5. "Babygirl, why didn't you tell me?"

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Oh dreaded Monday. I have to fly out to Austin with my mom and sister for Cletis and Pappy Joe's funeral. Cletis unfortunately passed away Sunday afternoon after the cast on his punctured lung came loose and the doctors didn't get to it in time. The funeral is on Thursday and as far as I know we're having it in a empty field near the farm. I feel bad for Maya, she has to go to school today but she's just as shaken up about it as I am. Apparently she had gotten closer to Pappy Joe in Texas when she was hiding her feelings for me for the sake of Riley. I went home from Maya's Saturday and we both stayed in our rooms the entire weekend and ignored pretty much everyone, even each other. But it didn't bother us because we both knew what we were going through. Maya stopped by this morning before school so I could say bye to her before I left for Texas.

School for me was absolute hell today. Everyone kept asking why I "looked like I haven't sleep in a billion years". Just what a girl wants to hear when she lost an important part of her life. I didn't talk to anyone until fifth period; history with Mr. Matthews. And even then I only talked when I was asked where Lucas was as I was the person who had seen and been with him last. To which I only responded with "he's in texas", that was definitely a conversation starter apparently. I knew it wasn't my place to tell everyone about Pappy Joe and Cletis but it was getting too much for me, I looked like hell so immediately people started making up rumors about the situation.

My favorite was that Lucas "knocked me up" and his parents took him back to Texas and told him he wasn't allowed to see me again. Of course those rumors were false but it was getting to me. I walked into Mr. Matthews class room and all eyes were on me, most judgemental, all except my best friends. Thank god for Riley, Farkle and Isadora. Zay had immediately flown back to Texas with Lucas and his family to attend the funeral so no one knew anything except for me and their families. I took my seat beside Riley and she notice something was wrong, "Are you okay, peaches? You don't look so good and people have been whispering about you, obviously I ignored the rumors but I can tell something happened." she leaned over and whispered to me, although people were listening because I heard someone whisper "I heard she got pregnant the first time she had sex with her boyfriend and he left her." That was the trigger. Because not only had I never had sex with Lucas, if I did and I got pregnant I knew he would never leave me. I furiously got up out of my seat and stormed to the front of the class, knocking over my chair in the process gaining everyone's attention.

"Would you all just shut up! I'm clearly going through something right now! And before anyone even says anything; No I didn't have sex with my BOYFRIEND and no I did not get pregnant and even if I did that's absolutely no one's business but mine and Lucas'! And for your imformation I look and feel like hell and Lucas isn't here because his Pappy Joe and Cletis got in a really bad car accident this past weekend and they both passed away and it has taken a toll on me too because I was close to Pappy Joe! So shut up with the stupid fucking rumors and mind your own damn business for once!" I screamed at them, their eyes were wide and their mouths shut. I stormed out of the classroom and barely made it to my locker when Riley came running behind me.

"Maya, why didn't you tell me?" she asked as I slid down the lockers and sat on the floor, tears now clouding my vision.

"He left this morning and I just want to be there to comfort him" I said putting my head on her shoulder as she slid her arm around my shoulders bringing me into a side hug.

"I just wanna go home" I cried to her knowing I couldn't make it through the last three periods of the day, "I know peaches, don't worry, I'll go get a nurse's pass from my dad and you can call your mom to come get you, okay?" I just nodded staying on the floor while she went to get the pass. I heard her explain to Mr. Matthews that I needed to go home because I wasn't fit to be at school right now. She came out of the class room with my books in hand along with a nurse's pass.

"Come on peaches, grab your bag and let's get you home" she said taking my hand as I stood up and grabbed my bag off the ground. We walked to the nurse's office with me slightly leaning on Riley the whole time from not gtting much sleep this past weekend. When we reached the office I explained all that had happened and the nurse agreed to call my mom to come get me even though I wasn't actually sick.

"Riles, you know you can leave right? My mom will be here in about 15 minutes to pick me up, go back to class." I told her sighing and then sitting up

"No, it's okay, I already told my dad that I would stay with you until your mom got here."  "You're the best. You know that, right?" I asked her leaning my head on her shoulder once again. She just smiled at me and laid her head on top of mine while we waited for my mom to arrive. When she got to the school she checked me out and got in the car but just sat there.

"Babygirl, why didn't you tell me Pappy Joe passed away? I wouldn't have made you go to school today." she sighed looking at me

"I don't know, it jut effected me so much that I didn't want to talk to anyone or even get out of bed. You know he was one of the best people I've ever met?" I said looking at her with tears in my eyes, threatening to spill over again.

"I know babygirl, I know" she craddled me in her arms as I cried for the third time today. We sat there for what felt like forever while she rubbed my back in a comforting way and kissed my head telling me she loved me over and over. She knew this was hard for me, hell it would be hard for anyone. But she knew no matter how hard I tried not to get attached to anyone, in the end I always got attached to quickly. I got attacked to Pappy Joe in Texas and he was gone like that. He was the grandfather I never had.

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