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I followed his scent to a small clearing where James and Victoria stood.

"I was wondering if you would show up. Aren't you just itching to kill something? Maybe me if for some reason I hurt that human of yours?" He called out to us.

"I wanted to see if there was anything I could help with." The two vampires were taken back by my comment.

"And why would we trust you?" Victoria asked me.

"Because I'm tired of this human ruining my undead life– if we could somehow kill her and blame it on someone else then we'd all be in the clear with you having your meal at last." I directed the last past to James.

"Aren't you a tracker?" Villa asked. "It would be such a shame if your power was wasted by the Cullen's ripping off your head." She smirked.

"Okay. Sure. But the minute you two cross us your clan is dead to me." James warned. I smiled and nodded. Finally, I would get to kill something beneath me.

I lead James to a ballet studio where he set up his master plan. Victoria has decided to go to Seattle, not wanting to get herself into a tricky situation in which she couldn't get out of. We waited about an hour until the human showed up, running to a closet where she thought her 'kidnaped mother' was, though that was all a lie to get her away from Alice and Jasper who were meant to be looking after her. There was a video recording of young Bella in a a ballet costume complaining about not being as good as the rest of the children. Renee and her husband Phill weren't home so I just took it and a video recorder that James wanted.

"Mom?" Bella's quaky voice called out.

"She's not here," I came out of the shadows. "She never was. Sorry?" I shrugged, smirking.

"Bridie?" Bella stuttered. Villa appeared next to me. "You two are in on this?" She cried. James appeared in front of her holding a camera.

"I borrowed this from your house I hope you don't mind." James smirked as he started to record Bella. "I want Edward to see this, won't you say something Bella?" James teased. Bella held a pepper spray up to his face and sprayed it in his face. She attempted to run but James pushed her into a bunch of glass mirrors. They shattered into a million pieces and a large shard got stuck in Bella's leg.

"Thanks for helping me out!" James shouted at Villa and I.

"Hey this is your time to shine, buddy." I held my hands up in defence.

"B-Bridie please! Help me!" Bella pleaded to me.

"No I'm good." I grinned, my eyes turning black from the scent of Bella's blood. Oh how I wanted to taste it.

"I think I'm gonna enjoy you very much." James grinned. I looked at Villa. Now? I shot her a look and she nodded. I walked up to James and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around.

"You know there's something you shouldn't have done and that's trust me." I said before shoving him into the wall. He made a dent before getting up and running over to me. "Villa get her out!" I shouted as James gripped my throat and attempted to take my head off. He saw Villa carrying Bella and threw me as hard as he could at the ceiling. I hit it and fell to the floor with pieces of the ceiling falling down with me. Feeling cracks in my neck, I shook off the feeling of dizziness and got to James only to throw him off Bella. She was screaming out in pain and I looked down to see a bite mark on her wrist. James grabbed me from behind and threw me into Villanelle who was getting up from behind tossed into a wall. I collided with her, our bodies making terrible cracking noises but we weren't terribly hurt. She gently touched my neck but I only stood up and ran at James. Edward appeared and bet me to it. Instead I rushed over to Bella and proceeded to check her over.

"Bridie! Villanelle!" Carlisle called out. I looked up as I took off my belt from around my waist and proceeded to tie it tightly around Bella's bleeding leg.

"Hey, great timing actually." I said, trying to ignore the blood on my now shaking hands.

"What happened?" Carlisle asked looking down at Bella. I looked back at James to see Jasper and Emmett trying to make a fire while Villanelle and Alice held a thrashing James. Edward was beside me in a matter of seconds.

"I tricked James into thinking that I was on his side but as you can see things didn't go as planned."

"You tried and I can't thank you enough, but Bella's dying and we need to do something!" Edward said hysterically.

"The venoms spreading, someone needs to suck it out." I said quickly. Carlisle and I looked at Edward. He shook his head.

"I can't do it." He said. Carlisle and Edward then started to argue.

"For the love of god, your girlfriends dying and you can't do anything for her can you!" I shouted as Bella started to scream. "Fine then! Carlisle hold her legs, Edward steady her, if no ones gonna help her then I will!" I growled, bringing Bella's wrist up to my mouth. Her blood tasted sweet, sweeter than I remembered human blood to taste but it was mixed in with James' venom which tasted bitter. When it was all gone and out of her system, I found it hard to stop– my past finally catching up with me and I was so lost in the nostalgia, I didn't feel Jasper pull me away and hold my throat tightly in his hands.

"Bridie!" Jasper snapped me out of my daze and I focused on my brothers golden and worried eyes. They were slowly turning black with the smell of Bella's blood in the air. Thump thump thump. I held my breath, feeling myself struggle in Jaspers grip. I couldn't take it anymore, her blood tasted wonderful and I felt myself wanting more. Villanelle came behind me and wrapped her arms around me, pinning my arms to my side as an attempt to stop me from going anywhere near the human.

I started to scream, my throat burning from the intense hunger I was facing but Villanelle wouldn't let me go. I struggled and wriggled to get out of her grasp but she was much stronger than I was. Edward finally left with Bella along with Carlisle and Alice while Jasper, Emmett and Villanelle stayed with me while they tried to calm me down. Emmett only stayed to make sure James wouldn't crawl out of the fire somehow.

"Bri, c'mon you're better than this! You can control it!" Emmett yelled grabbing my shoulders. After an hour I finally calmed down, managing to put the burning in my throat away and out of my mind. Villanelle still kept a hand tightly around my arm. Oh what have I done?

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