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The end of the day had finally come and I came to the decision that I didn't completely hate american high school, especially one as rubbish as Forks. We met outside the school in the parking lot and waited for Edward to show up.

In all of my years of knowing Edward, I'd never seen him that worked up, his eyes were almost entirely black, which made me worry.

"Whats wrong?" I asked, Edward walked to his car and I looked back at Alice who obviously knew what was going on. He gestured for me to follow and I waved to all of my siblings before getting into his car. We drove quickly in silence for a few minutes, it seemed like he was in deep thought, like he wanted to tell me something.

"I do want to tell you something, maybe you can explain to the rest of the family for me." I looked at him confused.

"Are you not coming home with us?" I asked, wondering why he wasn't coming home.

"I have to get out of here- there's this girl..."

"A human girl? Don't tell me it's that Isabella Swan girl?" Edward didn't reply. "Whats wrong, brother mine?" I asked.

"S-She's so different. I can't hear her thoughts and her smell is so intoxicating. It makes me want to rip her throat out and drink her 'til there's no blood left." I sighed, I didn't need to, but when it came to my family, I understand their morals of not wanting to hurt any humans. That wasn't my morals though. I couldn't care less if I broke a child's neck or drained an old man dry. It was a kill or be killed world.

"What are you going to do?" I asked, looking at Edward. He took in an unnecessary breath in and shook his head.

"I need a break. I'm gonna take a few days and try to figure things out." He replied.

"Why don't you just kill her if you really want to?" I asked as we neared the house. He glared at me and I shook my head. "Just come inside. Explain to Carlisle and Esme, please." Edward shook his head.

"Can't you do it for me? I feel like I'm letting them down." I rolled my eyes.

"You could never let them down, they love you like a real blood child, so just because you need to collect yourself over a small human won't annoy them like it is me at the moment." I stated. I opened my door and sped around to Edwards side, opened up the door and turned off the ignition. "Now they deserve an explanation so go and give them one." I demanded, before speeding upstairs into the house. Esme was the first to greet me, with a small soft smile and Carlisle by her side followed by my siblings who all ,except for Alice, looked at me like they wanted me to tell them what was going on. I merely smiled, put my bag on the ground and sat down on the couch. Edward came up soon after and stood in front of the family.

"I'm leaving for a few days." Edward stated. I looked around the room, Emmett, Jasper and Alice seemed to be okay with it, but Rose didn't look very okay. I glaced over to Carlisle and Esme and they were asking him why. Edward then proceeded to tell them what had happened during his biology class and that he even tried to switch classes but there were no available ones to switch to. "She wouldn't let me drop the class, so I'm only going to be gone a few days to sort myself out. I'll be back soon. I promise." Edward said the last little bit looking directly at me. He quickly sped upstairs to go and pack, and we all either stood around or sat down quietly. Most of my siblings were looking at me, but I had pulled out a book and was reading it quietly. When Edward came down and said goodbye, telling Esme and Carlisle that he was going to stay with our 'cousins' the Denali clan in Alaska and that he would call her when he got there.

"Did you even try to stop him?" Rosalie shouted at me. I placed my book down next to me and stared up to meet all of my siblings gazes as well as Carlisle and Esme's. I looked over at Alice. She nodded at me.

"No." I replied hesitantly. "I realised that he wouldn't listen to me, so why try?" I shrugged.

"I'm sure he'll be back before we know it." Carlisle smiled optimistically, an arm draped over Esme's shoulders.

"Maybe that humans driven him off for good." Emmett said bitterly.

"I could handle Isabella Swan if you want?" I said eagerly. Carlisle shook his head with an angry look.

"No." He said. "That's chief Swans only daughter. No harm will come to the human." Carlisle mainly directed that at me, but I shrugged, grabbed my bag and sped upstairs into my room.

" Carlisle mainly directed that at me, but I shrugged, grabbed my bag and sped upstairs into my room

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My room was at the top of the house, Esme turned the attic into what is now my bedroom. I was originally in the bedroom that Alice and Jasper have now but I thought that it fit them better. I get a classic view of the woods and a little balcony with a chair and small coffee table that's kind of covered in books from the night before.

I go through at least a dozen books a day, since we vampires don't sleep I have one hell of a lot of down time on my hands and since Carlisle and Esme won't let me have any fun taunting humans or animals for that matter, I've turned to reading, writing and art. Specifically painting and sketching.

I gathered up all my books and placed them in their messy but designated spots on my bookshelf that covered an entire wall [Thanks Esme], hopped into my bed with four different novels and started to read. I never sleep but having a bed in my room makes me feel ,at some moments of my immortal life, human again.

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