2. "Alright kid, it's just me and you for a while"

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It was now the next Friday. Maya had spent last Friday and all of this week avoiding Lucas embarrassed by her burst of confidence when she told him to kiss her again. She had avoided him at all costs and that included using Isadora as a shield when he walked into a room and she couldn't get out in time, (believe it or not) diving into an empty trash can near the lockers where she was talking to Riley, whom she hadn't regularly talked to since she and Lucas broke up, and once even crawling into an open locker, locking herself in, amoung other things. He had always tried to talk to her about the kiss but every time he saw her somewhere, he looked back and it was like she had dissapeared into thin air. Of course he had a few classes with her but she would always come in just a few minutes late and imediately rush out of the room when the bell rang. And frankly he couldn't keep up with her.

He finally decided to go to her apartment after school on Friday to try and get the chance to talk to her. Lucas left the student's parking lot of their school and made his way over to Maya's apartment, being a little later than he would have liked due to the traffic coming from all of the other students also leaving school in their own cars. Once he reached her apartment he rang the door belland stood there tapping his foot with his hands tucked away in the pockets of his faded blue jeans. He straightened out when he heard footsteps approching the door. The door swung open to reveal Shawn, who was finally back in town after leaving for a week trip for his photography job.

"Oh hey Lucas, what can I do for you?" He said with slight enthusiasm

"Is Maya home yet? I really need to talk to her about something important." I replied trying to look into their apartment without it being obvious.

"She actually isn't, I think she might have stopped at Topanga's for a snack on her way home but you're welcome to come inside and wait for her." He looked at me opening the door wider so I could come in

"Would you like anything to drink while you wait on Maya to get home?" He asked politely as I sat down on the couch

"Just some water please, I had some soda with my lunch at school" I said as I looked behind me to face him. Just as he handed me a glass of water Maya walked through the door. "Oh, um Lucas? What are you doing here?" she said shifting from foot to foot, clearly uncomfortable

"I came to talk to you...." I retorted looking her in the eyes for the first time since she walked into the room. She started walking towards her bedroom motioning for me to follow her. I sat on her bed and she closed the door then sat beside me. "So what's you want to talk about?" she questioned, clearly playing dumb as she had been avoiding me for the past week. "We kissed, Maya, we basically made out on your bedroom floor..." I said, my voice trailing off at the end. She sucked in a deep breath and began to speak, "we did..." she hesitated saying and turned to look at me.

"Well, what do we do now, Luc?" she asked looking into my eyes, sounding nervous, scared almost. "Well its very apparent that we have feelings for each other sooo, would you like to be my girlfriend? And let me take you on a date tomorrow night?" I looked at her with a slight smile on my face that only grew when she nodded her head reaching over and pulling me into a tight hug. "As much as I'm enjoying this, and trust me I'm enjoying it a whole lot, I need to head home because it's already almost 5 o'clock and my mama needs me to be home by 5:30 to help her with dinner and then babysit my little sister while she goes shopping with her pregnant friend for some maternity clothes." I told her "Oh, okay, well I'll see you tomorrow night then?" she asked as she pulled away from the hug standing up with me. "Yeah, definitely, I'll pick you up at eight, just wear something comfortable, nothing fancy, just make sure to wear jeans." I replied already having an idea of where to take her. I pecked her cheek, "Night Penelope, I'll try and text you later if Lacy isn't too much for me to handle tonight, you know how she can get sometimes" I replied refering to the time I had to babysit her and she went to get a glass of water from the kitchen and when I went in there to check on her, her and the entire kitchen were covered in flour. She claimed she wanted to make cookies when in reality I knew she just did it because she knew I would have to clean it up and explain to mom why the kitchen had a white taint to it, she's a devious little eight year old.

I went home to find my mom struggling to keep my demon sister quite while tries to read the instructions to make some pasta. "It's okay mom, go deal with Lacy and I'll make the pasta for you guys" I told her as I took the wooden spoon from her hands, she kissed my head and walked off to find my screaming sister. It only took a minute or two for the screaming coming from my sister's room to stop, I just rolled my eyes as I continued to stur the pasta until the tuna or chicken or whatever it was, was evenly sturred in. I got three bowls and filled them with pasta and set them on the table and called for my mom and sister telling them that dinner was ready.

I quickly ate and ran to my room to make the resevations for mine and Maya's date tomorrow night knowing that my mom would being leaving soon so I would have to watch my younger sister for hours while my mom went and had fun. Once the reservations for the two of were made I went into the living room to see my mom grabbing her perse and kissing my sister on the head. "Oh Lucas, perfect timing I was just about to leave to go shopping with Julie, just make sure your sister stays out of trouble, I don't want to come home and clean flour out of the toaster again. Okay I have to go now, I love you guys." she said walking out of the door but not before kissing both of our heads once more and then leaving.

"Alright kid, it's just you and me for a while." I said sighing, throwing my arm around Lacy's neck and guiding her to the couch and turning on the T.V., preparing myself for a long night.

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