Chapter 19

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the song for this chapter is:

Look after you- The Fray

(Geny POV)

I quickly threw the rose to the floor before i could talk to him.

(Cameron POV)

At first i thought she was going to talk about our relationship but i was scared for nothing, she wanted to talk about something more scary and serious. but then i saw the fright in her eyes, those big and beautiful hazel eyes.

"Yeah, what is it?". She looks at the table in front of us, theres someone there, someone familiar, someone looking at us.

"Um ,its about the day you went to my house".

"What is it, you didnt like the flowers did you? Gosh, i knew i should have gotten the pink ones and-

"No cameron, its not that, calm down, the roses were beautiful dont worry".

"Like you- like you were saying".

"Ok, after you left, there was a knock on the door, i opened it and there was no one but i did find a note", she takes a deep breath and continues.

"The note read, Well, well well guess who's back and i'm not going anywhere without a fight, he is mine and this time i am going to make sure, you suffer".

I need time, time to sort this out, how could this be, who could this be-


The name startles me but i process what she says, she's right, Kacy. It has to be Kacy, she was always after me and Geny but mostly me. She's so obsesed with me, i mean i know but why? And besides i have a girlfriend, which i adore and love.

(Geny POV)

Of course! It had to be her, it doesnt suprise me and most defenatly she doesnt scare me.

"Excuse me", the waiter says standing in front of our table.

"Yes", cameron replies.

"The lady from that table, wanted me to give you this note", he says while pointing to the table on front of us. Now what?

"Thank you", he says taking the note, he looks at me before opening it.

"Cameron", he looks at me again. I want to tell him not to read it, to ignore it but we were both in danger, so we had no choice. "Nevermind".

"Congratulations, you guessed right, its me Kacy. How did i return? If you are wondering this, i will tell you. REVENGE! You have been warned". Before i could say anything he looks at me, dead serious and says. "Lets go".

We headed back home, worried and scared. What the heck? What did she want, its been a year, cant she get over it and accept the fact that cameron is with me? Of course she cant because she is a stubborn, ungrateful little-

Cameron interrupts me by taking me hand, our fingers intertwined. This feeling is comforting, because i know he will always be here for me and i will be here for him. The whole way back was pure awkward silence. Well of course, what were we supposed to say, she had ruined us speechless. I knew better than to tell him anything because i could see in his eyes that he was going over what just happened. So i just sat there in silence looking out the window of the limo.

(Cameron POV)

Now i was really getting worried, for both of us, i need to always be by her side, to protect her.

(Geny POV)

When we got home, Jessica was in the couch. "So, what happened, why all the sad faces?".

"We're not sad, we're worried, really worried". She takes a step closer to us.

"Why, what happened?".

"Um, we had a little visitor at the restuaraunt", When i finish cameron takes out the note and hands it to Jessica.

"Woah, wait? She's back?!".

"Oh, she is back".

"What are you guys going to do".

"We are going to give her a taste of her own medicine and we are not giving up, she wants revenge, she will get revenge all right".

"You in Jess, Geny?".

"We're in". With that we put our hands in the middle like in the movies, to make the moment dramatic.

Me and Cameron explain to Jessica what happened in the restuaraunt and she says it doesnt suprise her. We need to make a plan that will teach her a lesson that she wont return, never. This time we need the help of everyone.

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