Queen Zezanna - Chapter 1

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I hear a shriek somewhere off in the distance. I bolt up in my bed, and look around frantically. My best friend, Emma, barges into my room.

"Did you hear that scream?" She asks.

"Yeah, what's going on?" I ask.

"I'm not sure, but it sounds like it came from the courtyard! Come on!"

I slip on some shoes, and follow her to the castle's courtyard. On our way there, we're joined by my cousin, Heroth.

"Are you two going to see what that noise was as well?" He asks.

"Yes. Oh, damn it, it seems as if everyone else in the castle had the same idea." Emma sighs. We approach the doors to the courtyard, but a crowd of people have surrounded it, trying to catch a glimpse of whatever has happened.

"Excuse me!" I yell, "Princess coming through!" I push my way through the crowd, but someone grabs my shoulder. I look up, and it's the head knight, Brokk.

"Unhand me, fool." I growl.

"Trust me, Zezanna, it is better not to see." He tells me.


"Just... Trust me."

"I'm not saying that I don't trust you, but I need to see what's going on."

"Please..." He begs. "I... Well, I can't stop you, but I beg of you, return to the throne room, and we can fill you in there."

"No. I have two eyes perfectly capable of seeing what is going on. Now, if you don't mind." I say, pushing my way to the front of the crowd, where I see...

"I warned you, ma'am." Brokk comes over, and brings me into an embrace. I break free from him, and rush to the side of my father's body.

"Father!" I scream, collapsing beside him and weeping. Someone has stabbed him, and judging from the blood loss, there's nothing that we can do about it. There are 3 doctors trying to stop the bleeding, but they know just as well as I do that it is worthless. On someone other than the king, they wouldn't even bother with their pathetic attempts.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Emma tells me, sitting down next to me on the floor, and hugging me.

"Who killed him?" Heroth demands.

"We don't know." Brokk shakes his head. "It is early in the morning, and none of the gardeners were out yet."

"Well, find out!" Heroth screams, "You're head knight, so you're in charge of this operation!"

"Y-Yes, sir." Brokk bows, and runs off to begin the investigation.

"Emmaline, please bring my cousin back to her room. She will need her rest if she is expected to take care of all of the issues that will arise out of this."

"I am good where I stand." I tell him.

"If you are good where you stand, then stand up." He says, offering me a hand. I ignore it, and get to my feet. "At least go put on something respectable. You can't stand around in the courtyard all day in your pajamas."

"Neither can you." I say, eyeing his pajamas.

"I have a worker bringing some armor here now."

"Fine then. Please bring everyone into the throne room who has been seen in or around the courtyard this past week."

"Past week? That's a bit much, is it not?"

"Lock down the castle as well. Nobody is getting in or out."

Queen ZezannaWhere stories live. Discover now