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-Nostalgia kills us slowly.

I often imagined how a reunion with the people I once considered my closest friends would unfold.

During my lowest moments, when I felt heartbroken, I envisioned countless scenarios for that conversation.

It was only after I felt I had moved on and built a better life that those characters from past chapters began to resurface.

It felt as though life was toying with me, granting my wish at a time when their presence—or absence—seemed irrelevant.

I viewed it as a learning opportunity and approached the people who apologized with grace, choosing kindness to find the closure I needed.

Now, I had better people in my life, and I realized things would never be the same again.

I had changed significantly and could no longer see myself with the same crowd.

I did feel a wave of nostalgia as we interacted and exchanged smiles again.

Although we were on good terms, I was looking into eyes that once meant the world to me, now belonging to strangers on different paths.

I understood that these characters had their time in my life and taught me how to live without them.

They had become background figures I had forgiven to help me move on.

It felt like the end of a cycle and the start of a fresh chapter.

Even though life was improving, I still felt nostalgic for the past, for the people I loved and outgrew, and for the hardships that had shaped me.

I also found myself longing for the old version of myself, one that I knew I could never reclaim.

My soul's innocence was tarnished, and a silent storm raged behind my eyes.

I had fought through the pain to become who I am today, and while that was a significant achievement, the past would always hold a piece of my heart that I couldn't regain.

I recognized these mixed emotions but knew that this time, I wouldn't allow the same hurts to affect me.

I was stronger now, and I could handle it.

Though my heart was still healing, it still yearned for you.

However, I was no longer the girl who wore her heart on her sleeve and gave everything to others.

Nostalgia might sometimes suffocate me, but the heartbreak you caused was my only reality.

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