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I sat in my room, flicking through a book on Ancient Greece when there was a tap on my french doors. Looking up from the page I sighed, Villa stood with her arms wrapped around her body and a nervous expression plastered on her face. I closed the book and took a final taste of the blood still in the glass as I stood up and sped over to the doors, unlocking them then stepping aside as she walked through the doors. Once I had closed them, I turned back around to face Villanelle but all she did was engulf me in a tight embrace.

"Villanelle what are you doing?!" I asked, when she didn't let go after a while. I pushed her off me and her pained look made me feel a little bad. Still, I crossed my arms over my chest and waited for her answer.

"It started to hurt- not seeing you for so long and I just had to see you." She replied, her fingers gently brushing across my cheeks. I swatted her hand away and walked over to my nightstand where I picked up the empty glass and started to walk out of my bedroom door. Villanelle followed me into the kitchen and there were gasps all throughout the room. I looked up to see Carlisle and Esme staring at her, Emmett and Alice smirking while Rosalie was fuming. Jasper, Edward and the human weren't here- Edward had taken Bella home and I suppose Jazz was away because of Bella.

Huh. I don't blame him. Rosalie sped up to Villanelle and pinned her against the wall by her throat.

"Couldn't keep away could ya!" Emmett smirked. Esme hushed him and tried to tell Rosie to put Villa down but Rose ignited her.

"Did I not make myself clear!" Rose sneered and Villanelle smirked.

"Did you really think you could keep me away from her just by your pathetic little warning? Ha!" Villanelle laughed. I glanced at Rosalie.

"Rosie, what's she talking about?" I asked. My sister let Villa drop to the ground, rubbing her throat softly and she cane up to me.

"She hurt you and I don't like her anyway." Rosalie said, placing her hands on my shoulders.

"How'd you get in, Villanelle?" Esme asked softly.

"I let her in." I replied, looking at my adoptive mother.

"Well maybe we should give you two some space." Carlisle stated, looking between Villa and I.

"I'm not leaving Bri in the same room as her!" Rosalie exclaimed, looking disgusted at Villa.

"Rosie, it's fine." I reassured her, resisting an eye roll. I gestured for Villanelle to follow me as we walked up to my room and I gently shut my bedroom door behind me.

"Why did you come here?" I asked, resting my back and head against the door.

"I had to see you." She replied, taking a seat on my computer chair. Shaking my head slowly, I walked over to my bed and sat down in the edge of it.

"There's more than that, I can see it in your eyes." Villa looked down at her lap where she twisted a thin silver ring on her right index finger. The necklace she wore matched it as well, a thin silver ring tied to a rose gold chain - fastened tightly around her pale neck.

"If it hurts me then it hurts you- a tightening in your chest that feels like there's something missing." She pauses to look up at me. I glanced at her necklace to her eyes which were a pale red colour. She must've been wearing contacts in the hospital. "With each day, it grows and grows until it's unbearable." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't feel a thing." I replied with a smirk. The vampire frowned.

"That's because you're pushing me away and the feelings you have for me. You're burning it deep within you and you don't think that hurts me too?" She hissed. I sighed.

"What did you expect?" I asked, throwing my arms in the air. "That you'd just magically appear in my life without any questions as to what happened in the past!?" I asked angrily.

"I'd expect you to not push me away and let me inside! You've put up a shield and you won't let anyone through but I'm your mate for crying out loud! I'm here to share the burdens you carry and to love you no matter what." Villa finished softly, her melodic voice cracking.

"I don't love you." I said bitterly. "You took my brother away from me and then you turned me into this- this monster who can't stop thinking about wanting to rip her brothers mates head clean off her shoulders!" I screamed.

"And I'm sorry!" Villa said, sobbing.

"I can't forgive you." I said. I didn't realise that I was standing up now and I could only faintly see the vampire in front of me through tear filled eyes. Villanelle left through the french doors and I closed them behind her. Suddenly feeling weak, I fell to my knees and started to sob, only now feeling the hole in my chest grow larger and larger. Arms wrapped around me, as Rosalie softly hushed me and I hugged her tightly.

"I hate her! I hate her!" I cried into Rosie's neck.


School came around the next day and to my displeasure, Bella, Edward, Alice and Jasper were going to some greenhouse and wouldn't be here for half the day. During chemistry class, I sat at the back away from everyone else, quietly doing my work when someone pulled up a chair next to me and sat down. Glancing up, I was met with a smirking Mike Newton.

"Can I help you?" I asked, looking back down the the worksheet that the teacher handed out.

"Uh yeah I don't know how to do this. And you seem less intimidating when your sister isn't here so I was hoping if you could help me out." I rolled my eyes.

"The teacher just spent 15 minutes explaining how to go through the worksheet plus he also asked that anyone who doesn't understand to go and talk with him." I replied, filling in a few more answers.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that." I looked up to see his friends snickering and whispering. I sighed.

"This was a dare wasn't it?" I asked quietly. Mike nodded and looked away embarrassed and I rolled my eyes. "Okay, well to avoid you going back to your friends who will make fun of you I'll help you with your work." Mike smiled at me.

"Thanks Bridie, I seriously owe you."
I helped out Mike with the questions he was stuck on and he wasn't a bad guy when he was by himself but it was difficult to get him to understand what the question was asking.

The bell was about to go and we were on the last question. Mike answered it with his heart beating like crazy just as the bell went. I smiled at him.

"Good job Mike. See you around." I walked out of the class, the last glimpse of it seeing Mikes friends bombarding him with questions.

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