Chapter 28

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The song for this chapter is-

Good girls are Bad girls- 5sos

"You know what i want to do? I want to illegally download clothes", she says and i give her a worried look.

"I am just kidding but that would be cool right?", she says giggling.

"You are such a bad girl Jessica, not like Last year you were such a good- sorry".

"It doesn't matter and who said i was a good girl last year? I was just a good girl who didn't get caught", she says and winks at me. "Last year i made my parents believe i studied hard in my room, but i would sneak out to see my boyfriend". I look at her with wide eyes and she laughs.

"How come you never told me anything, young lady?".

"You never asked".

"I can't believe my best friend who i thought was a goodie tushu last year was a bad girl and i didn't even know, what did you do behind my back".

"That's a secret", she says and laughs. I just stare at her, Wow not even me.

"In other news, did you know there is a new store with great disscounts?". And there she is, the girl i know and love.

We spent the day walking throught the mall, buying clothes, trying shoes and wasting money.

She even bought a shirt that says "Good girls are and bad girls who haven't been caught", she fell in love that instant, apperantly it's a 5sos lyric.

When we finished paying we went back to the taxi and put our bags inside which by the way didn't fit but we made space, don't ask.

When we went home Cameron was waiting for us, well me.

"Geny, wow i am speechless", he says and hugs me.

"Thanks, i own it all to Jessica", i tell him.

"Thanks Jessica".

"Welcome", she says.

"And no matter what you look like you are still beautiful to me", he says and hugs me tighter.

"Oh, i came here to ask you if you wanted to go out to eat?".

"Thanks but shouldn't i change first?".

"No, no you look fine like that and besides i picked it out so you look great".

"Do you mind explaining to me the outfit?", Cameron asks.

"No!", I say but it's too late, Jessica starts talking.

"I think it's not a good idea right now". She's right if she talks like that i will kill her.

"Changing the subject would you like to come? And you can even invite your boyfriend, what's his name? Oh right zayn".

"Zac, his name is Zac", i say and laugh.

"Right, yeah sorry", he says and covers his face. "I didn't pay that much attention last time you introduced him".

"It doesn't matter, i'll go call him, be right back", she says and walks away to my- well i guess it's our room now.

"I like that Zayn guy, you know, he is a great guy and i think they are both right- no perfect for eachother right?", he says and looks at me.

"Zac, Cameron his name is Zac, how can you confuse Zayn with Zac?".

"I don't know they sound the same to me", he says and laughs.

He is right, they are perfect for eachother, just like me and-

"What is going on in that little brain of yours? And You look so cute when you are in thinking mode", he says and hugs me again taking me by his side.


"You know what we should do?", he asks.


"We should take a selfie!", he says.

He raises his phone high so we both fit in the phone screen, he takes the picture and sets it as his background picture.

"I love you".

"I love you too", i say. We stare at eachother until Jessica comes back.

"Hey, Zac said he would - She looks at us, and puts her phone away.

"Sorry, did i interrupt something?", she asks.

"No, it's okay".

"Okay, shall we go?".

"Can we wait for Zac, he said he's on his way".

"Sure!", he says.

"Great, i'll go change, be back in like 20 minutes".

"That means she will be back in 40 minutes".

"Woah, you know her alright".

"We should watch a movie, while she's back".

"Yeah, okay".

(Jessica POV)

40 minutes, i have 40 minutes that's nothing. 30 minutes to choose something to wear and 10 minutes for my hair and makeup. Great, let's get started. I only have 40 minutes.





"No!", i yell to my clothes, i have nothing to wear!

There is a knock on the door and Geny comes in. "Is everything okay? Are you ready because Zac is here".

"No, everything is not okay! I have nothing to wear", she says and sits on the bed which is now covered with Jessica's clothes all over it.

"It's okay just wear you Viva Strappt black high heels, with your white Contempo heart necklace, blue Demin jacket, White akoya pearl stud earrings, and your Pacsun white dress with flower shaped designs!", Geny says.

"Oh my god! Geny, how did you learn how to talk like that?".

"I learned from the best".

"Thanks, and your fashion choice is correct!".

"You see i can be right sometimes".

"Can you help me finish getting ready?".

"Yes, of course and we wont spend more than 10 minutes because you already curled your hair and did your makeup".


"Okay, let's get you ready".

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