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Bridie was out walking in the woods aware of the border that she couldn't cross. The weather in Forks, Washington was terrible but the old vampire loved it- snow and a lot of rain and nothing that Bridie Cullen and her family couldn't handle.


Bridie turned around in all directions but couldn't see anyone.


"You should never walk by yourself," A voice called out. "It's dangerous out here." She instantly recognised the voice and frowned.

"I'm getting sick and tired of your games, Villanelle." The vampire hopped down from a tree and landed swiftly on her feet, her crystal blue eyes locking with Bridie's pale golden eyes... Wait blue?

"Oh I thought we were closer than that." Villanelle pouted but it was soon replaced by a smile. "How is my lovely little mate?" She asked, Bridie started to walk away.

"She would be much better if a certain annoying vampire would leave her alone." Bridie replied, trying to walk away from Villanelle but the vampire sped up to her and held her wrist, refusing to let Bridie go. The vampire bought her face down close to Bridies- their noses only just touching. "What happened to your eyes?" Bridie whispered, not taking her golden orbs away from Villanelles.

"Something." She replied, smiling. Before Bridie knew what was happening, Villanelle bought her lips down onto the small vampire. She never protested, letting the soft kiss work it's magic on her. When Villanelle pulled away, her eyes were back to their crimson colour and Bridie knew something was up, only she was too late when her throat started to itch. It then started to burn. "Come hunting with me, you're eyes are black."

"I'm not going anywhere with you." Bridie growled shaking her head furiously. She ripped her hand from Villanelle's and the older vampire merely smiled.

"I had a feeling you would say that so that's why I bought the hunt to you." Villanelle whistled and a teenage boy emerged from the trees, his neck bleeding and blood dribbled down his light blue shirt. Bridie's throat burned like never before, the perfect kill mere metres away from her.

"Get him away from me!" Bridie shouted, Villanelle held her shoulders from behind her and placed her chin on Bridie's shoulder.

"Don't you want even just the smallest little taste? Imagine it- the satisfying feeling of his blood running down your throat." Bridie was motionless- her body was still as she stared down at the boys neck, the blood appealing to her.

"Who are you?" She whispered, turning her head to meet Villanelles smiling face.

"I'm doing this for you- before he can touch you." Villanelle replied, whispering in her ear.

"Who are you?" Bridie repeated, not satisfied by the answer.

"You know who I am, I just never told you the full extent of what I can do." Villanelle replied. She wrapped her arms around Bridie's waist and pulled her close. "Think about the blood, Bridie. Isn't it a wonderful smell?" The vampire slowly nodded, turning her attention back to the boy who was dazed looking. "How much do you want it? Picture the blood being wasted- isn't that a sad thought?" Bridie nodded again. "You want it don't you? Well go and get it!" Villanelle released her arms and Bridie sprung forward, latching her fangs onto the boys neck who never once cried out in pain. Villanelle walked up to Bridie and smiled down at her. "I have to take you away before he can- it's the only way I can keep you safe." Bridie suddenly screamed out in pain, clutching her chest with her hands.

"What the hell did you do to me!" She screamed, trying to crawl away from the now dead body and Villanelle. She smirked.

"I'm protecting you." She said simply, before Bridie sped away. Villanelle smiled and sighed, knowing what she had done and what was about to be done was for the best. "I'll always love you. I'll always do whats best for you." Bridie pushed herself against several trees, feeling herself weaken then strengthen then weaken. Finally she made it into her house, pushing against one of the walls for support.

"Bridie!" Carlisle yelled, trying to get to her. She used her power to force Carlisle away, making him crash through a wall.

"Stay away!" She shouted. Carlisle looked into his best friends red eyes and slowly shook his head.

"Bridie what happened?!" Emmett asked as he and the rest of the family spread out into the living room. Bridie collapsed onto her knees, screaming in pain as she held her head.

"I never saw this coming!" Alice cried, Jasper winced at everyones painful emotions. Bella was buried in Edwards shirt, his hand on her head so she didn't look at what was happening. Bridie screamed out, the house starting to shake and items fell from mantle pieces and bookshelves crashing and smashing onto the ground.

"Bridie! Control yourself! Control!" Carlisle shouted to her but she couldn't hear him, her mind was too pre-occupied, realising what Villanelle had done.

"I'll kill her!" Bridie screamed, thinking of every possible way to kill Villanelle. Something was in the boys blood that she drank and it had to do with the fact that her mate had kissed her.

"Bridie, listen to me honey, calm down!" Esme asked as calmly as she could. Carlisle listened closely, hearing a second but faint heartbeat. Bridie started to cry, her hands against her eyes and the doctor sped over to her hugging her and helped her up. Bridie was crying into his shirt and everyone was getting confused.

"Bridie, you have a heartbeat." Carlisle said softly to her. Bridie sniffled, nodding.

"I know." She replied weakly before going limp in Carlisle's grip.

"Bridie? Bridie!" He yelled, lying her on the ground. Apart from Bella's heartbeat and her ragged breathing, not a sound was to be heard, not even Bridie. Her eyes were closed so Carlisle gently opened them to see her human eye colour but there was one problem. "Her pupils are dilated, she isn't breathing. She's..." He trailed off. Carlisle slumped to his knees and gently closed Bridie's eyes again.

"No!" Rosalie yelled out. "You're wrong Carlisle! She can't be...be.." Rosalie stuttered out, Emmett holding her close to his chest.

"I did it to save her." A soft voice called out by the door. Everyone looked up to see Villanelle standing there, a frown on her perfect face. Esme sped up to Villanelle and held her throat in her hands.

"You killed her!" She screamed over and over again until Carlisle had the strength to get up and pull Esme away from the older vampire.

"I had no choice!" Villanelle yelled back. Edward in that moment somehow felt all of Bridie's final thoughts float into his mind. His eyes darkened as he glared at Villanelle.

"You tricked her- manipulated her into doing that! You son-of-a-bitch how could you!"

"It was the only way to save her." Villanelles voice cracked. Carlisle's grip on Esme tightened, his eyes glaring daggers at the woman in front of him.

"Get out." He growled. Villanelle nodded slowly, turning on her heel and stopping.

"He was going to get her first." She whispered before speeding away out of sight. Everyone looked down at Bridie's lifeless body, Jasper came up to her and draped a white sheet over her and walking back to Alice.

Villanelle stood in front of the cloaked figure. "Miss Barker, you underestimate my abilities- did you not realise what can happen now?" He asked. Villanelle had her head bowed.

"I thought it best- put her out of her misery before it began." She replied in a melancholic tone. The figure struck her across the face and the vampire dropped to the ground, growling at the dark figure in front of her.

"Nevertheless, I will fix this before you screw something else up."

"How could I screw this up anymore? My mate is dead all because you had other plans in mind!"

"Precisely." The cloaked vampire replied simply. "As I said- I will fix this and you can go back to being Volturi scum." Villanelle stared up at the man in front of her, his pale features contrasting with his short dark brown hair and pale red eyes- proof he had not hunted in weeks but did not seem at all hungry. The vampire smirked and helped Villanelle to her feet before shooing her away back to Italy. Turning back to his studies, the vampire glanced over every book that lay on the long wooden oak table and sighed in a bored tone. His eyes got lost in a perfectly drawn picture of his younger sister and himself. "I swear- the day things go my way."

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