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"IF I CREATE A MASS MURDER, WILL I STILL HAVE TO ATTEND HIGH SCHOOL?" I asked Esme ,my adoptive mother, and she just gave me a look that said 'if you try anything I will ground your ass for the next two centuries'. I held my hands up in defence and shrugged. "Just a question.' I mumbled.

"You'll be fine, Sweetie." She smiled softly at me, her golden orbs shining in the light. Ah, how optimistic of her. Well that was Esme for you, she's always optimistic. My older adoptive brother ,Edward, sometimes looks at me like I'm crazy, maybe because I am— well was, from the time I was first turned into a vampire [which was 1728] til when Carlisle found me surrounded by piles of bodies [which was the late year of 1843] I was a ruthless murderer. I hunted once a week when the burning in my throat got too much for me to handle.
Carlisle found me when I had massacred a small village on the outskirts of Denmark and took me under his wing, helping me to control my thirst and become more... civilised towards 'those who were lesser than me' as Rosalie likes to put it. She likes to think that if you're a smelly wolf or a human than you're nothing. I sort of agree with her on that but to an extent. I mean, humans are only things to feed on if you don't know our 'vegetarian way' that Carlisle taught all of us.

"You're insane." Edward rolled his eyes as he walked past me.

"Thanks!" I smiled brightly as the rest of my adoptive siblings stared at me. They weren't like Edward. They were nice.

"Hey, I am nice!" Edward growled at me. I poked my tongue out at him.

"Quit ruining my inner monologue and maybe I'll make you nicer in them." I replied, grabbing my black leather satchel from Emmett who held it out to me.

"Okay should we go through the plan one more time?" Carlisle ,my best friend who posed as our adoptive father, asked as he walked down the stairs with his work bag in his hands.

"Lydia poses as my younger sister," Emmett started. "She's technically a sophomore but has been placed in all AP classes due to her extensive and fast leaning knowledge while being homeschooled all her life. This will explain why you're in top classes but only looks sixteen." He finished. I stared at Emmett — we did actually look fairly similar despite the few centuries between our births. He glanced at me and smiled, giving me a playful wink, I just rolled my eyes.

"I made sure at least one of you is in her classes just to be sure nothing happens." Carlisle looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders.

"We won't sit with you to cramp your style if you want." Edward smiled, air quoting the words 'cramp your style'.

"Please, if anything she'll cramp our style. She is after all second oldest in our family." Emmett teased.

"I may be older than you but I can still beat your ass if we caught right now." I replied. Emmett stood up defensively so I stood up.

"You wanna go!?" He exclaimed.

"You can't take me on! I'll crush you loser!" I snickered back. Rose managed to calm him down after giving me a playful glare.

"Okay kiddo, let's get you to school. Yay! First day, bet you're excited?" Carlisle tried to motivate me, changing the subject. I shook my head as I said bye to Esme and we made our way out to the cars. Alice, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie would go in Emmetts Jeep, Edward would ride solo in his lame Volvo for today and Carlisle would drop me off on his way to work.

"My car isn't lame." Edward mumbled, getting in his car and speeding off.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Carlisle asked me. "Schools completely different to what it was back in the 18th century, you realise this right?" He added.

"I know, Carlisle. Guys are dicks, girls are bitches and homework makes everyone want to kill themselves. I hate both the male and female population of humans and I'm already dead, so what could a little homework do to me that hasn't already been done?" I replied, watching cars move past as we drove closer and closer to school or what I've learned humans nickname 'hell'.

"That's the spirit." Carlisle replied sarcastically. "You're 293, I think you're mature enough to handle high school." He added. I gave Carlisle a tired look.

"You're 343 and you've known me for over two centuries yet you neglect to realise that if someone picks a fight with me I will rip their head clean off their shoulders." I replied calmly. Carlisle sighed, pulling up into the schools parking lot. My five 'siblings' were already there thanks to their insane driving speeds. Carlisle actually obeyed the speed limits.

"At least give it a try? Please? One week, that's all I want. And if at the end of the day, you don't like school because of your appeased need to -quote- 'rip someone's head off their shoulders' then Esme and I are more than happy to take you out." I nodded my head.

"Cool. Good talk. You got my quote wrong though it was 'rip their head clean off their shoulders' okay bye love you!" I called out as I opened the car door as humanly quickly as I could and closed it, watching Carlisle drive away.

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