Chapter 31

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"Who are you?!", I ask the kid sitting in the chair tied up, in front of me. We had to do it, me and Jessica had to tie him up, we had to know the truth. Last week when we were going over our researches and have been following him around, we finally came up with a conclusion. This guy is an imposter and they had Cameron taken away but not for long because me- well me and Jessica are going to get him back, one way or another.

"Tell us you imposter", Jessica says.

"I can't, the person who hired me told me not to tell anyone about our plan-

"What plan?".

"Nothing, what plan?", He says. God this is going to be harder than i thought.

"You better tell us, i am warning you kid, i have an evil side!",She yells.

"Another?", He asks and i hold back my laughter.

"Oh this is nothing, you don't want to get me mad", She says, now close to his face.

"Omar", He says.

"What?",I ask, looking at him.

"Omar Elizalde, She hired me to do her dirty work", He says. Maybe not so hard than i thought.


"Yeah girl, tall, black hair-

"Her!", I say. He has to be describing Kassy, i should have known she was behind all of this.

"Jess, can i talk to you for a minute?".

"Yeah what is it", She says and follows me to the corner, far away from the imposter or also known as Omar.

"He is talking about Kassy, he has to", I tell her and her eyes widen.

"I should have known", She says.

"I know but she has Cameron then?", I ask.

"Well, who else is obsessed with him like her, she must have him and by the way she picked out the right guy, he looks exactly like Cameron".

"Ok", I say and we get back to Cameron.

"So, Omar is it Kassy you're talking about?", I ask.

"Yes, i think that's her name because i heard them call her that".


"Yes, some guys that work with her".

"So she has upgraded, excellent", I say being sarcastic.

"Do you know where she might be?", I ask him.


"Great could you take us there?".

"I don't know", He says, then Jessica leans closer to his face with a face that could scare anyone.

"Okay, okay", He says and frowns.

"But we can't go right now, we have to wait a little while", Jessica says.

"As much as i don't like it you are right, it's for our safe and Cameron's too", i say and look at my phone, our selfie as my lockscreen. We were so happy in that moment, i stare at it for a good 5 minutes and realize something in it. Someone on the background, someone staring at us, and that someone is Kassy ladies and gentlemens. I check my camera roll and check our other pictures together and bam, there she is in that one, that one and that one. She was there the whole time and we did't even know.

"Jessica! Come over here!", I tell her and she hurries by my side. I show her the pictures and show her Kassy in each one.

"Woah!", She says taking a step back.

"I know, she was always there, measuring every little step we took", I say, scared.

"If this works out, we could do something else", Omar says holding us.

"How did you-

"Kassy teache me how to get out of being tied up, in case something like this happened and guess what?", He says. Looking at the pictures and taking my phone into his hands.

"Give that back!", I command him.

"It's her, that's the woman that hired me", He says.

"We know who she is", I say and look at Jessica. I walk over to him and point to Kassy.

"She is not the one who hired me", He says. "She is", He says and zooms in to someone else in the picture. Someone else behind Kassy.

"Who is that?", I ask.


"No, this is kassy".

"I am telling you, the person behind her is Kassy". What? Now there's two Kassy's that want revenge against me and Cameron? This is not good.

"What are we going to do, we don't know which Kassy has Cameron".

"You're right, It could be either one", I say.

"I could help you",He says.

"With what?".

"I could help you find him and if this works out, we could hang out sometime".

"Yes and No", I tell him.

"Jessica"I call out to her. She is still standing there with her phone.

"Jessica!", I scream.

"What, huh?", She says and puts away her phone.

"Omar is going to help us find Cameron", I tell her.

"Ok, but what are we going to do now?".

"I have a plan",I say and they both look at me waiting for an explanation.

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