Chapter 12

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The songs for this chapter are:

A drop in the ocean- Ron Dope

The next week is pretty good, i did't spend that much time alone, Jessica got back the next day and i spent a lot of time with her too. Recently nothing has bodered me, but there's only one thing that affects me, the park and the lonely swings that nobody has the courage to ride and enjoy. It's what's bothering me, it's where we met and i hate it, i hate for remebering this moment. I am able supposed to forget, move on and be happy with the dignity i have left. Today was the only day i thought of him, i am finally be able to understand and recognize what happened, why it happened. It was a lesson to understand and recognize that there is no ever after in happily ever after it doesn't exist.

The worst part about all of this is that i still love him enough to last a life time.

(Cameron POV)

The week has been really tough for me, i can't stop thinking about her, i can't imagine how much she is going throught. I really do care for her, i am barely recognizing my mistake, how much it hurt her and that i love her. All this time i thought i loved her but now i am sure that i love her, how did i not know that? But it's too late to tell her, i can't go to seattle right now, i am too busy, even though that's the only thing to do, i need to get to her even if it's the last thing i do.

(Geny POV)

While putting my clothes away and found a piece of paper, i start to unfold it and see a phone number written in it but not just a normal one, it was Cameron's. I quickly noticed because i used to do a lot of research of his personal information and i found his phone number and memorized it. That same moment my phone gets a text and my heart beats faster.

Geny, it's me Cameron we need to talk

No, that's what my only thought is, i don't need to talk to him.

C'mon please, you need to listen to me:)

Not if the human race depended on it.

Fine okay, bye

That's it? That's all he is going to try to get me to listen? That's why i did the right thing here, to staw away from him. I tried my hardest not to take him back but i did good.

(Cameron POV)

I tried my hardest to get her to talk to me but i'm not giving up yet, i know she goes to the park everyday to ride the swings, i know because she told me the first day we met and i remeber that beautiful moment. I am planning to meet her there tomorrow, if she doesn't know i am going she can't deny going.

(Geny POV)

I go to the park almost everyday and ride the swings, there is something about them that i can't get enough of, maybe it's the feeling i get when i'm on it or maybe the fact that i met Cameron there, but i can't remember that moment anymore.

I have a feeling i should go to the park, i don't know what it is but i feel i should go, it's like pushing me to go ahead and go. I decide to go, but i maybe regretting this later.

(Cameron POV)

I find her in the same spot, in the swings checking her phone, her phone is still up, she has a sweater and sweats, beautiful. Then she drops her phone by accident and cracks it again. I laugh because it's kind of cute.

"Oh cheese and rice", she screams, just like we met. I just hope it goes as well as the first time i met her too.

(Geny POV)

My phone cracks again but now from the front.

"Oh cheese and rice", i scream, i can't believe i cracked, not again! Wait, what's going on? This is like the first day i met-

"Hello", an angelic voice says. As i turn around to see who this voice belongs to I cant believe who i see, its him, My Savior, My Hero.

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