Chapter 17

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The song for this chapter is:

Unpredictable- 5 seconds of summer

The knock in the door gets louder every second. We are still frozen, i still have Jessica pinned down on the floor.

"You don't think its-

We both scream when we hear the door open and a loud bang. We quickly cover eachothers mouths, but we are releaved when my mom yells.

"Geny i'm home sweety!".

"Phew!",we both say at the same time. I let her go and she runs away. She had enough time to get some clothes and put them in the bed, i don't have a choice but to change in to that since she took away all my clothes. I miss everything. Now i am stuck with girly things.

After 10 minutes of trying to walk in high heels, i was pacing my living room, i finally go down the stairs one step after another something i don't want is an accident. Right foot, left foot, right foot, left-

Ahhhh! I yell when i miss a step but someone catches me, holding me into their arms.

(Cameron POV)

I get invited to geny's house after i knock on the door, Jessica opens the door for me and Geny's mom is setting up the table.

"Good morning Mrs. Guzman, is Geny home?", my question is answered when I hear a scream and i see Her falling down. I run up to her and i catch her in time.

"Oh My God, Cameron i wasen't expecting you", she says.

"Well, if it wasen't for me you would have been in the hospital right now, so you can say i am a miracle", we stare at eachother for about 10 seconds, i am distracted by her beauty that i don't notice i am still holding her in bride style until Mrs.Guzman coughs, signaling me to put her down.

"Oh, sorry", i say and put her down.

"Thank you", she says and takes my hand, walking towards the kitchen.

"As you can see, Geny is home", her mom says.

"Yeah, i can see that".

"You were looking for me?".

"Yeah, i wanted to take you out, dinner or something, if that's okay with Mrs. guzman", we both turn to her, waiting for an answer.

"Please, just call me Ana, and the date is fine with me, you both have my approve".

"Ok, thank you and geny i'll pick you up at 6:00".

"Ok, 6 it is then".

"Yeah, oh and i brought you these", i say and give her the roses, i bought them while making my way here. I bought them cause they remind me of her, beautiful and fragile, but of course i wasen't going to tell her that.

(Geny POV)

First he catches me, then the date and now the flowers, he is so sweet!

"Ok, i have to go but see you later?", he says.

"Yes, later".

He closes the door behind him and Jessica turns to face me.

"Oh my harry, Geny i am so jelous, he is such a gentleman", she says and sits down to eat.

"Wow, geny he has made a pretty good impression, i really like that cameron guy", my mom says and hugs me. Then i sit down to eat, whatever this is. I guess my mom read my mind or saw the confused look in my face because then she explains what she made for breakfast.

"Geny i made honey almond polenta (hot cereal), now eat it", she says and take a bite. I turn over to Jessica and she is eating it too. I am about to take a bite when i hear the doorbell ring. I take that opportunity to not eat so i rush to the door but i don't find anyone just a piece of paper on the floor.

It reads, Well, well well guess who's back and i'm not going anywhere without a fight, he is mine and this time i am going to make sure, you suffer.


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