Chapter 5

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The songs for this chapter are:

Out of my limit- 5 seconds of summer

Heartbreak girl- 5sos

The ride was obviously awkward (i saw it coming) because we sat too close to each other not that i minded or anything but because we didn't talk that much. One moment we were having a normal intresting conversation ( don't ask me about what because it was about random things) and then the other moment was pure silence and i mean AWKWARD silence. He would turn to look at me, i would look back but he would immediantly look away. Honestly i don't know why Jessica would let us sit together, during the ride she would talk to us but just for a little because she would do nothing but sleep, that's Jessica for you.

(Cameron POV)

The ride was okay i guess, we had conversations about random things but at the same time they were intresting. I would catch a glance of her to see what she was doing but she was always caughting me so i just quickly turned away. I admit i was pretty bored, i didn't have any electronics with me but in my opinion i don't think Jessica was bored because i would hear her laugh and snore too. Geny looked pretty embarassed because we had some awkward moments where it was silence between us but the bus was pretty loud. Jessica didn't see, to mind, i think she was listening to music.

"What kind of music do you like?", i ask geny trying to make conversation, i also wanted to stop noticing the girls who were watching me in the front. They were pretty but not as pretty as geny.

"Oh, i like any type of music as long as i enjoy it", she responds caught off guard.

"That's cool i like any type of music too", i say back.

"I like One Direction music", We heare a voice from behind say.

"Yeah, i like them too they're not bad", geny says.

"Not bad? They are, what's the word? Ohh! PERFECT!", she says, now almost on top of us eating pickles.

"Yeah, i've heard of them, emma actually went to a concert one time", i say.

"Lucky", Jessica says when i feel like the bus crashed but it's just a stop.

(Geny POV)

"Where are we and why did we stop?", i ask either one of them.

"I think we are in a taking a 20 minute break, we should go to that shop around the corner, it looks nice", Jessica says.

"How do you know that?", he asks.

"Oh, i don't know maybe because everyone is getting off and the bus driver is explaining to some people that we are taking a 20 minute break", she says while pointing outside.

"Gotcha", i say. I do need a 20 minute break, this seat made my butt hurt.

"I think we should take a break, you know explore where ever we are", i add.

"Yeah, i agree", he says, looking at me. I feel butterflies everytime we make eye contact.

"Okay, let's go".

When we get off i feel more relieved, Jessica is already making her way to the store around the corner she said she wanted to go. I look at cameron telling him we don't have a choice so we follow her. We know where she is because we can hear her high heels from where we are. I like her heels though they are really pretty, but that's not the point. When we finally catch up to her, she is already buying three sunglases, a pair of shoes, a purse and some earrings. Wow she is a fast shopper!

"This place is huge", i say.

"Yeah, it looks small from the outside but the inside". He says, making a hilarious face. I let out a giggle but then covered my mouth so fast. He looked over me and smiled.

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