10. "8.09.19"

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This past week with Lucas and his family has been pure bliss. He had showed me around his home town for the first time and took me to Chubbie's one night and we laughed about old memories we shared together. I've been so much happier since I got here, and a plus is that it's not as cold in Winter as it is in New York even though most nights and evenings we stayed in drinking hot chocolate, watching movies or reading books and cuddling. Christmas is tomorrow and Lucas and I decided that we were going to spend Christmas Eve at his parent's house and open presents on Christmas morning. He had also said that his parents bought me presents so I used the money I brought with me and bought his mom a nice emerald green sweater that I knew she would absolutely love and his dad a mug with a picture of the Friar kids that Lucas had shown me once and I got Lucy a cute pair of black ankle boots, Adam was spending Christmas with his long term girlfriend and her family. I got Lucas a fuzzy, dark brown teddy bear with a voice recording of me saying "I love you, Luc!" inside of it along with framed picture from our first date. I think he's going to really love it. Or at least I hope he does.

Lucas comes into the bedroom and asks if I was ready to go to his parent's house. "Yeah, one second I need to grab some pajamas and clothes for tomorrow. Can you take the presents out to the truck for me please?" I begged with a innocent smile knowing he would give in to it, "You've been here less than a week and you already have me slaving over you again." he said playfully rolling his eyes but grabbing the bags "I love you!" I called after him giggling. "Whatever, you say, shortstack." he said putting the bags in the floor board of my seat. I got in the car as Lucas went inside to make sure he had all of his presents.

He came back out to the car getting in buckling up and starting the engine pulling out of the dirt driveway. The drive to his parent's house was full of anxiety for me, this was the first time spending time with his family since we began an actual couple. "Hey, you okay? You seem on edge." Lucas said glancing at me, placing his hand on my thigh in a comforting way.

"Yeah, it's just that this is the first time I'm spending time with your family since we started dating" I said in one breath.

"Maya, it's gonna be just fine my family love you. Especially my mom. She adores you, babe." He said now pulling into their driveway. I got out of the truck grabbing the bags of presents in the process. I walked over and grabbed Lucas' hand pulling him to the door letting him ring the bell. He quickly squeezed my hand reassuringly giving me a small smile.

Elizabeth answered the door ushering us in away from the cold weather before pulling us into a tight hug. We set out presents for everyone on the coffee table and sat down on the couch munching on some freshly baked chocolate chip cookies that Elizabeth and Lacy made. It was already 9:30 we decided to head to bed since tomorrow was Christmas and we would all be up early to open presents. I went to the bathroom across the hall from Lucas' old room to brush my teeth and wash my face before bed. As I was washing my face Lucas came into the bathroom wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head in the crook of my neck. I reached for a towel to dry my face.

"Whatcha doing, Luc?" I asked turning around in his arms kissing him on the nose, giggling at his adorable clinginess while putting my arms around his neck. "Just hugging this cute girl I know" he replied once again placing his head on the crook of my neck. "Alright cuddle-bug. Let's go to sleep, we're gonna have a big day tomorrow." I told him dragging him to his room. I climbed in the bed patting the spot next to me for Lucas to sit down. He got into the bed turning off the light and turning on the lamp. He grabbed the remote turning on the T.V. and going to the Netflix app.

"What do you want to watch tonight, my Blonde Beauty?" He asked in a bad british accent turning towards me

"Oh I think you know" I said giving him a smirk, "of course" he said playfully rolling his eyes and sighing. We cuddled up to each other, finally falling asleep after watching two episodes of Gossip Girl.

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