. Do you think the boys are okay?" I asked placing my right hand on my stomach looking at him, he glaced over and grabbed my left hand squeezing it in reassurance.

"The boys are going to be just fine, shortstack. I promise." He said pulling my hand up to his lips kissing it. I blocked out the thoughts and focused on my breathing when contractions hit.

Once we got settled into the hospital we found out I was only about a centimeter and a hald dilated. Soon after the nurse left we heard a knock on the door. Once allowed premission to come in, Isadora, Zay, Riley, Farkle and my walked  in with Daisy and Nicole. "Hey, babygirl, how're you feeling?" my mom asked giving me a hug over my huge stomach. "So far I'm good, The contractions are about ten-ish minutes apart but I'm only about two centimeters dilated so we're probably going to be here with these boys for a while." I replied I let my neice and little sister climb on the bed after they promised to sit still since they were small enough. After a few minutes of talking with our friends a contraction hit, everyone went silent as I breathed through it, it was gone almost as soon as it came. Everyone resumed talking with one another. I had fallen asleep at some point for a few hours which was semi refreshing since I was up the night before with Austin because he had a nightmare and refused to go back to sleep unless I laid in bed with him. When I woke up it was now nearly ten at night, while I was asleep Elizabeth had called to check on how I was doing, which was incredibly sweet of her to do so.

When I woke up Lucas was sitting in the chair beside the hospital bed holding my hand scrolling through the twitter app on his phone. Soon the nurse came in and said I was now four centimeters dilated. I looked towards Lucas when the nurse left,

Geez, I was joking when I sai we were going to be here a while!" I said worried I would actually be here a while. "Maya, you're fine, everything is fine. It's just taking a while, they'll be here before you know it." he replied leaning over the railing of the bed and pecking my lips. The next twenty six hours were absolute hell. The contractions started getting closer together but I was only dialating one centimeter within a few hours and the only thing I could eat were ice chips but it was so worth it when I was told that I was finally dialated enough to start pushing. Lucas went to the waiting room and got Riley letting her put on her scrubs to be in the delivery room. I pushed with all of my might and at 1:17 a.m., Parker Levi was born and then at 1:20 a.m., Mason Liam was born. Parker had freckles across his nose, in which he clearly got from me, and dirty blonde hair with eyes that were green but had a flash of blue in them. Mason looked the exact same minus the freckles. On March thirteenth, it finally felt like the Friar family was complete. There was me; Maya Friar, Lucas Friar, Austin Friar and Mason and Parker Friar.

"Hey Luc, can we get a dog?" I said with a teasing smile on my face. After I said that Riley walked in with the rest of the family. Everyone stopped when they saw the twins boys we were holding in our arms, it was like they thought they babies were so fragile that if they even spoke they would break them as if they were glass dolls.

Continuing the conversation we were having Lucas replied with "You just had not one but two babies and now you want a dog?"

"No, I was just messing with you, we just met the world, it's their turn now." I told him looking down at the two beautiful babies we had created.

"Everyone," I said gaining all of the attention in the room taking both babies in my arms, "this is Mason Liam and Parker Levi Friar."

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