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-Unsent texts part two

I felt stuck in our chat, unable to accept that this was truly the end.

"I hate that you still affect me.

I no longer need you; I am whole on my own.

I admit I miss you sometimes, and I allow myself to feel that because it's part of my healing journey."

It seemed like I still had more to say, so I continued.

"I hope you find love one day.

I hope she helps you become a better person.

I wish she makes you forget about petty arguments and selfishness.

We were so in sync at times that I thought we shared a special bond.

I hope you discover that bond with her, the one I found with you.

I know making someone else the center of your universe will feel scary, but it will be worth it.

You might believe you're incapable of love, but I know you are; it's just not with me."

As I felt emotions rising, I realized I had made my point.

I deleted the text, just like I had done with so many before.

He wouldn't miss me; he had enough time to feel that way.

If he truly did, we wouldn't still be living separate lives.

Some things aren't meant to be, and that had to be enough closure for me.

It was time to genuinely move on and leave the past where it belonged.

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