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Alice had arranged for a plane to take us back to Seattle and from there, we would drive back to Forks. The plane ride to Seattle was long and if it was possible, it was more nerve racking than the trip to Italy- I was nervous about how my family reacted to seeing Bella and to seeing Edward, not to mention that Bella's father would be furious that she left pretty much in the middle of the night to get on a plane and go to Italy, all while he was at Harry Clearwaters funeral.

Stepping out of the terminal, my siblings and I with the exception of Bella scanned the area for our family, we found them waiting outside for us is a secluded and shaded area, Esme was the first to greet Bella, bringing her into a loving motherly embrace. Rosalie just glared at her the entire time. I was the last to be greeted by the family, somehow hoping that I would be able to escape all the questions and comments that would be thrown at me. Emmett was about to say something when Edward silenced him with a look that said 'don't'. Walking over to Esme, I just hugged her without saying anything.

"Bridie? What's wrong? What happened." I could hear Edward whispering to Carlisle about what happened, I had no intention of talking about it and had full confidence that Edward would handle it for me. Well he told me he would, so I had full confidence that he would carry out his word.

Alice, Jasper, Emmett and Rose all rode in Emmetts Jeep, I went with Carlisle and Esme in his Mercedes while Edward and Bella rode in his Volvo to take her back home where she would probably be grounded for the rest of her life.


(Bridies outfit but without the glasses :P)

It was early in the morning, about four or fivish when Bella showed up

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It was early in the morning, about four or fivish when Bella showed up. I was currently playing a game of chess against Carlisle and I was winning, but when Bella came in everything stopped. She said she wanted to have a family meeting.

"You all know what Edward wants. And you know what I want. But I won't force myself on you I think the only fair way to handle this is by a vote-" Bella started

"You can't be serious -" Edward stated, pained. I glanced at him and nodded my head. I think she's serious, brother.

"This is my meeting, Edward." Bella turned to him then turned back to us all. "However this turns out, I'm not letting the Volturi hurt you. I'll go back to Italy alone-"

"The hell you will!" Emmett protested. "I'm not missing another fight."

"That's not up for a vote, Emmett. I don't want you involved." Bella replied, sighing.

"We've always been involved, honey, and we're not going to stop-" Esme started but Bella shook her head.

"No, please -- I want you to seriously think about this. If I join you, you'll be stuck with me for a long time - forever. It's a huge decision. And I want - I need your honesty here. Then let's take a vote... Alice?" Alice jumps up and hugs Bella tightly, smiling her pixie head off.

"Like you're not already my sister. Of course, yes!" Bella smiles and thanks her. Jasper rises, but keeps his distance from Bella, considering what happened when they were last in the same room.

"I vote yes. It'll be a relief not to want to kill you."

"Um. Thanks?" Bellas face turns into a confused smile. "Okay, Rosalie?" Rosalie looked torn, she looked at Edward who's stony toward her and we already know what she's decided.

"Edward, I'm sorry for what I did. I really am. And I know you're not ready to forgive me... But this isn't the life I'd have chosen for myself. I wish there'd been someone to vote no for me...So... no." Rosalie stated, taking in a deep breath. Bella nodded, looking a little disappointed.

"I vote hell yeah. We can pick a fight with these Volturi some other way." Emmett walked up to Bella and picked her up in a big beer hug. After Emmett stood back with Rosalie, Esme approached and embraced Bella warmly.

"I already think of you as part of the family. Yes." She decided, which only left me.

"Thank you, Esme. Bridie?" The whole family turned to stare at me, the whole time I was sitting on the couch looking at my book and couldn't find the strength to read. I was still torn up about what happened with Villanelle. Looking up, I looked to Carlisle then to Esme then to Bella. I placed my book down on the couch and stood up next to Jasper.

"Do you want my serious honest opinion?" I asked and Bella nodded eagerly. "No." I said flatly. If it was possible, I felt like I could hear everyones hearts breaking.

"Fair enough," Bella said. "Thats your vote and I take it into consideration-"

"Why no Bridie?" Emmett asked, looking at me. "It's no secret that after you tasted Bella's blood you've been different."

"Emmett thats enough." Esme warned. I held up my hand, telling Esme that it was okay.

"Becoming a vampire isn't something to look forward to Bella," I stated. "Between the constant need for blood and having to constantly control yourself around humans, after you change you'll never feel like yourself again. Yes, it is tempting to not want to kill you anymore but being frozen at the age I am, I don't wish this burden upon you- not when you have so much potential to go to university and get a good job and all that human stuff-"

"But I want to be with Edward forever." Bella said, looking at me. "I love him and I'll never want anything else more than him." Edward glanced at me then to Bella.

"Theres something you'll want more than Edward, something you'll kill for-"

"Bridie, stop. I think Bella's heard enough." Alice said, frowning at me.

"Blood." Rosalie said finishing for me. "Bridie's right- Bella if you want this so badly then you have to take everything into consideration."

"My vote still stands." I crossed my arms over my chest. "I vote no."

"Edward-" Carlisle started, looking at my brother.

"You can't go along with this, Carlisle, you know what it means." Edward pleaded.

"You've chosen not to live without her, which leaves me no choice. I won't lose my son. But Bridie has never turned anyone. It'd be safer if I did it -" The door slammed shut- Edward had disappeared and Bella just stood in our living room looking at us all.

"Thank you." She smiled. "Thank you all." Bella turned and left, leaving us to turn to one another. Rosalie and I glanced at each other, with the family looking at us. How were we the only ones to see that this may not be problematic in one way or another. Bella left the house to go after Edward so with that out of the way, I grabbed my book and sped up to my room, slamming the door close and sliding into my bed. I closed my eyes and sighed, wanting noting more than to sleep, but I could only dream.

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