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By the time the bell rung signalling morning tea, I was more than ready for a break. Rosalie and I waited for everyone to leave the English classroom and then we left. People continued to stare at me which only made my 'appeasable need' to rip their heads off intensify. I needed to get my emotions under control, it wasn't fair on Jasper to have to feel what I'm feeling right now. It would only make him feel the same. To be honest, like I've said, I wouldn't really mind if he helped me slaughter the entirety of Forks High School, but I knew he wouldn't EVER let himself live it down. What's worse is he'd get so worked up about it Jasper would probably go to the Volturi and ask them to kill him.

"You're thinking about something," Rosalie stated, looking at my blank expression. "That's your thinking face." I rolled my eyes as more people stared at us when we walked past to get to the Cafeteria.

"This is my everything face, Rosie," I replied, as we spotted our siblings standing outside waiting for Rosie and I. We all walked into the Cafeteria and a sighed, seeing an ocean of hormonal teenagers staring at us.

"That's the Cullens."

"Doctor and Mrs Cullens foster kids. They all moved down here from Alaska two years ago, and the little girl just started today..." I growled silently, as we took a seat at a table furthest away from the girls who were gossiping. I looked over to see the new girl, Isabella Swan, looking over at our table.

"They kinda keep to themselves."

"Because they're all together, like together together. The blonde girl, Rosalie and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett." I recognised the voice as Jessica Stanley, she was in my chemistry class and was totally trying to get with the guy next to her, Mike Newton. Her and Angela Weber were talking to Bella about us.

"They're a thing... I'm not even sure that's legal."

"Jess, they're not actually related."

"But they live together! The little dark-haired girl, that's Alice, she's really weird-" I stopped listening to turn to Edward. Can I rip their heads off now? I quizzed, flashing an annoyed gesture to the girls a few tables away from us.

"No." Edward hissed at me. I glared at him.

"The youngest is Lydia Cullen. She's only fifteen but she's in all the top Advanced Placement classes. She's in my chemistry class and she's a total know-it-all. Apparently, she's been homeschooled and clearly the favourite of Dr and Mrs Cullen." I rolled my eyes, I'm sixteen, not a little girl. "She and Edward are the only ones who aren't in a relationship. I bet Lydia gonna get all the guys attention but turn them all down." I was really starting to get pissed off with Jessica Stanley now.

"Shouldn't she be in classes with students her age though? I mean she is only fifteen." Sixteen. Bella asked. I was looking down at an apple on my plate, but out the corner of my eye, I could see the human looking back at me. Was she dumb or just incredibly deaf? Jessica Stanley clearly told her that I was in all of the top classes. Ugh. I could feel the burning in my throat and tried my best to ignore it, for my siblings. I didn't want to let them down all because I felt a tingle in my throat. I had only been two days since I last hunted, but animal blood never sustains me for long. I should know- I was on a murderous rampage for 115 years. I had to stay strong and not think about bleeding everyone in this cafeteria dry in order to make it through the rest of the day. Edward looked over at me with a soft smile and a reassuring nod 'you can do this' his eyes told me. I returned the smile and the bell went. Jasper and I said goodbye to our siblings and made our way to art, where we sat at the back of the class, talking in hushed whispers.

We were allowed to paint whatever we wanted, while the teacher graded one of her other classes work, so I let my mind drift, while randomly painting.

We were allowed to paint whatever we wanted, while the teacher graded one of her other classes work, so I let my mind drift, while randomly painting

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Jasper looked over at my painting then looked at me. I looked at him and he gestured to my painting. It was the first time that I had seen it, I'd been in a daze. I gazed at my painting, flashes of my past coming back to me at an alarmingly fast rate.


"I've slaughtered the entire village." A soft and feminine, velvety voice called out. I was paralysed. I couldn't move. I slowly moved my head to the left, where a thin and deathly pale woman stood, her crimson eyes matched the blood around her lips. My brother's blood. Her raven black hair was long and messy, blowing in her face and dark circles hung around the womans eyes. "All except you." She added. I did nothing. She just killed my brother without either of us knowing. She could kill me too. If this woman had slaughtered the entire village, what would stop her from killing me? I did nothing except let the freezing cold tears run down my face. The woman walked up to me very gracefully and gently brushed the tears from my face. Why were her hands so incredibly cold? As cold as the very ice I stood on. "A beauty like you should never show your weaknesses, never cry." She whispered to me. "What is your name?" The woman asked. I remained silent and she sighed- even though I was deathly afraid of her, I couldn't help but be drawn to her beauty. Without any hesitation, she grabbed my neck and bit into to, her teeth piercing through my flesh. I didn't scream- I couldn't. It was like even though I could talk to the woman, maybe persuade her to stop, no one would come to my rescue.


I blinked a few times before regaining my focus on Jasper. He looked at me with a concerned gaze.

"I feel your fear, what's wrong?" His eyes gazed down at me. I said nothing, only stared at the painting in front of me. "Who is that?" He pressed. The monster who made me what I am.

"I can't remember what she looks like. It's so vivid in my mind but I can't picture her." I whispered. The bell rung and everyone handed their paintings up to the front of the room for the teacher. Before she could say anything about mine, I quickly left the room and waited for Jasper outside so that we could walk to History together.


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