Chapter 29

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The song for this chapter is-

C'mon C'mon- One Direction

When we were ready, i couldn't believe the fashion choice Geny picked out, it was incredible. She is getting better and better everytime, i have taught her well.

(Geny POV)

When we came down to leave both of the boys were talking but they quickly turned to look at us.

"Woah", Cameron says.

"Woah", Zac says.

"Thanks", We both say.

"We are some lucky guys", Zac tells Cameron and walks closer to Jessica to holds her hand. Cameron does the same and says he agrees.

"Shall we go now?", Cameron says and looks at Jessica.

"Yes Cameron, we shall go".

We walk out and the limosine is parked outside, "Woah, are we taking that?", Zac asks.

"Yeah, it's Cameron's", Jessica says.

"Awesome", He says and holds the door out for Jessica to get in. Cameron holds my arm and leads me to the side. "I want this night to be perfect, okay?, no drama, no fights and no Kassy", he says and looks at me dead serious.

"Yeah, but is everything okay? You seem a little wierd".

"No, everything is okay, just old same me".

"Okay, can we go now?".

"Yeah, get in", He says and walks over to the other side, opens the door and gets in. I am just standing there.

"Aren't you going to get in?", he says from inside. What is going on, now i have to open the door for myself, that doesn't sound like him. I ignore it and just open the door and get inside.

"We're here!", He says and steps outside.

I, once again open the door and step outside, i turn to my right to see Jessica holding Zac by the arm like a real couple, not like me and Cameron. Speaking of him, he just walks inside the restuaraunt without me. So i walk in without him and see him sitting in a table.

"Why didn't you wait for me?",I ask.

"I didn't feel like it- I mean opps", he says. What is wrong with him, he is acting wierd and somewhat diffrent, i look at him and while i am there is something diffrent about him, he doesn't have that many freckles.

"What happened to your freckles, Cameron?", i ask and he suddenly looks nervous.

"I don't know, i guess they fell off", He says and touches his face. Fell off? What?

"What?", i ask. He looks at me opens his mouth to speak but Jessica and Zac walk in.

"Let's order okay?", He looks at me and says.

"Fine". There is something off and odd about him.

After we order i get up and excuse myself to the restuaraunt.

"Jessica can you come with me?".

"No thanks-

"Jessica, please come with me to the restroom".

"Okay", she half whispers.

We get to the restroom and i don't waste a minute to tell her what's going on.

"Something is up with Cameron", i tell her.

"What do you mean?", She says.

"I mean he is acting wierd", i tell her.

"He is not", She says.

"Yes he is".

I explain to her what happened a few minutes ago and what he told me outside our house.

"Still, Geny, i don't think he is acting wierd", she tells me. Ughh.

"Okay, nevermind thanks anyway", I tell her and she goes back to the table.

Something is not right, here.

She doesn't know Cameron like i do and i know that he is acting strange almost like he is not the same person-

Oh my god.

(Jessica POV)

What was Geny talking about, Cameron is perfectly fine, He is not actin wierd like she said-

"I need it now!", Cameron yells at the waiter.

"Is everything okay?", I ask Zac.

"I don't know, he is acting pretty strange.

"Hurry up you brat!", He yells again.

"Cameron calm down", Zac says but he makes it worse.

"Don't tell me what to do!", he says ans gets up.

"Cameron control yourself", Zac says and he stands up to.

Now people are staring and Geny is not back yet, what is taking her long. I need to talk to her, she was right. Cameron is defenatly himself right now.

"Cameron, people are staring", I say.

"Shut up you, whatever your name is!", he says.

"Don't talk to her like that!", Zac says and gets closer to him.

"What are you going to do about it?", Cameron says.

"Zac, leave it", I tell him and grab him, before he starts a fight.

"There you are!".He says and looks at Geny.

"What are you talking about?".

"Why did you take that long?".

"It's none of your bussines!", She yells back.

Now a lot of people are staring, Then the manager comes and asks us to leave.

"Excuse me, i'm going to ask you to leave", he says.

"Yeah, great i don't like this place anyways!", Cameron yells back. We get outside and Geny and Cameron start arguing. Like i have never seen them fight before.

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