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When Carlisle's shift ended an hour after my siblings and I got there, he decided to take me home in his car while Rosie and Ed went in his Volvo.
It was dark when Carlisle pulled out of the hospital parking lot and it was silent as well.

"Bridie, what happened today?" Carlisle asked with concern lacing his voice. Shaking my head slowly I shrugged.

"I have no idea." I replied.

"You must have some idea," Carlisle sighed. "Does this mean you're willing to give her a chance?" I shook my head.

"If blood had've been spilled today, Jasper would've lost it and there's a good chance I would've as well." I stated when I didn't reply to Carlisle's questions after a few minutes.

"You stopped that van for yourself?" I nodded. "Bridie you have to understand that you can't keep doing things for your benefit." I could hear the disappointment in Carlisle's voice.

"Your point being?" I asked, glancing at my friend.

"If Bella was killed today or seriously injured, Edward wouldn't let himself live with the guilt that he didn't do anything."

"So what if I did it for Edward or myself or Jasper? That human is in no danger and I'm fairly sure I persuaded her that she was going crazy. So all is well, it it not?" I asked getting defensive.

"No it's not because you're clearly not happy. I saw the way you pushed Villanelle away today, and it was clear that both of you are hurting." I rolled my eyes as we pulled up to the house.

"Carlisle I love you, you're my best friend but when I want advise as to how I approach the whole 'I killed you for fun and now we find out that we're mates' situation then I won't hesitate to ask." I closed the door and looked out into the forest, disappearing to go and hunt.


"Until then leave me alone." I disappeared into the night, leaving Carlisle alone to walk to the house.

It had been a month since I first went to Forks high school and it was still complete hell

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It had been a month since I first went to Forks high school and it was still complete hell. It had been almost two weeks since the accident that happened in the school with Bella and I and since then, she had found out about us. Edward decided to tell her the full story and everything about us since she was his blood singer and he had told her what we were. Well more like she had figured it out, he technically just confirmed her theories. What's worse is that he had invited her over today.

Carlisle and Esme were busy in the kitchen cooking some food for Bella, Rose and Emmett were there as well helping, Alice and Jasper were god knows where and I was sitting on the roof with a book between my hands. Edward was off picking up the human which gave me some time with my thoughts alone.

Looking down at the silver Volvo that had just pulled up, Edward and Bella stepped out of the car and caught sight of me.

"Is that Bridie up there?" Bella asked, pointing at me. Edward chuckled.

"Yeah..." He replied awkwardly a frown etching on his face. He knew how negatively I felt towards Bella and so I knew how protective he would be over her. Even if I did 'accidentally' save her, I'd always be sceptical about her knowing what I was and what the rest of my family were.

"Why is she up on the roof?" She asked another annoying question.

"She goes up there to think. Bridie why don't you come down?" Edward asked me, knowing I was listening in on their conversation. I rolled my eyes and jumped down to my balcony, placed my book on the coffee table and rested my arms against the metal railing. Bella's eyes were wide open, intrigued at my flawless movements.

"Edward, I have no intention of interacting with the likes of this human. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go and paint." Edward sighed, and I could see Bella get a little awkward.


"Bring that human near me and I'll tear her limbs from her body." I hissed, walking inside and closing the French doors. I walked down the hall to my small painting studio that Esme had designed for me, but before I could get there, someone walked up behind me and grabbed me by the elbow. "Hello Carlisle." I smiled politley.

"Bridie, you need to be happy for Edward, he found his mate. Not every vampire gets that." He stated.

"You mean me, don't you?" Realisation crossed his face as he quickly let go of me and tried to reword what he had just said. "Drop it, Carlisle." I sighed, walking into my studio.

"You know what I mean don't you though?" Carlisle asked from the doorway. I refused to look at him, tears blurring my vision but they would never fall. I nodded slowly, keeping my back to him and picked up my pencil, starting to sketch out whatever came to mind. His hand fell onto my shoulder. "You've refused to see your mate based off what happened almost three hundred years ago. Bridie if you ever want to be happy with your mate, you need to forgive her." I nodded and proceeded to draw. I heard Carlisle's footsteps get quieter and thats when I wish I could cry. Villa abandoned me when I needed her the most. I didn't know it then, but I do now. The woman- whoever she was- was my mate.

"Bridie!" Esme called from downstairs. I knew that she would want me to meet Bella. Properly. I sighed, only doing it for Esme and Carlisle an for Edwards happiness. I pushed myself away from the table and sped down the stairs to see the whole family down there and Edward standing protectivley near Bella.

"And you remember Bridie, she looks like the youngest, but she's actually older than Esme." Emmett stated, as I walked through the doorway to the living room. I walked into the kitchen and glared at Emmett, Esme was too.

"Emmett, that's very rude of you." Carlisle scolded. Emmett smirked, looking towards me and laughed.

"It's true though." He stated and I rolled my eyes.

"I may be older than you, but I could totally kick your ass." I replied, turning to Edward and Bella. Edward nodded to me, a small smile on his lips. He knew that I would try to be nice to Bella for him.

"Is that a challenge?" Emmett asked me, catching my attention but before I could reply, Carlisle butted in, saying that is wasn't the best time to do it, while motioning to Bella. I rolled my eyes and turned to face Bella.

"Hi." I forced a small smile, turning to Edward and Bella. She was hesitant but she smiled and waved, looking like a sad deranged puppy for a split second. I pushed the thought from my mind when Edward gave me the 'don't insult my mate' look. Esme and Carlisle finished preparing the meal they decided to cook for Bella and she soon started to eat it. I only stuck around because Esme asked me to, wanting to talk renovation ideas since Rosalie was in a foul mood. Apparently she broke a bowl that had salad in it so Esme had to start from scratch.

After Bella ate, Edward gave her a tour of the house and that's when I realised I had been holding in my breath. A glass full of animal blood slid across the table in front of me and I looked up to see Carlisle staring at me.

"Your eyes are going black." I nodded, realising it would freak Bella out and if it freaked Bella out then Edward wouldn't be happy with me. I slowly sipped at the blood realising how unsatisfactory it was. Oh how I wished I could have human blood. Jasper was staring at me, feeling my mixed emotions and I flashed him a quick smile before disappearing up to my room with the glass of blood in my hands

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