Chapter 30

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The song for this chapter is-

The one that got away- The civil Wars

(Geny POV)

"What is your problem?", I yell at him.

"You are my problem!", He yells back.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you telling me that?".

"Because it's the truth", He says, not yelling anymore.

"What? So i'm your problem?".

"Yes, you have always been my problem!", He yells, why is he telling me this? I tought he loved me.

"I don't love you!", he says. I thought wrong.

"That's it, like that?".

"Yes, that easy", He says and gets in the limosine. When he is about to close the door he yells.

"Just in case you didn't get the message, i am breaking up with you!",He yells and slams the door.

"I am sorry", Jessica says grabbing my sholdier.

"No, it's fine if he wants to break up i'm cool, i am not going to waste my time crying over someone who isn't worth it", I tell her.

"I'll order a taxi", Zac says and we wait until the taxi comes outside the restuaraunt. I am strong, i am not going to cry i thought to myself the whole time we were waiting.

(Cameron POV)

Ouch. My head hurts and i feel dizzy. Where am i? The last thing i remember is being at Geny's house. Now i am in a dark room. What is going on?


(Cameron POV)

"No!", We hear Jessica yell from upstairs.

"Let me go check on her", Geny says standing up.

"Fine, i'll just watch Frozen by myself", i say making a sad face.

"I'll be right back", She says and kisses my cheek.

"Fine", i say.

I sit there on the couch until there is a knock on the door, it's probably Zac i think. I walk over to the door without looking at the hole and open it.

I open it but there's no one, i call out for Zac but he doesn't answer. Two tall Guys appear on the doorway and grab my hand pushing me outside.

"Hey!", I tell them. They're grip is harder every second. I try to free myslef but the other guy grabs me and puts a towel over my mouth, the smell is wierd. I feel like fainting, dizzy...

(Kassy POV)

"So that's the plan", I tell the kid handing him 100 bucks.

"Okay, no problem piece of cake", He replies.

"What is your name again?".

"Omar Elizalde at your service".

"Okay, you better do the work right or you will pay the price".

"It's okay, i can handle it".

"You better", i tell him and open the door for him to get inside. I picked out the right guy, he could even be his twin! Get ready Geny, because tonight is the beginning of your nightmare.


"I don't get it", Jessica says once we're in bed.

"What's not to get", I say and close my eyes.

"Well the fact that he doesn't love you".

"He said it right, so it must be true", I reply still my eyes closed.

"Geny, you were right".

"About what?".

"What you said about him acting wierd", She says and i immedialty open my eyes.

"Why did you see him act wierd or-

"Yeah, when i got back to the table after our conversation on the restroom".

"What did you see?", I ask now looking at her.

"Well he was screaming at the waiter and even Zac said he was acting wierd when we were in the restroom".

"I don't care anymore, he's not my boyfriend anymore", I say.

"What? Geny you are meant to be together, don't you get it".

"What i don't get is why you are always on my freaking bussiness!", I yell and head to the bathroom and close the door.

"I'm sorry Geny, i didn't mean-

"I know i'm sorry i acted like that, i am just mad about what happened earlier", i say. I really am and i am none to treat Jessica like that. She's my best friend, She's been with me since like forever and she still is here so i should be grateful and happy, she's still by my side when i need her the most like right now.

"I am not convinced that was Cameron", She says and i open the door and look at her.

"What do you mean?".

"I mean Cameron would have never acted like that way".

"Yes but that doesn't prove anything".

"Then let's add up the clues?".

"What are you talking about?".

"Just trust me ok?".


"My evidence is that he is was acting wierd". I said that but i'll let her get the credits.

"My evidence is that he didn't have that many freckles", I say and she raiser her eyebrow.

"The ones you fell in love with right?".

"Shut up!", I say, giving her a playful shove. "It was not just the freckles that you fell in love with", She says and i stay silent.

"See you still care", She says and a tear drips down my face. She hugs me and we get back to out research. And at the end we decide that he is an imposter.

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