Chapter 8

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The songs for this chapter are:

Fearless- Olivia Holt

(Cameron PVO)

When i enter the room Geny spuns around and she looks beautiful, she looks diffrent good.

"Wow, you look beautiful", i say but i quickly regret it when i see the expression in her face.

"I mean pretty, you did a great work Jessica", i say still starring at her.

(Geny POV)

Am i a miracle worker? A little bit", Jessica brags i don't mind thought, i think i look stuning too. It's time to go to the airport, i am actually a little bit scared because i've never been on a plane before let alone a private jet! I don't like that about me, i am always scared but the feeling is starting to go away, heal even when i'm next to cameron. Somehow i feel protected when i'm next to him besides the butterflies of course i can't get rid of those no matter how hard i try.

When we got to the airport it's so packed, they are totally going to notice him."What do we do now, they are going to bust us!", i ask them.

"Don't worry i always have a backup plan in case something like this happens", he says while taking out a wig, a hat and the sunglasses that Jessica bought him.

We enter silently hoping no one notices us, we walk up to the front office without drawing attention to ourselfs.

"We have a private jet reserved that leaves to New York in twenty minutes", he tells the lady in the front.

"Under who's name?".

He whispers and says, "Cameron Boyce".

"Oh, Mr. Boyce i was expecting you, right this way", she says and we follow her outside where i see a huge jet parked. When we get inside it we start putting our bags away, Jessica is strugling because she doesn't want her clothes and makeup bags to get crumbly and messed up. I easily put my bags away and take a seat next to her, she is doing what she is normally does reading a magazine and listening to music with her pink headphones on. Cameron is on the other side watching a movie, should i go sit with him? Jessica doesn't notice i'm here so minus well.

(Cameron POV)

I take a seat next to a window and start watching the movie frozen, it's pretty funny so far. I don't notice Geny coming this way until she sits next to me.

"What are you watching?", she asks.


"Cool, i love that movie!".

"Why did you leave Jessica alone?".

"Oh, um well she didn't notice i sit next to her she was too busy being a girly girl," i says and we laugh together. I like her laugh, it expresses who she is.

"Yeah, on the other hand you look more like a sporty girl am i right?", he says smirking at me.

"Yes, actually i am, i'm more into sports than make up, boy bands and fashion," she says, i knew that the minute i saw her on the swing. Her hair was up on a bun, sweater and convers, same old geny.

"Do you want to watch frozen?", i ask.

"Sure i've watched it a lot of times and i never get bored watching it," she says. I hope nothing changes between us after i move back, i want our friendship to last a little longer. I think i am starting to developing feelings for her. By the time the movie ends she is already asleep but what moved me was that she rested her head on my sholdier but i let her not wanting to wake her up, she looks kind of cute when she is sleeping. I think fell in love with the way you fall asleep slowly, and then all at once. Geny.

(Geny POV)

When i wake up my neck hurts a little and my head is resting on Cameron's sholdier! He is asleep too, god he is so cute.

"Did you sleep well?", Jessica pops out in front of me and asks me.

"I didn't notice i rested my head on his sholdier", i confess.

"I don't think he minded because as soon as you rested your head in his sholdier he smiled and slept too, i've been evesdropping".

"Oh", i say, he smiled? All i could remember is falling asleep but not the rest. Whe Jessica goes back to her seat Cameron finally wakes up too. "What happened?", he asks, i gotta hand it to him his sleepy voice is Adorable!

"We must have fallen asleep", i say now i'm trying to pop my neck, i think we slept for about 30 minutes. I felt in heaven once again with him.

"I'm going to the bathroom," he says and stands up.

I make my way back to sit with Jessica, i really need to ask her for advice, what's going on with us? Does he feel the same way about me as i do with him? I don't know but i am going to find out but i want to avoid getting hurt. Not again.

"Jessica i really need your help and advice", i say and she quickly turns her attention to me.

"Okay, first thing is first don't wear shirts like that i mean it's pretty but you have to admit-

"No not about that and what's wrong with my clothes?".

"Oh, okay and everything! no offence".

"You know just because you say no offence doesn't mean it's not effensive", i say, seriously.


"It's okay but i wanted your help with cameron, i don't know what to do".

"what to do about what?"

"I don't know, i like him but i don't know if he likes me back what do i do?".

"Well, from what i learned with my experience with boys the best way to tell someone you like them is to just be honest, let it out easy".

I started thinking for a while about that and maybe she is right, is should tell him how i feel, it doesn't matter anyway since he is going back, but i hope he doesn't blow me off.

"Okay thanks, that's why i love you!", i say and hug her at the same time.

"You are very welcome and hey i was really impressed with what you did with kassy!".

"Oh it was nothing, i just kicked her butt!". We both laugh then Cameron gets out and walks over to me.

(Cameron POV)

While in the bathroom i started thinking about me and Geny, i should just confess how i feel right? It's my last chance because i'm leaving already. Okay, you can do this i say to myself as i make my way up to Geny.

(Geny POV)

I get nervous as soon as Cameron comes up to me. My hands are sweating and i feel like throwing up i was never good with boys, i couldn't make eye contact with one not even talk to one, how am i going to confess my feelings to the boy of my dreams? You have to! It's now or never. We go to a corner of the jet and i feel vomit making it's way up to my mouth.

"I need to tell you something", we both say at the same time.

"Sorry", again we say at the same time.

"You first", he says. Okay now i am freaking out how should i tell him? Oh my god.

"Okay, here it goes i ..i.. I like you Cameron", i am finally able to say it. I feel like i could do anything but now i don't want to hear what he has to say. Help.

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