3. "Let me walk you home"

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It had been two months since Lucas asked Maya to be his girlfriend and two months since she accepted. Much to Maya's surprise, for their first date Lucas took Maya horse-back riding claiming that he wanted Maya "to expierence another thing he casually got to do growing up". After riding for an hour taking a tour of some rural part of New York they had never seen Lucas took Maya to a burger joint and they laughed and told stories the other had never heard while eating the best burgers they had ever heard with strawberry milkshakes and fries that were the tiniest bit too salty but that was just the way Maya liked them so Lucas offered his fries to her knowing she would take them, Needless to say, though it wasn't much, they both thought it had been the perfect first date for the both of them.

The group had even slowly gotten back together and started hanging out again, mostly at Topanga's after school like they used to, and it was just like old times except it was better because everyone was getting along, Lucas and Maya were dating and so were Zay and Isadora and Farkle and Riley both had feelings for each other although neither of them wanted to admit to it.

The six of them we currently sitting in Topanga's chatting about all of the teachers at school that they find annoying and just enjoying their senior year as its their last year of high school before the real world finally hit them in the face like a brick.

"Oh come on! Mrs. Adams isn't that bad, Mr. Kurt is much worse. He doesn't let anyone talk unless they're answering a question and if they get it wrong he moves their seat to the back of the class for the rest of the class! Like who does that?!" Lucas argues with Isadora

"Oh, yeah that is horrible, I was not aware of that. Point taken." Isadora finally gives in and sits back in her chair

"So what are everyone's plans for the rest of the day?" Riley chirps perking up seeing as Lucas and Isadora's arguement was finally over.

A courus of 'I don't have any's and 'yeah, me neither's came from all around the group, "We should all go see the new 'The Greatest Showman' movie! I over-heard Sarah and Darby talking about how good it was in the bathroom earlier at school!" Riley suddenly jumped up saying, scaring the rest of us at the sudden movement. "Yes I would enjoy that, I also heard people speaking about how well crafted they thought it was." Isadora replied getting up as well. The rest of us just shrugged and followed them.

After the movie finished it was already 8 o'clock so everyone agreed to call it a night and head home. "Hey, babe let me walk you home, it's starting to get dark and I don't want you walking home alone in the dark." Lucas called as he jogged up closer to Maya, following her to her apartment.

Somewhere along the way they had clasped each other's hands together, slightly swinging them back and forth in a steady pace as the walked down the sidewalk, the sun had no fully set and they only had the moon and the streetlights to depend on for light but eventually they made it back to Maya's apartment. Shawn was out of town once again, he had been trying to slow down on going out of town. He used to leave twice a month but now he only leave about once every month because he planned ahead and took pictures on his and Katy's honeymoon so he wouldn't have to leave her and Maya so often. And Katy was at work of course, she worked almost every night still feeling like her family wasn't bringing in enough money, even though they were bringing in more than enough now with Shawn having his photography job and some job in a factory, although no one was actually sure what he did there, and Katy working at Topanga's because for once she actually liked being a waitress.

They had ended up sitting on the couch in each other's arms watching a movie even though they had just seen one with their friends. But Lucas wasn't paying attention to it movie, his eyes were fixiated on Maya. He randomly grabbed the remote and paused the movie, turning to look at Maya, know was a best time as any. "Ya know Penelope, I really love you." He admitted with a slight blush on his smiling face. He only grinned bigger when he saw Maya also smiling, as realization hit her; this was the first time he had ever said he loved her. "Ya know Huckleberry, I really love you too." she replied with a giggle and leaned up and pecked his lips. She rested back into him as he pressed play on the movie they- well she- was watching.

They had finished watching the movie and now laid in Maya's bed, she lays on his chest she plays with his hands as they talk about nothing in pretictular, just enjoying each other's company with a few yawns here and there. Within the same hour they had unintentionally fallen alseep. He didn't know what time it was but Lucas sat up in Maya's bed rubbing his eyes only to quickly throw himself back down into a sleeping position when he heard footsteps coming towards the bedroom, he quickly pretended he was still alseep as he heard the bedroom door open.

Katy opened her daughter's bedroom door with a smile on her face when she saw her daughter sleeping. The smile fell from her face when she noticed her daughter's boyfriend sleeping next to her all snuggled up between the wall and Maya. Knowing her daughter always slept close to the door in case of an emergacy, leaving Lucas squashed between Maya and the wall. After thinking for a second Katy came to the conclusion that they hadn't done anything because she saw popcorn and movies laid out on the coffee table on her way in and saw part of Maya's blue jeans peaking out from under her blankets, knowing that they had most likely just been talking and fallen alseep, so she turned out the lamp on Maya's bed side table and let them be.

As soon as she closed the door and he heard the footsteps grow quieter, he reached over Maya and grabbed his phone and texted his mom letting her know that he would be sleeping at Maya's that night because it was dark, late, he didn't have his truck with him and they had already fallen alseep. He put is phone away and looked down at a sleeping Maya and grinned. He kissed the side of her head and laid back down and put his arm around her waist and quickly fell asleep again knowing he had his girl right there with him and he was protecting her.

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