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He watched her from afar, mesmerized.

She was perfectly imperfect, almost unreal.

He felt an urge to have her notice him, but he didn't know how.

She was unpredictable—impossible to understand or control.

You couldn't tell her what to do or even how to do it.

And if she asked for your opinion, it had to be genuine, not just pretty words.

She wasn't easily swayed by people.

She was cautious with them all, waiting for someone who could captivate her, who could steal her attention and earn her trust.

He learned this about her one night, asking random questions at two in the morning—questions about people and what they meant to her.

After years of struggle, she learned to play life's masquerade, wanting to blend in but still feeling out of place among others.

She once thought life after high school would be figured out—a stable job, a car, a nice boyfriend, and a good life.

But life was never something that could be planned.

Life was a series of unpredictable events.

And it was those unpredictable people and experiences that made her feel alive.

But no matter how thrilling it was, she always chose to distance herself, afraid of getting hurt or left behind again.

She wasn't ready for that—not now, not anytime soon.

So she kept her soft side hidden.

She built her walls high, preferring the safety that came with feeling powerful and in control.

She managed her emotions with logic, shutting out vulnerability.

It might have been a lonely way to live, but at least her heart remained unbroken—still beating steadily, like a treasure rediscovered after being hidden away for years.

Behind her strength and unpredictability, only she truly knew the depth of who she was.

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