Chapter 38

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The song for this chapter is-

Hallway There- Big time rush

"Geny, i'm going to my Karate class", Jessic whispers.

"Ok", I tell her half asleep, as she walks out i talk to her.

"Wait! Can i go with you?", i ask her and she gets suprised.

"Um sure".

"Let me change first", I tell her and get up. I check my phone and it's barely 1:00 pm.

"Okay, i'll be outside", She says and leaves the room.

I figured if i knew Karate by Jessica in my dreams i minus well learn it from her teacher. I know it's just a dream but in my dreams, I was good and i want to see how i good i really am.

"Ouch", I say as Jessica throws me a kick on my side making me fall. "Wait, so in your dream you were good? I don't get it", She says and laughs. She helps me stand up and then we turn around to see two guys about to spar.

Two black belts, Jack and David

(Jessica POV)

We turn around to see two guys about to spar.

A cute one and a hot one.

(Geny POV)

Jack asks if they can wait like 5 more minutes because his friends were on their way but then David kicks him in the chest and he rolls back.

"Or we can just go now", He says ans stands up.

Jack starts throwing a kick his way and david blocks it. David tries to kick Jack but he ducks down, Jack throws another kick to his side, david blocks it then Jack throws a punch and david ducks.

"Go Jack!", I yell.

"This is so hard!", Jessica says.

"Why?", I ask.

"Because i don't know who to root for, Jack is cute but David is hot".

"Ok", i turn around to see what is happening in the spar.

Ending the sparing Jack goes down and spins his legs hitting David on his legs causing him to fall and flip over.

"Congratulations, Jack!". The sensay says and high fives Jack.

"Thanks", He says back.

"Learn from that", Jessica says.

"I am", I say back and see that Jack is coming our way.

"Hey Jess, Hey?".

"Geny", I say and shake his hand. "Nice to meet you?".


"I know", I say and he laughs.

"Hey, Jess can i talk to you for a minute?".

"Sure, be right back Geny", She says and he goes with Jack to talk.

I hope they don't talk about what i am afraid they are.

(Jessica POV)

"So, Jess i was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?".


(Geny POV)

"No!", I yell and every one turns to look at me. "No, you can't go to another Karate class this is the best", I say to my phone.

Everyone looks away and i walk towards Jessica and Jack.

"Can i borrow her for a second? Ok", I tell Jack and grab her by her arm.

"Ow, you're hurting me".

"I don't care, you can't go out with Jack".

"Why not?", She asks with her hands on her hips.

"Because you are mean to be with Zac", I say and she just looks at me.

"Geny, you need to let that go", She says and walks away. What is wrong with me? I need to let that dream go. But why is it so hard?

She comes back and doesn't say anything.

"I think i'm ready to spar", I say and she nods.

We get in position and everyone surrounds us, i preffered that people didn't see us, because i'm afraid i will fail but i will try my best.

We get in position and i start, i kick her on the side, she blocks it, She kicks my side again but i block it too. I aim for her stomach but she blocks it, I throw a punch, she blocks it then she throws another one but this time i push it away i turn around and block the other punch she throws, i grab it and flip her over, her landing on her butt.

"Now i know how it feels to be Kassy", She says and everyone applauds. I feel like such a show off because it was my first ever spar besides in my dream. I help her up and everyone leaves to what they were doing.

"I took you down, down to the ground", I celebrate until i see everyone is staring then i help her up.

"Congratulations you got the better of me", She says and hugs me.

"So, what did you sat to Jack?", i ask as we make our way to sit down.

"I said sure", I frown and she looks at me worried.

"Gent, why can't you accept the fact that it was a dream? I am starting to get worried", she says and starts streching.

"Idk and you aren't the only one worried here", I say and she laughs.

"You should be worried too but try to let it go okay?". I want to say something about Let it go but i remembered it hasen't come out, wait? How did i predict what movie was going to come out? That's just wrong.

"What are you thinking?",She asks.

"Nothing just how cute Jack", I say and she turns to look at me.

"I'm kidding, he's all yours", I say and put my hands in the air like a cop just caught me.

I don't need the dream to make me feel better, because i have Jessica.

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