He tried to walk in but I pushed him back out and put down the flowers.
"What're you doing here?" I asked crossing my arms.
"You're my girlfriend. Why wouldn't I be here?" he said then rushed past me over to Michael.
I let out an angry sigh and stomped over to May and Riss like a six year old.
"What's wrong boo?" May asked.
"Chris is here." I sighed and both of them gasped.
I didn't tell them what happened, I just said we broke up and left it at that.
"Well what's the problem?" Marissa asked.
"I don't want him here." I pouted.
"Y'all's breakup wasn't that bad." May said eating chips.
"Little do you know." I mumbled walking back over to my mom.
Everyone gathered around. Chris was standing directly across from me and Cam was right behind me with a firm grip on my waist.
"Make a wish!" Everyone yelled in unison.
I wished for happiness, bent over, and blew out the candle. I looked behind me at Camerin and he was giving Chris an evil smirk.
Chris looked pissed, probably because I bent over on Cam, but we're not dating so it shouldn't matter.
I cut the cake for everyone and went to go sit down.
"What you doing here nigga? It's invite only." Cam said to Chris, wrapping his arm around my waist.
"I came cause its my girlfriend's party." Chris said sitting on the opposite couch from us.
"She ain't ya girl." Cam said tightening his grip on me.
"Well we didn't break up so she is." Chris shrugged.
"Fine.. we're done." I told Chris and got up and walked away. I was about to go explore my new house.
The kitchen was perfect and white wood with glass cabinets. I was walking upstairs when I felt someone grab my arm. I turned around to see Chris.
"Ugh! What do you want?" I asked snatching my arm back.
"You!" he said staring into my eyes. I just laughed and continued to walk upstairs. Of course he followed.
"Just leave me alone. I'm happy." I told him looking into the guest rooms.
"Cree clearly I care about you and wanna be with you if I'm chasing your ass." he said following me.
I walked to the master bedroom at the end of the hall. I looked in the closet and it was already filled with new clothes. I smiled because Cam is the sweetest.
"And you wanna be with me too or you wouldn't be smiling." Chris added.
"I was thinking about Camerin." I corrected him.
"Well I know you think about me too." Chris said. He was right but I wasn't gonna admit it.
Chris lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. "Stop!" I yelled pushing his face away from mine.
He kissed his teeth and started nibbling on my neck. "Chris stop" I moaned as he laid us down on the bed.
He leaned up and kissed me. I tried to push his hands away as he started to play with my love. We were having a full on make out session.
"Cree, I-" Cam said walking in but as soon as he saw us he sighed and walked out.
I pushed Chris off of me and ran after Camerin. "Cam I-(gco)"
"Cree don't. You obviously still wanna be with that nigga if you lettin him kiss on you." Camerin said leaning against a wall.
"Look, I promise I always gotchu if something go wrong, and you always got a place to stay, with me. But for real be with him. Cause if you wanted to be with me, then we'd be dating." Cam said walking away.
It was true, I still wasn't over Chris after all he's done. I walked back in the room and Chris was just sitting on the bed.
"So.. we back together?" Chris asked.
"On my rules." I said.
"Okay what are they?"
"One.. you will never hit me again ever."
"I promise I won't." he said.
"Mmhhmm. Two.. if I get pregnant again, I'm keeping it." I said.
"No. Not unless you're eighteen. But until then you're getting an abortion. You can believe that."
"Three.. use a got damn condom." I said.
Chris smiled, walked up to me, and pulled me in for a hug.
"I love you." I mumbled into his chest.
"You too." he said taking my hand and leading me back down stairs. Cam just shook his head and started talking to his friends.
Did I really fuck up with letting Chris back in?

What She'll Do For Love (Completed)
FanfictionShe'll do anything for him, but he won't do much for her unless she's with someone else Completed : June 28, 2014