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I found my fellow vampire siblings shortly after and walked over to them. They huddled together like a bunch of dogs in a world full of cats.

"What's up, Scooby Gang?" I flashed a silly grin at them and they said hi to me. I looked at each of my siblings to see how they were taking this version of hell.
Rose looked at everyone like she was more superior, Emmett looked like he just wanted to get the day over with, Alice [knowing Alice] just wanted to be friends with everyone, Edward was trying hard to stay out of people's minds though not MINE! [He looked at me like I was crazy which in some ways I am] and Jasper hand his eyes lowered to the ground and his hand squeezed Alice's. He was pained. I knew he didn't like to be around all these humans with their hearts racing. To be honest I wouldn't blame him if he wanted to rip them all to shreds because that's what I wanted to do this very second. Alice and Edward's eyes both landed on me. I knew that Alice had probably had a vision of me murdering the entire school. Possible candidate.

"Stop thinking like that, you're just encouraging yourself." Edward hissed, his eyes glaring daggers at me. Yep. There it was. He was reading my mind but in his defence, it was only to keep an eye on me. That's why he and Alice both keep constant checks on Jasper and I. Even though he's the newest 'vegetarian' to our little vampire clan, I'm more likely to go on a killing rampage because of the fact that Emmett would bet that I couldn't. Well, there's a high possibility of that happening if someone in this godforsaken school tries to talk to me.

The bell was about to ring and Rose said that she'd take me to the office to get my timetable, to which I reluctantly left the comfort of my brothers and sister. Rose and I walked in silence, I could tell she was nervous but unlike Jasper, my special gift couldn't help with her nerves. My gift allowed me to control the elements- what Carlisle called 'atmokinesis'. He's said that I'm not allowed to mess with my powers outside the house or when my family isn't nearby. Humans aren't allowed to know that we vampires exist. It's kind of a basic law in our community set by the Volturi who are pretty much the oldest vampires around. They consider themselves kings but I consider them assholes.

"Lydia Cullen's timetable please," Rosalie said impatiently as we watched the front desk lady jump from shock at how quietly we walked up to her.

"Ah, another Cullen I see. Good luck my dear."

"Thanks," I said halfheartedly. She handed over my new schedule with a map of the school I checked to see what I had. I scrunched my nose up to see that I had six classes per day. Ew. "I have AP Chemistry, AP English, break, Art, AP History, lunch, Home Economics and then AP Calculus," I told Rosalie.

"You and I are in the same English, you're with Jazz for History and Art, Math with Edward, Home Economics with Emmett I'm so sorry about that and you have Chemistry with Alice. Are you okay with that?" I nodded. "Well we better get to class, you don't want to be late on your first day, now do you?" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm only doing this for Esme and Carlisle," I muttered, knowing full well that Rosie could still hear me. We met up with the rest of the Cullens and everyone kept staring at us, well mainly me as we walked to my Chem class. Alice and I walked inside and took a seat at the back of the classroom and as people entered, they started to stare.

"Do humans always do this when there's a new student?" I asked Alice quietly, grabbing my books from my satchel. She nodded solemnly.

"I'm afraid so. At least you won't be the only talk of the school. There's another new girl- Isabella Swan. I've seen her, and she is very clumsy it's kind of funny." I smirked.

"Clumsy people are always funny to laugh at," I replied, as the teacher walked in. He looked to the back of the class where Alice and I sat and when he saw me, he did a double-take. "I'm taking an educated guess and going out on a limb when I say the teacher didn't know his newest student looked 16, now did he?" I pondered quietly. Alice laughed and shook her head.

"No one was given any indication to your age, just that you would be a hard-working student who would definitely not disappoint. Carlisle's words, not mine." I rolled my eyes. Both Esme and Carlisle were very optimistic when it came to their adoptive children- especially me and sometimes their optimism killed my mood.

"Good morning students. Today we have a new student, I'm sure most of you would've heard about it by now. Miss Lydia Cullen, would you care to introduce yourself to your new class?" Everyone didn't even have to turn around, they were all staring at me, waiting for me to speak, wanting to hear a Cullens soft velvety voice say something. I've heard my siblings say that they were almost always the topic of conversation- if they spoke in class if they smiled in public or laughed at a joke Emmett would usually crack, someone would always bring up a conversation on one of the Cullens. Now it was my turn. I stood up slowly, watching all their eyes follow me intensely.

"Hi. I'm Lydia." I sated quickly before sitting down. Everyone seemed disappointed, even if they didn't look like it everyone was expecting more, like being a Cullen was a drug that the humans couldn't get enough of. The teacher nodded awkwardly.

"Alright then," The students turned back to look at the teacher, with some eyes still lingering on me. "Um, well thanks Bridie. So carrying on from the last lesson, go ahead and finish balancing those chemical equations, please. Any questions and I'm here to help. Lydia, I'm sure your sister wouldn't mind helping you." I turned to Alice who smiled softly at me and we started on our work.

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