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No one truly prepares you for the weight of complex emotions.

Today, I had to confront the reality that I miss you.

I even experienced a moment of weakness while rereading old conversations that reminded me of how close we once were.

Going through those text messages felt like peering into the life of a different person—someone who was genuinely connected to those she cared about.

That version of me is gone forever.

How cliché would it sound if I told you how much I was willing to endure to make our relationship last?

When you shattered the trust I had in you, you forced me to grow up in a way that changed me permanently.

This kind of experience has a way of transforming a person.

Looking back at my old self leaves me conflicted.

While I envy her trusting nature, I realize her innocence didn't truly fit in this world; people exploited those who were kind.

A part of me will always want you back in my life because I invested so much time and energy into us.

Above all, I wanted you to be happy, even if that wish now has to remain unspoken.

I wanted to fix what was broken, to fix you.

But trusting you again is a risk I can't afford to take.

I've learned many lessons in life, and one is that when trust is broken, it can never fully be restored.

I can't go back to who I was, and you can't change who you are.

If you were to hurt me again, it would be my fault for placing my trust in someone who deceived me once before.

Trust is a rare and priceless gift, and I've come to believe that firmly.

You showed me exactly why I can't trust you, and I have to accept that truth.

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