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School had finished for the day and I was ready to get out of there, it was a cold day and once again it had been raining, but this time instead of just rain it had also snowed. Wowie. Great, I just love snow especially with the way that my siblings drove.

For some reason, as we stood outside in the parking lot of the school my siblings and I were watching the Swan girl watch Edward. Well they were, I was too busy reading 'Tender is the night' by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Alice took my book from me and rolled her eyes.

"You need to get your head out of those books and do something interesting for a change...like going shopping with Rose and I!" She smiled I rolled my eyes and laughed, snatching my book back.

"That seems like a good idea, and maybe we can get you some books that aren't so god damn depressing!" Rose chimed in.

"Oh grow up! You know you want to read it after I've finished it." I mused but our smiles faded when we heard the ear piercing screeching of the tires as a large black van made its way towards Bella's truck, it's speed increasing no matter how much the boy behind the wheel tried to slam on the breaks. The next thing I know, I jumped in front of the van and using all of my strength, I pushed it with one of my hands creating a large dent in the side of the van. I looked beside me to see Bella staring at me shocked and it took me a second to realise what I had just done. Getting up quickly, I left Bella by herself and I managed to miss the ever growing crowd that surrounded her unappealing truck. My siblings gaped at me and even I couldn't process what I had just done. Did I just save Bella Swan?

Rosalie, Edward and Bridie had arrived at the hospital just minutes after the ambulance that had Bella Swan and the driver of the van Tyler Crowley had shown up. Her siblings were ambushing her with questions, but Bridie sat quietly in the back seat. When they got into the hospital, Edward and Rosalie were busy bickering while Bridie walked behind them, letting the two work out their small feud.

Dr Carlisle Cullen entered the medical room, seeing Bella Swan sitting on the bed, her father and chief of police Charlie Swan standing next to her.

"You can kiss your license goodbye, buddy." Chief Swan glared at Tyler Crowley who was ,too, getting himself checked on by the newest doctor who had gotten the job only yesterday. Carlisle walked over to Bella and started to do a few routine checks.

"Well all I can say is that you were lucky, no broken bones but you do have a small concussion." Carlisle concluded, scribbling down a few words on a clipboard. "I'll prescribe you some medication to help with any headaches that may occur later today."

"It was crazy how quickly Bridie got over to me." Bella blurted out. The new raven haired doctor looked up and made eye contact with Carlisle.

"Bridie, your girl?" Chief Swan asked surprised looking up at the male doctor. Carlisle forced an awkward smile onto his face and the new doctor looked away, starting to talk to Tyler Crowley about being more careful on slippery roads.

"My youngest." Carlisle replied, clearing his throat.

"She was there one second and pushed the van away from me. I couldn't believe her strength." Carlisle shook his head.

"Bridie isn't that strong, Bella. she may have seen the van coming just in time for her to push you out of the way but no one is that strong." Carlisle replied. Bella hesitantly nodded. Bridie, Edward and Rosalie waited out in the hallway to talk with their adoptive father. Carlisle walked out into the hallway and sighed when he saw Edward concerned, Rosalie pissed off and Bridie looking lost. Behind Carlisle, the new doctor walked out and stood next to him. Bridie looked up and frowned.

"What're you doing here?" She asked the woman, who merely smiled at the vampire.

"Doing my job." She replied. When Bridie held a confused look Carlisle butted in.

"She now works here." The small vampire nodded, looking down at the ground.

"Who are you?" Rosalie sneered. The woman walked forward and held out her hand.

"I'm Villanelle Barker, I-"

"She's the one who turned me." Bridie remarked quietly, too quiet for any human to hear. Rose's eyes darkened and Edward looked a little concerned. "This is who I ran after that night

"Nice to meet you." The tension grew quickly but left as soon as Rosalie opened up her mouth.

"Are we going to discus what happened or completely ignore it?" She asked.

"You saw what happened, now we just have to keep it a secret." Edward replied.

"I'm loving all these secrets I get to keep." Bridie stated, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. "The girl won't talk. No one would believe her." She said confidently.

"But if she does?" Villanelle asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"This doesn't concern you!" Rosalie seethed. Carlisle sighed.

"We should take this into my office." He stated, gesturing to Bella who was trying really badly at hiding behind the wall near the Cullen's and Villanelle.

"Hey um Bridie, can I talk to you for a minute." The young vampire nodded.

"Get this sorted out." Rosalie hissed at her but Bridie ignored her. Approaching the human slowly, Bridie crosses her arms over her chest. She watched her siblings and adoptive father walk away but Villa was leaning against the pristine white walls, watching Bridie closely.

"What do you want?" She asked as kindly as she could at that moment.

"What are you?" Bridie was taken back at Bella's bluntness.

"What do you mean?" Bridie played the innocent card.

"I mean you're obviously not human, you stopped that van from hitting me with your bare hands and you were incredibly fast to get there as well, may I add."

"You've got signs of a concussion, Bella. Your mind isn't clear on what you saw and due to the lack of information that your brain has you're making up wild stories."

"No," Bella shook her head. "I know what I saw." She stated.

"No, what really happened is I was on my way over to you anyway. I pushed you out of the way before the van could hit us and I accidentally pushed you into your truck where you hit your head and concussed yourself."

"Why would you want to talk to me though?" Bella asked nervously. Bridie rolled her eyes.

"To tell you that you're making my brothers life a misery. Stay away from him and my family or it will get messy." She warned. Bella was intrigued at what she meant.

"Meaning what exactly?" Bella asked. Behind Bridie, Villa appeared with a hand on her shoulder

"Bridie, your father wants to see you." Villa said softly, her velvety British accent carrying the sentence like a melody to Bella's ears. Bridie grunted in response, rudely shoving past Villa as she walked down the corridor.

"Goodbye Bella Swan, I hope to never see you again." Bridie said loudly for Bella to hear, giving a small wave as she disappeared around the corner. Bella glanced at Villa who was clearly looking hurt at Birdies rude gesture.

"Are you okay?" Bella asked awkwardly. Villanelle looked up and forced a smile on her face.

"Teenagers!" She exclaimed, forcing a laugh as she walked away, following Birdie down to Carlisle's office.

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