9. "You knew about this, Mom?!"

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I really wanted to go see Lucas for Christmas break because I missed him so much even though he had only bee gone for about two weeks but I knew I wouldn't be able to afford a plane ticket to Texas and back; but by some grace of god my mom had talked to the Matthew's seeing how depressed I was from missing him and she scrapped up as much money as she could and the Matthew's paid what she couldn't and bought me plane tickets to Texas to see Lucas for Christmas break. I was leaving on December eighteenth, which is in two days and I am losing my mind. Christmas break started yesterday so I did nothing but sit on my bed basically buzzing with excitement. I had already packed and Lucas doesn't even know I'm coming. I had called his mom and made plans for her to pick me up from the airport and drop me off at the cabin he had apparently been staying at that wasn't too far from the farm since Pappy Joe owned it so I would be staying there with him until I had to come home on January fourth to come back to school after break.

The next two days went by painfully slow but I woke up on the eighteenth bouncing off the walls. I was incredibly excited to surprise my baby and spend time with him for two whole weeks. It's not that long but hey, I'll take what I can get with him. Knowing my mom was already awake and ready to take me to the airport was enough motivation for me to get out of bed, pretty quickly may I add, and got dressed grabbing my suitcase and heading to the living room until it was time to leave. When we got to the airport my mom stayed with me until my flight was called.

I got on the plane put my bag in the compartment above me getting out my phone, earbuds and blanket. The flight attendant went through the mandatory things like buckling up while the plane takes off and such. Once we took off I unbuckled and got comfortable plugging in my earbuds and putting my music on shuffle. A song that I hadn't heard in a while came on making me smile. It described Lucas and I so perfectly; it was like the song written for us.

but she's got shit taste in movie's,
ask her for her favorites titles
and she always likes to say she's down to go see anything
by shyamalan and michael bay

and also,
she's a physco in the kitchen,
it's a travesty,
what kind of fucking monster cooks their pasta in the microwave?

and she does this thing where she corrects your grammar if it's wrong
and clicks her tongue and winks and shoots a playful finger gun as if she's won some sorta contest,
empress victor-of-a-conquest,
mrs. airchair shrink let me fix you with a comment

princess kick you when you're down,
worshipper to a godhead,
it seldom happens that she listens to my voice
and doesn't chime in quick with unsolicited advice,
an unapologetic tyrant of passive aggressive rivalry,
ask her a question and catch and handful of sass and irony,
and trust me, she is just the worst at board games

debates about the rules like legislators at a court case,
tampers with the scales of justice,
weilding pencils as her gavel,
once i even caught her cheating while she kept the score at scrabble

she's a fucking wreck at checkers,
plays monopoly sloppily,
always bringing up disputes in games of trivial pursuit,
sucks at battleship and risk, she fights better hand-to-hand,
and don't even get me started 'bout how trash she is at candy land

I smile at the verse. I've said it a million times but I'm so excited to see him and be able to do things like kiss him and cuddle with him. The things I haven't been able to do for the past two weeks. I slowly fall asleep with a smile on my face thinking about Lucas.

I wake up to the flight attendant announcing that we would be landing in thirty minutes over the intercom. I sit up in my seat and stretch, pausing my music and taking out my earbuds. I opened the shade on my window and admired the orange, red and pink sunset. It was even more beautiful from up here. The colors were fading as the sun went down. It was a wonderful mixture of almost every color of the rainbow along with white, puffy clouds. It was something I think everyone should experience at least once in their life. I got so caught up in the beauty that this world can hold that I didn't even notice people getting off the plane. I quickly gathered up my stuff, grabbing my bag and jamming my stuff into while climbing off of the plane. I groaned realizing I put my phone in my bag when I needed it to text Lucas' mom to tell her what gate I'm at.

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